All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 704

Golden City Central Square

At the moment, it has become a huge pit under the impact of the amazing energy generated by nuclear fusion. The hot wind keeps circling over the sky, burning all animals and plants to ashes.

Everything around, whether it is all kinds of buildings, statues and roads piled up with gold nuggets, or the soul of Incas living here as residents, has disappeared, leaving only a lump of liquid gold that has not been completely cooled.

However, in the deep pit, the goddess bachue did not die, but wrapped herself with a very clear water ball and successfully resisted the power of nuclear explosion.

Of course, she was not unharmed, in which the right half of her body was almost completely gasified, the edge showed abnormal black scorch marks, and the golden blood containing divinity was constantly dripping along the wound.

Obviously, the mysterious substance like water is not real water, but a powerful artifact.

As a god born from mortals, she was actually a little lake goddess at the beginning.

you \'re right!

Lake Titicaca, formerly regarded as a sacred place by the Incas, is now called Lake guadavida.

As for the title of ancestor goddess, it was later accepted by the sun god inti.

Since she is the goddess of lake water, her control over water will not be too weak.

In particular, she also got the natural treasure originally hidden in the deepest part of guadavida lake, and then combined with her own strength to finally create this thing called essence divine water.

If it hadn\'t absorbed most of the energy generated at the moment of explosion, it would have evaporated into gas at a terrible temperature


Never as omnipotent as people think!

If someone is preaching that his God is omnipotent and the supreme creator of the world and even the universe, he is either an idiot who knows nothing or a complete liar.

When bachue struggled to jump out of the pit and saw the desolate scene before, he immediately roared angrily: "asshole! These damn invaders! My golden city! The dream country I created with my own hands! It was so destroyed!"

Just when she was hysterical to vent her fierce emotions in her heart, a hammer shaped electric light suddenly fell from the sky and hit it with a slap, suddenly producing a large dazzling white electric light.

Fortunately, the essence of divine water was also wrapped around the body and successfully absorbed a huge part of the damage. Otherwise, it would be half disabled even if it didn\'t die.

Obviously, it was no one else who threw the hammer lightning. It was laforn who had just passed through the black gate.

Because the power of the nuclear warhead explosion just now is too great, even on the other side of the portal, you can still feel the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Therefore, he gave up guarding the entrance and came to see what had happened. As a result, he saw the injured goddess at the first sight and took the initiative to attack without thinking.

"Divine descendant?!" bachue narrowed his eyes and showed vigilance.

"Good morning, dear goddess. Could you please tell me what happened here before and where my allies have gone?" Laverne quickly gathered strength to prepare for the next attack while carefully testing.

But when they looked at each other without saying a word, Faust finally leaped a distance of tens of kilometers, suddenly swooped down from a high place and stared at each other with eyes like a hungry wolf: "you\'re not dead! Very good! Very good! It seems that I\'m about to get the research material I dream of."

The voice just fell!

His thin body began to emit black smoke. After a while, a huge virtual shadow wearing a cloak formed behind him.

Laverne seemed to know the power of the virtual shadow. He immediately stepped back to keep a safe distance. At the same time, he asked loudly, "old friend, can you tell me what\'s going on here and where Zhang and his hands went before the war?"

"Don\'t worry, our allies are fine. In fact, what you see now is caused by him. You know? You always said I was a little crazy before, but today I found that there are people in the world who are more crazy than me." Faust replied meaningfully.

"You mean Zhang?" a flash of surprise flashed into laforn\'s eyes.

"Hey! That\'s right! Can you believe it? He detonated a nuclear warhead without thinking! There was no hesitation! Nor did he consider the consequences! I have to say that the most correct decision you have made in your life is to pull him into our camp. I can\'t imagine what a terrible thing it would be if you were against such a guy one day."

When he said this, Faust\'s mouth turned up slightly, showing a chilling twisted smile.

"What?! nuclear warhead! Is he crazy? It was strictly prohibited at the joint meeting of the Supreme Council, and no residents of the underground world were allowed to make, store and use that thing. Once it was found, whoever would face the siege from all over the world." laforn\'s voice trembled slightly.

Now he realized how wrong he had always thought he knew each other\'s ideas very well!

"Hum! Believe me, if one day, he will not mind pulling the whole world to destruction. To some extent, he and I belong to the same kind of people. Well, let\'s stop chatting. Next, you\'d better stay away. I don\'t want to hurt you..."

When the last word blurted out, Faust immediately raised his left hand and made a chop at the goddess.

The huge virtual shadow behind him also swung his axe and smashed it straight ahead.


The surging death energy spewed out and completely shrouded the target.

Bachue couldn\'t dodge at all. He had to continue to hold up the essence of divine water and try to resist the attack.

But she obviously doesn\'t understand the particularity of death energy, especially the special death energy created by Faust, the most powerful necromancer.

In just a few seconds, her body and appearance gradually began to age, from the appearance of about 20 years old to the image of a 40 year old middle-aged woman, and many parts of her skin even grew wrinkles.

You know, bachue is a goddess!

A true goddess who will never grow old and die!

But now, someone actually destroyed the immortal cells of her body and made it move towards the end of life like a mortal.

For a moment, unspeakable panic inevitably came to my mind.

"You... You cracked the mystery of death?!"

"Crack? No, no, no, I integrate the mystery of death into myself. I, even the only spokesman of death in the world," Faust replied coldly.