All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 701

"Which of you first?" Laverne quickly stopped bleeding and turned to his two allies.

Although this minor injury is nothing to him, he decided to stay first in order to prevent someone from damaging the portal.

Faust looked at Zhang Cheng, who stood in place without saying a word and didn\'t know what he was thinking, and said in a rather relaxed tone, "I\'ll come first. After all, nothing is more suitable for invading an unknown world than my army of Death Angels."

The voice just fell!

The top cover of the container truck trapped at the bottom of the lake suddenly opened slowly, followed by monsters filled with death energy all over the body, drilled out of it, quickly passed through the flowing black liquid and entered another space.

The reason why they are monsters is that these so-called "Death Angels" actually do not look like normal angels, but pieced together different body fragments through suture technology to form a human creature with a very ferocious and terrible appearance.

Imagine a beautiful female angel with two arms of different length and thickness, plus a male upper body and a black suture like a centipede on her face. What a terrible picture would it be?

It is estimated that you can directly play a horror film that frightens people to death without makeup.

But what\'s more terrible is that because these bodies still imprison angel souls who have fallen under the torture of terror, they still retain their extremely rich combat experience and angel\'s innate sensitivity to magical energy.

This means that every death angel is actually a mixture of soldiers and casters. When their number reaches a certain level, they can even defeat enemies countless times stronger than themselves through cooperation.

Coupled with the hatred and madness in their minds, any guy who fights with them should be ready to be bitten.

Although to some extent, they are still not out of the category of cannon fodder, at least they are high-quality cannon fodder.

Seeing the last angel of death through the black gate, Faust took off his hat and leaned slightly: "I\'ll go first. You\'d better catch up quickly, otherwise you may miss some interesting things."

After that, he walked into the portal without hesitation and commanded his men to start frantically attacking all living things around. Wherever he passed, whether animals and plants, or the souls of Inca people after death, they were all exterminated, and even the earth gave off the smell of decay and death under the erosion of the power of death.

"I didn\'t expect that after so many years, he was still as unscrupulous as before." laforn sighed softly.

"Unscrupulous?" Zhang Cheng showed a smiling expression and gently shook his head. "No, he just hasn\'t seen an opponent stronger than himself, strong enough to be invincible, so there has always been an inexplicable self-confidence in his bones."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Laverne touched his chin with interest.

Because he knew that in the debris world, the young man had a fight with Faust and destroyed one of the other\'s parts, but no one knew the specific situation except himself.

"Haven\'t you noticed that you\'ve known him for so many years? Faust inadvertently revealed his laziness and arrogance. He hasn\'t encountered an enemy that is really equal to himself or even stronger than himself for too long, so he unconsciously puts himself in a very high position. Of course, you have a similar situation to some extent, just a little Just a little better. "

After saying this, Zhang Cheng ignored Laverne\'s slightly unhappy face and took hilna straight through the portal.

Accompanied by a strong sense of oppression, they appeared on the platform with dazzling golden light the next second.

Because the city of gold is made of gold nuggets of different sizes, the light emitted by the trumpet sun in the air on that day shines on the surface of the gold brick and immediately forms a strong reflection effect.

If ordinary people are changed, it is estimated that they will be blinded by these golden reflections.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng is not an ordinary person. Whether he is divine or magical, he can easily eliminate this adverse effect.

As for the demon female hunter, hilna is a standard blind man who can\'t feel the light at all.

As a standard caster, Zhang Cheng did not rush to kill like Faust, trying to lead out the master here. Instead, he felt the magical energy in the air for the first time. As a result, it was found that the positive energy here was far more abundant than anywhere, even accounting for an exaggerated proportion of more than 50%.

Obviously, in this environment, positive energy and holy light spells can produce nearly twice as much effect as normal.

As we all know, both positive energy and holy light energy are essentially undead killers.

In this environment, not only will the attack power of death angel be greatly weakened, but also the death energy consumed by action is much more than usual.

It is at this point that Faust de Cai desperately expanded his death field and tried to permanently change the surrounding environment by means of erosion, so as to create a forward base for his death Legion to repair and recover.

Unfortunately, before he had finished the area about 40 meters around his feet, a group of warriors in gold armor suddenly jumped out of the huge reservoir in the center of the Golden City, one by one with spears and axes completely composed of light beams.

"Eh? What is this?"

When Faust saw this scene, he immediately stopped his little action and stared at the front with his eyes shining.

As a necromancer, he can feel that every warrior is constructed by human soul and a dazzling energy almost as powerful as the sun.


The soldier who rushed to the front shouted a slogan that he didn\'t know what it meant, raised his spear with dazzling golden light in his hand, and threw it out with all his strength.


With the huge sound of the spear beyond the speed of sound, a golden light directly passed through Faust\'s chest and successfully destroyed almost all important internal organs, including the chest and abdomen, leaving only one part above the clavicle still floating in mid air.

Generally speaking, the trolls with strong self-healing ability are dead when they are so thin that they are seriously hurt, let alone normal people.

But Faust was still alive and said in a surprised tone: "unbelievable! Is this the power of the gods? It can use the fragile soul of mankind to create such a powerful creation."

While he was talking, his badly injured body began to grow bones, internal organs, muscles, blood vessels and skin quickly, and returned to its original state in less than ten seconds.

Except that the clothes had already turned into dust under the blow just now, everything else was intact