All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 702


The golden armor warrior obviously didn\'t want to talk. He roared and rushed to the front, swung his weapon composed of energy, and wanted to divide the enemy in front of him.

Unfortunately, as the most powerful necromancer in the world, Faust was not so easy to be killed.

Before the dangerous energy weapon approached him, his just recovered ribs were like a blooming flower of death, suddenly opened and extended three or four meters around, and suddenly stabbed seven or eight golden warriors.

What\'s more terrible is that these sharp bones with black smoke are not only a simple physical attack, but also erode the enemy\'s soul at a very fast speed.

In just a few seconds, the fragile soul of the golden armor warrior, which originally belonged to human beings, was completely corrupted and destroyed by the powerful positive energy filled in his body.

There is no doubt that Faust took a very clever means to bypass the most powerful places of the other party and attack the weak points, so he easily killed the enemy who should be very difficult.

Looking at the body that fell to the ground and could not move due to the loss of soul, he couldn\'t help sneering and sarcastically said: "it\'s a pity that the weakness is too obvious. It seems that God is not omnipotent. At least I have reason to question whether their brains are a little less intelligent."

"Not very clever? You seem to have some misunderstanding about God, don\'t you?" Zhang Cheng slowly came to the other party and said with a smile.

"I don\'t understand what you mean." Faust looked puzzled.

Zhang Cheng raised the supreme power and suddenly pierced the heart of a body, allowing the abundant positive energy to dissipate slowly in the air. He explained meaningfully: "you don\'t understand the real horror of God. Do you know the viewpoint of the ordinary people\'s world on the level of energy utilization for the level of civilization and science and technology? In fact, it also applies to supernatural forces."

"What opinion?" Faust frowned subconsciously.

Like most of the strong men in the underground world, he is not very interested in the ever-changing technology of the outside world, or even indifferent.

"Nikolay Kardashev, an astronomer of the former Soviet Union, once proposed a hypothetical level of alien civilization in the universe in 1964.

In short, it is based on the amount of energy that a civilization can use to communicate with the outer planet to judge its level.

For example, before the invention of firearms, humans had been using the energy burst from their muscles and a small amount of mechanical energy. They were so primitive that they even killed each other very inefficiently.

However, with the invention of gunpowder, mankind suddenly mastered chemical energy, and the efficiency of killing each other was greatly improved. The power of weapons began to increase day by day, and it was easy to kill thousands of similar people.

Later, physicists discovered the legendary radioactive material, which raised the energy level to the level of nuclear fission for the first time, and only a little can turn most cities into ashes.

As for nuclear fusion, which is still under research and development, it has once again increased the use of energy by dozens or even hundreds of times.

Similarly, in the world of supernatural forces, there is also a huge gap in energy level.

For example, users of magic are generally stronger than those who fight purely on physical strength. Wizards who obtain mana through in-depth study and research are generally stronger than witches who rely on natural blood.

Most importantly, in the field of supernatural forces, gods have far more powerful energy levels than mortals.

Look at these energy bodies on the ground, do you think you can do it?

No, my dear friend, you can\'t.

So please don\'t think that gods are nothing. Although they have all kinds of defects, they can go further on the road of self evolution and self-improvement... "

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng immediately turned his eyes to the huge reservoir in the central square of the Golden City, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "do you think I\'m right, the respected ancestor goddess bachue?"


A fierce spray of water surged to transfer the ownership, and an Indian woman wearing a lot of gold ornaments came out.

Although she did not look beautiful, she exuded an inviolable dignity, and with each step, the Inca souls on both sides crawled down to pay their respects.

"Goddess? Interesting..." Faust raised his mouth slightly and released his undisguised intention of killing.

The Death Angels circling in the sky seem to be aware of the master\'s intention and dive down one after another to launch exploratory attacks on the target.

But before they got close, they were overturned by the water waves coming out of thin air and rubbed on the ground.

These powerful undead lives, which were swaggering a few minutes ago, are like newborn babies who have no power to fight back in front of the real gods.

When it was about ten meters away from the intruder, the goddess took the initiative to stop and scolded in a strange but directly understandable language: "kneel down! Despicable thieves and robbers, I will sentence you to blasphemy and death as the master of the golden city."

"Sentence? Ha ha ha ha!" Faust laughed wildly when he heard this sentence, laughing and satirizing: "God! What does she think of herself? What does she think of us?"

"Don\'t make such a fuss! You have to understand that standing in front of us is a woman born in a primitive tribe thousands of years ago. Her mind still stays in the era of human crazy worship and obedience to gods." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and joked.

"Presumptuous! Blasphemers will be punished! You will not only die in pain! Your soul will be burned in the sun for ten thousand years!" bachue was obviously not the goddess who liked to communicate with the enemy.

A word does not agree, immediately call out endless water and set off huge waves up to hundreds of meters.

Faust undoubtedly didn\'t pay attention to a few huge waves, and didn\'t ask his allies, "hum! Are you coming or me?"

"I\'ll come. You should know that in the eyes of alchemists, all single forms of damage are not a threat." after that, Zhang Cheng took the initiative to step forward, raised his right index finger and gently clicked out of thin air.


The huge waves, which originally contained terrible kinetic energy, suddenly began to freeze for some reason. In less than a second, they completely turned into exquisite ice sculptures and completely lost their indomitable impact.

When bachue saw this scene, his pupils suddenly contracted and asked vigilantly, "you are not mortal! Who are you?"

"Me? In fact, I don\'t know who I am now. But one thing is certain, that is, next I will kill you and uncover the secret hidden in you..."