All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 648

"Human! Are you calling me?" icallet asked loudly, staying above the lava of the crater with his wings completely composed of flames.

Although it does not speak any known language, everyone present clearly understood the meaning of it.

Craig forcibly supported his body almost reaching the limit, and panted back: "yes! It\'s me! I\'ve offered a sacrifice. Please give us the key to leave."

"Sacrifice? Hahaha! You don\'t think the fool you pushed into the magma just now is worthy of being called sacrifice? No! Human! The real sacrifice is not a mean sneak attack and murder! It is to stimulate one\'s potential in all physical and spiritual aspects! Offer a battle beyond the limit as a soldier! Please me with the most brilliant light of your soul!" Ikalet laughed and said the rules of sacrifice.

"You... You mean we have to fight each other now to get the key to leave?" Martha subconsciously licked her cracked lips, with an expression of shock and fear on her face.

"That\'s right! Only those who pass the test are qualified to leave!" ikalet nodded gently. "Remember! This is not a battle in the ordinary sense. It is to surpass your own limits, abandon fear and overcome death in the fierce battle, and finally get my approval. In addition, there are just six people left. Now choose your own opponents."

With the last word falling!

The only six survivors quickly distanced themselves from each other and stared warily at each of their companions.

In particular, the old professor who pushed the bald man down the magma was stared at by the other four people with malicious eyes. If there is no accident, he must be the first to die in a moment.

On the one hand, Craig\'s sudden attack has given everyone an excuse to kill him. After all, killing a murderer can only be regarded as self-defense at most, which is completely different from the psychological burden of killing an innocent person.

On the other hand, as an old man in his seventies, his physical strength has reached the limit. Compared with the young men and women present, the old man who has only half a breath is obviously a better goal to solve.

Just when most people hesitated to start first, the 30-year-old white man finally couldn\'t help but jump out and charge at the position of the old professor.

Without too many fancy moves, he took a kitchen knife from the restaurant kitchen and stabbed the other party in the chest.

Craig Ming was obviously exhausted and couldn\'t dodge at all. He only watched the sharp blade pop into his chest!

The dazzling blood gushed out like a spring!

Because the surrounding environment is very high, the blood flows faster than usual. It almost dries up after flowing out. In the blink of an eye, it leaves a large black brown blood stain on the rock.

"I won! I won! Give me the key! I\'m leaving this damn place!" the white man threw away his kitchen knife and shouted excitedly.

But before he was happy for a few seconds, a hot flame suddenly gushed out of his feet and burned the whole person to ashes in an instant.

Neither fast nor slow, but in a hurry, he said, "feel shy, you sacrificed your life. I just mentioned that this is not a common sense of battle, but to abandon fear, overcome death and transcend the limits of self. If I fail to attain the standard, I will use the essence of fire to get rid of its dirty soul."

"Falk! It\'s easy for you to say! Fear is a strong emotion from one\'s heart! How can you say abandon and abandon!" another young man of about 20 finally burst out.

Like all the guys who collapsed in a desperate environment, after he couldn\'t see the hope of life, he simply scolded. Anyway, he ended up dead.

However, icallet did not seem particularly angry when he heard this sentence, and still calmly explained: "You are right. Fear is a strong emotion from the heart. Especially in the face of death, fear will be magnified infinitely. Only those who really surpass themselves can abandon it in a short time. I like the sublimation of human soul when human beings overcome themselves. I firmly believe that that is the most beautiful scene in the world, so I set the standard of sacrifice. For example If you don\'t want to sacrifice, I don\'t insist. You can turn around and leave, but don\'t want to get the key to leave from me. "

"But I didn\'t come voluntarily! It\'s the book! The damn ancient book forcibly sent us all here!" the young man argued loudly.

He found that the powerful monster in front of him was not as cruel as expected, and he was very reasonable. His subconscious desire for survival suddenly boiled up, trying to persuade the other party to let him leave with one mouth.

"Sorry, man, I didn\'t write that book, but an interesting man wrote it more than 1500 years ago. He wanted to use this sacrifice to exchange the power of fire in order to help his country defeat the enemy. But the contract is a contract. When you read the first letter on the first page of the book, the contract has been launched, and no one can change it, even me …”

Taking advantage of the dialogue between icalet and the youth, MANSA quickly picked up the ancient books that fell on the ground and quickly flipped through them, desperately trying to find a solution to the current crisis.

But when she was turning the book, she suddenly found a crumpled note added to the book, which was not burned because of the ultra-high ambient temperature.

Suddenly, she remembered a sentence she had said not long ago that ancient books were protected by magical power, so even if they were thrown into the fire, they would still not be lit.

In the same way, is this note anxious for the phone number also protected by magic power?

For a moment, Zhang Cheng\'s meaningful words kept echoing in the girl\'s mind. Finally, with a try attitude, she opened the long overheated driver\'s mobile phone and dialed the number above as quickly as possible.

Although I can\'t even receive the signal, it\'s incredible that the phone dialed!

On the other side of the phone came a familiar voice: "my God! You finally called me. Don\'t say anything. Don\'t hang up and keep the signal. I\'ll be there in a minute."

"Hello?! what do you mean! Do you know where I am?" Martha said excitedly.

Next second

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a harsh sound, the black fog shrouded in the sky was suddenly torn by a huge force!

Immediately after everyone saw that a black hole appeared out of thin air, and out of it came an Asian man wearing a casual suit and holding a black walking stick. He is no one else. It is Zhang Cheng who waited for him in the middle of the night and didn\'t sleep