All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 706

After confirming how to distribute the most important booty, Laverne asked seriously, "dear zhang, I just heard Faust mention that you just detonated a nuclear warhead?"

"Yes! What\'s the problem?" Zhang Cheng spread his hands, as if he didn\'t care about it at all.

"Of course there\'s a problem! Don\'t you know the decree of the joint meeting of the Supreme Council?" Laverne leaned forward slightly, trying to make himself look more oppressive.

As a cautious man, the last thing he wants to see is to provoke powerful enemies for no reason, especially giants like the Supreme Council in all corners of the world.

Looking at the warning in the other party\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng replied with a smile: "I know. But are you sure you want to take it seriously? Don\'t forget what we are doing now and what the purpose of the Supreme Council is. To some extent, our ambitions and goals are essentially in conflict with the ideas of the Council. This means that one day we will become enemies, immortal enemies. Because the Council represents maintenance and defense In the past, we represent subversion and transcendence. "

"Old friend, he\'s right. You take the Supreme Council too seriously and even forget your original intention to join the Council. We don\'t want power or wealth, but regard it as a convenient tool and an important channel to obtain intelligence and resources. That\'s all." Faust echoed.

"Damn it! That doesn\'t mean we\'re going to war with the Supreme Council now! It\'s almost no different from the enemy of most of the world!" Laverne complained with a frown.

There is no doubt that the present three person alliance is entirely out of the combination of interests. There are great differences between each other in both character and concept.

"War? I didn\'t say war with the Supreme Council now! On the contrary, like you, I am a member of the Supreme Council and have great power and wealth. I mean, we can disintegrate the North American Council from within and make it what we want. In addition, do you think I haven\'t considered the consequences of using nuclear warheads? No, I Yes. Since our next battles are likely to take place in different space and debris world, it is very unlikely that the nuclear explosion will attract the attention of the outside world. "Zhang Cheng explained calmly.

Of course, he didn\'t tell the truth hidden in his heart.

In fact, another purpose of collecting nuclear weapons is to directly trigger a global thermonuclear war as a last resort and quickly reduce the number of humans to less than one thirtieth of the original.

In this way, we can not only hit the gods who rely on faith to obtain power, but also obtain a large number of soul resources.

Most importantly, if the largest intelligent life group on the planet enters the countdown to extinction, God will certainly not ignore it, and their energy and attention will undoubtedly be greatly distracted.

"Transform the Supreme Council?!" laforn was slightly surprised.

He can\'t believe that Zhang Cheng\'s ambition is so great that he wants to pry the ancient system that has been followed for hundreds of years.

Faust seemed to get rid of the image of the rules of death at the moment, pursed his mouth and joked: "Why not? I think it\'s a great idea. Think about it. If speaker Cosmo dies, who is qualified to control the North American Supreme Council? Are those fools who only know how to compete for power and profit? No, only you are qualified. When one of you takes the position of speaker, I can hunt down those members one by one and make them Living corpses. As long as they are fast enough, they can definitely solve all the congressmen before someone notices something wrong. "

"Then we can control the underground world in North America through these corpse councillors." Zhang Cheng added the last sentence with a smile.

Laverne touched his chin and his eyes kept flashing a strange light, as if considering the feasibility of the plan and the risks to be taken.

About five or six minutes later, he finally took a deep breath and refused: "Too radical! In particular, speaker Cosmo is not an easy guy to deal with. What\'s more, you think only the members of the Council need to deal with? No, we have to deal with the ancient families and wizard associations entrenched in North America. I will never take the risk until at least 90% of them are in control. However, I agree with Zhang on the use of nuclear warheads , it\'s OK to use it in different space or debris world. "

"What a conservative old stubborn..." Faust was obviously dissatisfied with the answer, shook his head and whispered.

"Whatever you say, I won\'t agree anyway. Well, the discussion on this topic is over. Next, I\'ll disappear for a while and digest these divinities. If there\'s nothing important, I\'d better not disturb me."

With these words, Laverne turned through the portal and disappeared out of the sight of the other two.

"I\'m going back to study the body of the God, too. What else do you want to say?" Faust licked his lips, and his pupils burst out chilling excitement and expectation.

"No! Don\'t forget to take care of the Spanish government for me. You know I hate the trouble that can\'t be clarified." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Hehe, don\'t worry. If I can\'t make up my mind about this little thing, will I have the face to live? As for the compensation, I\'ll ask my servant to send you a list in a few days. Pick whatever you like. Don\'t be polite."

As soon as the voice fell, Faust grabbed the body of the goddess bachue, jumped over the portal and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing that the two old guys had left, Zhang Cheng relaxed a little and asked without looking back: "hilna, have you found that thing?"

"Of course, master. You see, it\'s right here..."

With the familiar voice, the elf female hunter slowly came out of her hiding place and showed a strange golden scepter.

"Great! I\'m afraid my two short-sighted allies will never think that the most precious thing in the golden city is not a goddess at all, but the scepter used by the sun god inti." Zhang Cheng took the scepter and felt the powerful power in his hand.

In myths and legends, it was this golden staff that sent the direct descendants of the sun god to the earth and created the later brilliant Inca civilization.

Of course, he didn\'t care whether these legends were true or false.

What really interested him was the ability of this scepter to control the trumpet sun in the sky.

When the end of the scepter with the sun mark was aimed at the sky, the little sun hanging over the golden city shook violently, followed by a rapid reduction in height as if attracted by some mysterious force, and finally hovered less than one meter away from the scepter