All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 705

"The spokesman of death? It sounds like a powerful name." Zhang Cheng joked as he stood next to Laverne when he didn\'t know when to send it back.

"It\'s very powerful! Do you know what the huge virtual shadow behind Faust is? It\'s the embodiment of the power of death in the whole world! Except for those gods of death who have disappeared for many years, he is the only mortal who has mastered this power." Laverne explained seriously.

"The representativeness of death power? You mean the rules of death!" Zhang Cheng suddenly realized something, and his eyes twinkled with a strange light.

Laverne responded without thinking: "yes! It\'s the rule of death. But as far as I know, he can\'t fully control this power. Once excited, he will fall into a state of losing himself and attack everything around him indiscriminately until enough life is harvested. So don\'t get close, otherwise 100% will be affected."

"The principle is so......" Zhang chengruo nodded thoughtfully.

There is no doubt that death is not only a powerful force, but also a basic rule that exists in all worlds.

It is neither good nor evil. It just maintains the balance between life and death.

Those who understand or master this power can take the lives of thousands of people, even the gods.

As a saying goes, nothing in the world is truly immortal. Even the vast universe will eventually be destroyed. Therefore, the so-called immortality of gods is only relative to ordinary people. They also have to pay a price in front of the rules of death.

But they can resist for longer than mortals with a shorter life span.

However, what puzzles Zhang Cheng is how a necromancer obtains the death rules. Normally, it is impossible for mortals to withstand this level of power and will be killed in an instant.

Of course, he is not stupid enough to ask such questions that involve the deepest secrets of others face to face. He simply closes his mouth and observes them with his own eyes.

Faust de Mingxian was unaware of this and kept controlling the huge virtual shadow behind him to attack the goddess.

With the constant acceleration of attack frequency, his mental state obviously began to be affected, and the whole person became more and more indifferent and ruthless. At last, his eyes even reflected the dark light of dead gray.

"No! You can\'t kill me! I\'m the descendant of the great sun god inti! If I die, he will not let you go when he wakes up." bachue shouted in panic while desperately resisting the erosion of the death rules, trying to intimidate his opponent with the name of the sun god.

Unfortunately, the three present had already made up their minds to achieve their ambitions even if they were enemies of the gods. No matter what she said, it would not help.

Forced and helpless, the goddess finally made up her mind to fight to the death. She held up the liquid sphere flashing emerald green in her hand and shouted in the ancient Inca language: "great and sacred lake! Please listen to my call! Show your real posture!"


The voice just fell!

The whole liquid sphere expanded rapidly and formed a huge water element life body with a height of more than four floors in less than five seconds.

It is so powerful that the essence of divine water flows all over the body. It is estimated that ordinary physical attacks and spells can only cause one tenth of the damage at most.

What is more terrible is that under the action of divinity, it can constantly convert any form of energy into the water it needs. Unless it can be killed at once, it will recover in a short time.

"Go! Kill these invaders for me!" bachue ordered directly.


With the intense water spray surging, the huge water element life rushed to the necromancer in front of him, and suddenly ejected an omni-directional high-pressure water knife without dead angle from his body.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Faust was cut into a dozen pieces in one second.

"Damn it! Help him! Or this guy may lose control again!" laforn became a little restless when he saw this scene.

"As you wish!"

Knowing that it was no time to joke, Zhang Cheng immediately took out half a gold sundial that had been treasured for a long time, absorbed the light emitted by the small and medium-sized sun in the sky, and fired it at the giant water element.

A dazzling golden light flashed, and a large amount of water vapor was evaporated into gas at high temperature, and the volume of water element was reduced to four fifths of the original,

Such amazing lethality immediately angered the original simple water element, threw down Faust, who was recovering from his injury, and went straight to Zhang Cheng\'s position.

"This thing has always been in your hand?" Laverne was slightly surprised.

"Why, is it strange? Don\'t forget, I solved that matter." after saying that, Zhang Cheng raised the golden sundial again and shot a hot strong light, continuing to weaken the power of water element.

Because he knew that as long as he consumed the water in the life of the summoned element in front of him, the other party would immediately lose his action ability and return to his original form.

As for hard hitting, he won\'t be so stupid and take the initiative to give up his biggest advantage.

With the short-range and fast flashing transmission magic, Zhang Cheng almost didn\'t bother, so he slipped this powerful summoning creature that should be very difficult to deal with alive.

At the same time, Faust on the other side also completed the killing of bachue.

After all, this is the goddess of the lake. She has long lost her most powerful power in her heyday. The brilliant Inca civilization created by her people also perished hundreds of years ago.

Looking at the God who fell to the ground and even the body was a little incomplete, laforn\'s eyes twinkled with excitement and expectation. He was the first to say, "I need the remaining divinity in the body! At least half!"

"I want the body and the other half of the divinity!" Faust also put forward his own request.

He didn\'t seem to get rid of the influence of the death rules. His tone was filled with cold chill, as if he could turn over at any time.

"Well, it seems that I can only have this interesting gadget, but you have to give me some compensation." Zhang Cheng said, playing with the cold liquid sphere in his hand.

"What compensation do you want?"

Seeing that Zhang Cheng didn\'t insist on competing for divinity, Laverne was obviously relieved and a faint smile reappeared on his face.

We should know that in his inherent concern, divinity is the most precious thing in God, a treasure that can\'t be exchanged for anything.

"Well... I haven\'t thought about it yet. Maybe you can give me a form to choose from when you go back." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

To tell the truth, he really doesn\'t look like a third rate God who is extremely weak and relies on faith for strength.

"No problem!"


Faust and Laverne gave a positive answer without even considering it.