All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 647

With the coercion of body shape and guns, the bald man quickly mobilized everyone in the restaurant. About 20 minutes later, the party carefully walked out of the door and passed it around the monsters with fire or lava flowing all over.

As Professor Craig said, all monsters did not attack or even turn a blind eye to them.

After discovering this, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, accelerated their steps and rushed forward. After a while, they rushed hundreds of meters, sweating and stopped to have a rest.

Don\'t feel so tired after only a few hundred meters. Your physical fitness is really rubbish.

You should know that this is not the normal temperature or high temperature in the usual sense, but the terrible high temperature of more than 40 or 50 degrees. If there are flames and magmatic rivers nearby, the temperature will immediately rise by more than 10 degrees to an amazing 60 or 70 degrees.

Generally speaking, when the ambient temperature exceeds the human body temperature by 36 to 37 degrees, it belongs to a high-temperature environment. Reaching 40 degrees will bring a huge additional burden to the internal organs, respiratory and blood circulation systems. Staying at this ambient temperature for a few hours will lead to heatstroke, fainting and even shock death.

As for 50 degrees and 60 degrees, it can already be called the exact death environment. Even if there is sufficient water supplement, people will start to lose their support for an hour or two.

Previously, in the restaurant, people didn\'t feel too uncomfortable because there was still ice left in the cold storage to cool down.

But now when they left the restaurant, they immediately felt a feeling of being in the steamer and sauna room. After only three or four minutes, their bodies became like an unquenchable flame burning. Many people even took out bottled water and poured it on their mouths, faces and body surfaces.

"Damn it! Stop! Stop! Don\'t waste water! We still have several kilometers to go!" Martha shouted when she saw the scene.

But unfortunately, no one paid any attention to her.

Los Angeles citizens who live in dignity have long lost the patience of previous European immigrants and become arrogant and lazy. Where have they suffered this crime.

Just when the girl wanted to say something, Craig waved his hand and said, "don\'t waste your energy, let them go. Anyway, they are adults and are qualified to be responsible for their actions. I think it\'s lucky to have a quarter of them leave alive."

"But... But these people are here because of this book! Because of us! We have an obligation to help them!" Martha subconsciously clenched her fist and a trace of intolerance flashed in her eyes.

"No, son, our only obligation is to go back alive and announce this important discovery to the whole world. Look at the rare elements and minerals contained in the hot magma around us. It is an unimaginable wealth for the whole mankind, not to mention those flame monsters that only exist in myths and legends. Believe me, these things are precious wealth , no matter what the others do, you and I must go back alive. If my old bone can\'t hold on, everything depends on you. "

After that, Professor Craig patted the girl on the shoulder, carefully avoided the high-temperature ground that was enough to melt the sole, and continued to go deep and shallow.

MANSA bit her lower lip and glanced at the companions behind her. Finally, she was cruel and hurried to catch up.

She knows very well that she can\'t even protect herself at the moment, let alone save everyone.

In this way, we moved slowly along the rugged road where earthquakes, magma ejection and other unexpected conditions would occur from time to time. Fewer and fewer people walked. When we reached the bottom of the volcano, there were less than eight of the more than 30 people left. The rest either fainted on the road or accidentally fell into the magma and burned to ashes.

Of course, a large part of them died by themselves. Seeing some high-temperature rocks inlaid with large diamonds, rubies and cooled gold, they couldn\'t restrain their greed. As a result, they wanted to get it down and take it back to make a windfall. Finally, they didn\'t make a fortune and took their own life in.

Looking up at the steep terrain of the fire pass, the bald man took a deep breath and asked in an uncertain tone, "Professor, are you sure the key is inside?"

"That\'s right! The original words in the book are that ikalet, sleeping in the roaring volcano, holds the key to leave. What we need to do is summon it through a magic ceremony." Craig nodded and replied in an extremely weak tone.

The long-term high-temperature environment has exhausted all the energy of the 70 year old man. The only driving force to support him is to see the legendary most powerful flame monster - ikalet.

No archaeological researcher can resist making mythical creatures come true!

"Oh my God! This book! This book has not been lit yet?" the white youth finally noticed the difference of the ancient parchment book.

After all, the terrible high temperature environment has already burned all the things that can be burned, such as pure cotton t-shirts, shirts and socks. They suddenly burn up when walking, and the plastic bottles containing water begin to deform bit by bit, but a parchment book is nothing at all, absolutely abnormal.

"I think maybe some magical force is protecting the book, as if the primitive alphabetic symbols of the Semites helped us avoid the flame genie." a strange flash flashed in MANSA\'s eyes and lowered her head to explain.

Because most of her clothes have been burned out, she only uses a piece of cloth to wrap her large chest and crotch, so she looks very sexy and charming.

But the men in the team are so tired that they have no desire at all. They just look at it and turn their attention to the ancient books.

"Well, this is not the time to discuss this book. Work hard and slowly study its incredible power when we get back alive." Professor Craig obviously didn\'t want to reveal too much and took the initiative to end the topic.

Under his leadership, a group of eight people held hands and climbed to the top of the erupting volcano with their last strength.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the old professor pushed the bald man down the crater, followed by opening one of the pages of the ancient book and reciting the above sacrifice in sassanpahlavi: "Great ikalet! You were born from the first light and flame of the world! You are the source of all life! You are the symbol of strength, courage and destruction! You are the symbol of transcending death and fear! According to the ancient contract, I hereby offer sacrifices to you in exchange for the key to leave..."


With a more violent eruption!

A monster with long horns on his head, like a devil, finally jumped out of the deepest part of the volcano!

Although it is only three meters high, the whole body is burning with white dazzling fire. Even if the rock rubs a little, it will be vaporized by the terrible high temperature in an instant