All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 708

As Iger Hamilton, who has half vampire blood and half human blood, at the top of the whole secret base, he looked down at his men who were busy studying or training. After about a minute or two, he didn\'t look back and asked, "what\'s the matter? Has the latest statistical report come out?"

"Come out, boss. Do you want to listen now?" a 40 year old white woman in a professional dress hurriedly stood up.

"Of course!" Iger nodded without thinking.

"At present, there are 1100 strength enhancers in the base, of which nearly a quarter of the physical test data have reached more than 20 times that of normal people, and are still growing. In addition, there are 800 magic talent enhancers, about 130 of whom have completed basic courses and can release some powerful spells. As for the rest, it is not min Agile enhancers are compound enhancers, and researchers are still testing them. "The woman gave the answer with the fastest speed.

"It sounds like progress is fast, but it\'s not enough. Remember, my request is to create an elite team that can 100% obey orders and resist the attack of the North American Supreme Council within half a year." Iger asked solemnly.

It\'s not that he is too anxious. Anyone who lives in the shadow of the Supreme Council will be impatient and eager to get the strength to protect himself.

Obviously, the woman knew that this was not the time to argue. She bent down and bowed slightly and replied, "yes! Please rest assured that within six months, I guarantee that you will have a strong army ready to go into underground war."

When Iger heard this sentence, a satisfied expression appeared on his face: "very good! I believe you won\'t let me down. In addition, what new trends have the people I ordered you to pay attention to last time?"

"Yes! I have just received a report here. He went to sea to salvage several sunken ships some time ago, but I don\'t know why he didn\'t return with the ship. Instead, he returned to New York alone three days ago to meet another heavyweight, and then they disappeared on a yacht in the port area early this morning."

After that, the woman took out a few pages of the report with photos from the folder in her arms and handed it to her.

"Laverne? Salvage the sunken ship?" Iger narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself, and the whole person was in a state of meditation.

After five minutes, he raised his head and ordered in a decisive tone, "find it for me! Use all resources and means! Be sure to find their whereabouts within five hours. I can feel that they must be carrying out some particularly important secret operations and hiding it from the North American Supreme Council."

"Yes! I\'ll give orders at once."

"Also! Don\'t let the other party find out! You can\'t deal with these two big people now! Especially the young one is still our most important ally at this stage. I don\'t want to turn him into an enemy."


Just as Iger used all his resources to find a place for the two, the sky in Arequipa, in southern Peru, had darkened.

Zhang Cheng is sitting on the lounge chair on the balcony, enjoying the beautiful scenery at sunset and tasting the freshly squeezed local juice. His mental state looks so relaxed.

Behind him, tasima\'s consciousness has occupied the soul of a 17-year-old girl and is further transforming and integrating her body.

In about 20 minutes, the priestess from more than 1000 years ago finally finished all her work. Wearing a light suspender skirt, she came to the balcony and said with a smile, "I\'m glad you fulfilled your promise so soon. This temporary body is very suitable for me and can carry at least one tenth of my strength."

"Just like it." Zhang Cheng held up a glass bottle full of fruit juice and poured a glass of fruit juice for the other party.

"Thank you!"

Tasima lifted up her long black hair and took the initiative to sit on another recliner next to the table. Her vision never moved away from the deformed wrist guard of the sun scepter.

As a priestess, it is impossible for her not to know the story about the sun god inti and the city of gold.

To be exact, the completion time of the golden city is not too far from her birth. Combined with the information given not long ago, it is easy to guess what this seemingly ordinary decoration means.

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly aware of this. He came out and pretended to inadvertently test: "are you interested in my new wrist guard?"

"Wrist guard? Hehe, do you think I can\'t recognize the second form of the sun Scepter?" the priestess asked with a smile.

"Oh? So you know! Then why didn\'t you tell me before?" Zhang Cheng stared into each other\'s eyes.

Because he doesn\'t trust anyone, he is always full of vigilance subconsciously and feels that the other party has hidden some ulterior purposes.

Tahima seemed completely indifferent to verbal offenses and explained to herself: "It is said that the city of gold was first built under the favor of the sun god inti, and it took hundreds of years to barely complete. The subsequent decoration and improvement have not stopped. According to the results of my investigation, the original purpose of building it is definitely not like the propaganda. It is the Sun God to protect his direct descendants, but to satisfy a goddess\'s desire for strength The ambition of power. "

"You mean... The Inca souls in the city of gold are actually raw materials used to transform energy? The scepter itself is a transformation tool, and the little sun in the sky is an energy storage device?" Zhang Cheng was obviously surprised and subconsciously touched the golden gem protruding from the wrist guard.

"That\'s right! In order to borrow the power of the sun god, that bastard bachue secretly borrowed the left sun scepter to create a country controlled by himself. Since the sun scepter is in your hand now, she must be dead, the creator of the city of gold?"

In saying this, the priestess\'s tone revealed an undisguised gloating.

Needless to ask, there must be a deep grudge between the two.

"Yes! My allies and I killed her. By the way, do you have a grudge against her?"

"Hatred? No, the relationship between us is not that simple. More than a thousand years ago, I was even willing to exchange everything and even my soul for her destruction. Bachue was a sinner of Inca. She pushed us into the bottomless abyss in exchange for her immortality."

"Interesting! So you were imprisoned because of resistance? I don\'t understand. Why didn\'t she kill you once and for all?"

"She won\'t kill me easily, but wants to tame me through imprisonment and let me serve her like a poor slave. Unfortunately, I never really give in and will never give in..."