All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 707

"Incredible... I can\'t feel the temperature..." Zhang Cheng stretched out his arm and muttered to the huge golden fireball boiling above his head.

Although from a distance, the smaller sun seemed to be only the size of an adult man\'s palm, it was actually closer to the size of a house.

When it approached, the gold around it, which had begun to solidify gradually, melted into a hot liquid again, and the ground gave off a pungent burning smell.

Obviously, this thing is not without temperature, but the gold scepter allows the holder to avoid being directly evaporated into a gas by the terrible heat.

The fairy female demon hunter seemed unable to bear the burden caused by the rapid rise of ambient temperature. She immediately opened her wings and glided back for more than 200 meters. She was terrified and stared at the scene beyond her understanding.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Chengcai finally figured out the connection between the scepter and the little sun and began to try to control it.

Soon, the huge fireball gradually shrinks, shrinks, shrinks again

Finally, it becomes a tennis ball sized entity with highly condensed positive energy, which is snapped into the hollow groove in the shape of the sun at the top of the scepter.


The golden scepter burst out dazzling light, and the original insignificant lines on the surface seemed to be activated. They split metal strips of different sizes one after another, followed by re structuring the external form.

About half a minute or so, it narrows from a scepter more than one meter long to a gold wrist guard.

If there were not a gem flashing golden light right above the wrist guard, I\'m afraid no one would ever associate it with the gold scepter just now.

There is no doubt that this is an artifact, an artifact that has really been used by Indy, the sun god in the Inca mythology system. Now it is the embodiment of its complete posture.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of snap combination, the wrist guard is worn on the right wrist.

Suddenly, a warm and encouraging energy flowed rapidly along the blood circulation.

Zhang Cheng tries to raise a finger and gather energy at his fingertips.

Next second


The dazzling golden energy, like a laser, quickly cut the earth in front of you into a gully several meters deep. It didn\'t stop until two or three seconds after cutting off the energy supply.

Staring at the cut ground ahead, he couldn\'t help raising the corners of his mouth. He smiled and nodded with satisfaction: "good power! This is worthy of the name of the artifact. It\'s like another piece of rough garbage, which insults the word artifact."

Just talking!

The strange space where the golden city is located suddenly vibrated violently, followed by a loud bang.

In just a few minutes, both the sky and the ground show signs of collapse. Some collapsed places in the distance have exposed a deep black void.

There is no doubt that the trumpet sun floating in the sky is the core to maintain the existence and operation of the world.

Once it is gone, the whole world will enter the countdown to destruction.

However, the scope is relatively large, so the collapse will last for a period of time, maybe a few days, weeks and months. Anyway, it will certainly not exceed a year.

But for Zhang Cheng, this place has lost its value, so he took hilna across the portal and returned to the bottom of guadavida lake.

Without any hesitation, he directly destroyed the golden mural used to open the channel, and directly transmitted it back to the town before the lake covered everything. Then he hired another car and drove straight to Peru in the south.

Relying on the slightly dirty rear seat back of the SUV, while chatting with the driver in Spanish, he contacted Ye Lianna who was looking for a girl with Inca sacrificial blood through his mobile phone.

After several hours of long-distance travel, we finally arrived at Arequipa, an important city in southern Peru.

Although it is neither very prosperous nor many high-rise buildings, with a population of only hundreds of thousands, it retains a considerable number of ancient buildings in the Spanish colonial period.

The driver with a beard was sent off with $300. Ye Lianna immediately lowered her voice and reported: "boss! I have found several suitable targets. Here are photos and materials. Which do you think is more suitable?"

"Oh? I found it so soon!" Zhang Cheng glanced at the details on the other party\'s mobile phone screen in surprise.

"Yes! This was originally the birthplace of the Inca Empire. Although it has been enslaved and slaughtered for a long time, the number of indigenous residents is not small. Coupled with poverty, as long as you spend more money, you can get everything you want." Yelena explained in a low voice.

We should know that the whole Latin American region is basically a standard resource exporter, and the pricing power of agricultural products and natural resources is not in their own hands.

Not to mention the pricing power, some are simply controlled directly by multinational enterprises and consortia. Even if the economic data seems to be OK, there is not much money in the hands of ordinary residents.

Under such conditions, the rise of Latin America is a ghost, and Peru is no exception.

"Well done! Get all these girls and let tasima choose for herself. Oh, by the way, it\'s best not to use violence. I don\'t want to see blood, okay?"

After saying this, Zhang Cheng went straight into the booked hotel room and planned to eat some local specialties to relax his nerves a little.

"Violence? No, boss, the dollar is much more useful here than simple violence..." Ye Lianna left a meaningful look, got into a car and stepped on the accelerator, planning to finish it before dark.

Of course, she did not tell these girls and their parents to choose a new body for a priestess who broke the seal in ancient times, but deceived them into having a chance to go to the United States.

In the whole Latin American region, no national of any country can resist the opportunity to go to the Lighthouse of freedom, whether through smuggling or anything else, and whether they can get legal identity certificates or not.


At the same time, far away in the inaccessible virgin forest of Alaska, the behind the scenes controllers of the United States have gathered more than 3000 elite veterans and professional bodyguards who drank evolutionary medicine.

With the help of scientific summary and classification, these people began to systematically learn the magic and martial arts knowledge obtained from Zhang Cheng.

They have only one goal, that is, to create an army that can withstand the attack of the Supreme Council in a short time.

In addition to the study and training of supernatural forces, these trainees also took into account the thermal weapon system, and even tried to add magic elements to guns, bullets, missiles, bombs and other things.

Perhaps from the perspective of the underground world, these knot technologies are still very rough, but over time, they are bound to make great strides forward