All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 703

"Kill me? Arrogance! Do you know where this is? This is the city of gold! A place blessed by the great sun god inti!"

The goddess bachue was obviously angered and roared, looking up at the sky with open arms.


The trumpet sun, emitting light and heat, suddenly burst into a golden light that people can\'t open their eyes.

And each light is like a sharp arrow falling from the sky, piercing the Inca souls kneeling on the ground one after another, and injecting unimaginable huge positive energy into them.

In less than a minute, thousands of soldiers wearing gold armor and holding energy weapons were created out of thin air.

Most importantly, they do not seem to need command and command at all. They spontaneously gather to form a close combat formation, which is arranged on the square like a platoon.

Seeing this sudden change, Zhang Chengfei did not show a little panic, but showed a contemptuous smile: "do you think the crowd tactics will work for me?"

"It won\'t work until you try! Besides, do you think these sun warriors are just consumables? No, they are much better than you think."

With the last word blurted out, bachue immediately raised his right hand and gave the command of attack.

The Incas, known as the sun warrior, immediately roared in unison, followed half of them to charge, and the other half gathered the energy weapons in their hands to form a huge light spear tens of meters long.

Next second


The light spear flew out at a speed that could not be distinguished by the naked eye, smashed the enemy\'s position, and triggered a violent energy explosion. The power was so powerful that even gold melted into a hot liquid under the terrible high temperature.

Unfortunately, as Zhang Cheng repeatedly mentioned before, too single attack form can not pose a real threat to alchemists.

He stood unharmed in the golden solution, raised his left hand to aim at the sun warriors on the charging Road, sneered and muttered: "want to drown me with a large number of enemies? Naive! Maybe the super missile storm can change your stupid idea."

The voice just fell!

His fingertips suddenly burst out thousands of gorgeous magic missiles, rowed beautiful arcs along the air, and launched indiscriminate coverage attacks on all enemies in front.

In less than three or five seconds, nearly two-thirds of the sun warrior directly disappeared in the world with his soul, and the other one-third was injured.

Not to mention them, even two or three death angels who were accidentally involved turned into ashes under the terrible barrage.

With the bonus of the highest authority of the artifact, even the most common spells can cause terrible damage, not to mention the improved version of the missile storm.

The goddess bachue obviously didn\'t expect that the warrior made by herself with the power of the sun god survived even one round, and a look of consternation appeared on her proud face.

Zhang Cheng, who always only pays attention to the results and does not see the process, will not miss such a good sneak attack opportunity. He takes out a conical warhead from the magic waist bag and restores it to the normal size of more than one meter, quickly enters the corresponding password, then turns around, pulls up Faust and hilna, starts the group transmission magic and escapes tens of kilometers away.

Before the other two people could react to what had happened, they saw that in the distance, the center of the golden city suddenly lit up a light mass that was countless times brighter than the sun, followed by the deafening explosion and the earthquake.


With the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the powerful shock wave instantly flattened everything within more than ten kilometers!

The terrible high temperature generated at the moment of explosion directly formed a huge pit in the center of the city of gold.

"Nuclear... Nuclear warhead?!" Faust stared at the apocalyptic scene in the distance.

He couldn\'t believe that the young man standing beside him was so crazy that he detonated the most powerful weapon in the world without hesitation.

"That\'s right! To be exact, it\'s a 20 million ton hydrogen bomb warhead. How is it? Isn\'t it powerful? I managed to get it two days ago. Don\'t underestimate the power of science and technology. I\'m sure even the most powerful God will suffer a heavy blow in the face of nuclear weapons." Zhang Cheng responded meaningfully.

What is the biggest difference between magic and technology?

The answer is actually very simple!

The former is a power that requires high talent and long-time research, and even if a certain knowledge accumulation and learning system is formed, it can not be guaranteed to be 100% inherited, let alone further on the original basis.

But the latter is different. It is a force that can be inherited and developed continuously. The most important thing is that once the system is formed, it can be mass produced. Even people who do not understand the principle can use it according to the operating instructions.

In particular, the nuclear warhead with the power comparable to the legendary magic in a wide range essentially only needs a detonation button, which is as simple as an idiot.

As for the subsequent launch procedures and multiple passwords, they are obstacles set up to prevent accidents, and are not an essential part.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Cheng decided to secretly collect nuclear warheads and give the enemy a big surprise at the critical moment. Even if he could not kill the other party, he could buy enough time for himself.

"Ha ha! You\'re crazy! The craziest guy I\'ve ever seen in my life! But I like your style!" after a short absence, Faust burst into a burst of laughter and tears.

Because the outside world has always regarded the attack on the Vatican as the craziest action in history, but now he finds that a young man is more crazy than himself, completely ignoring any rules and consequences.

"Crazy?" Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders. "Isn\'t what we\'re doing crazy enough? It\'s crazy anyway. It\'s better to be more completely crazy."

"That\'s right! The world we live in is crazy! So only the craziest guy is qualified to climb to the top of power! Come on, let\'s see if the poor goddess is dead. If not, give it to me next. You have to understand that the body of a God is very precious. I don\'t want to be damaged beyond repair by you."

After that, Faust jumped up, opened a pair of huge bone wings from his back and flew in the direction of the golden city.

Although the explosion just now lost almost all the Death Angels, he didn\'t feel distressed at all.

Because a divine body is far more valuable than hundreds of Death Angels.

As a saying goes, quantity is important, but quality is more important than quantity, especially on the premise that quantitative change has not triggered qualitative change.

Seeing the necromancer go away, Zhang Cheng turned to the female demon hunter around him and said, "you can start to act. Remember to be careful. I don\'t want you to be killed when you perform the task for the first time."

"Please don\'t worry, master, I don\'t die so easily..."