All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 649

"A fragmented world? No, no, the energy here is very stable, far from being full of chaos and disorder like the fragmented world. Who should forcibly cut it down from the main world..."

After successfully completing the transmission, Zhang Cheng\'s first thing is to patrol the surrounding environment and feel the magic power in the air.

As for icalet standing above the crater, it was directly ignored.

The reason is simple!

As a monster with a single attack attribute, no matter how powerful, it is equivalent to ineffective attack in front of the alchemist. It can be transformed into other material or energy forms every minute. There is no need to worry too much.

But if it is a guy who can use more than two attributes to launch an attack at the same time, the difficulty of transformation will increase exponentially, and it is absolutely impossible to complete it in a short time.

There is no doubt that in this world filled with flame and magma, the proportion of magic energy is no different from that in the normal world except that the proportion of flame elements is very high.

Moreover, the area is not large. It is more than half the size of Ireland island. It is firmly separated from the outside world by powerful magic seals. Even with the power Zhang Cheng currently has, it took a lot of effort to reluctantly open a temporary channel.

If he hadn\'t confirmed his position in advance, he couldn\'t even know the existence of the world.

"Human wizard?" a trace of surprise appeared on ikalet\'s ferocious face.

As a flame monster who has lived for unknown years, he has seen countless people of all kinds, but it is the first time for the user of supernatural power today.

Of course, this is not that he hates super wizards, but that the seal around the boundary makes it impossible for any life with supernatural power to enter unless the obstacles set by the gods are broken.

"Hello, powerful fire element life. If you don\'t mind, can you tell me which God imprisoned you? Is he asleep or dead?" Zhang Cheng didn\'t mean nonsense at all and asked his most concerned questions directly.

With the countdown to the confrontation with the gods, he couldn\'t wait to get more information and advice in order to prepare for the response

Icallet is undoubtedly very sensitive to magical energy. He can feel the powerful power contained in the seemingly insignificant human body in front of him, and suddenly burst into a happy laugh: "ha ha! Win me! Win me, I\'ll tell you everything!"

"Simple and direct! I\'m beginning to like you a little. Well, as you wish." Zhang Cheng bowed politely, raised the supreme authority disguised as a modern walking stick, and instantly turned the flames within several kilometers into bone chilling ice.

The ambient temperature suddenly dropped from sixty or seventy degrees to twenty or thirty degrees below zero!

"That\'s right! That\'s it! Come on! Take the attitude of killing me! Let me enjoy the long lost fighting blood!" ikalet roared, plunged into the bone piercing ice pile and detonated the hot magma hidden under the earth\'s crust.


With a deafening noise!

The cold ice condensed on the surface suddenly broke, and the whole crater was torn by the violent earthquake. At a glance, it was all dazzling fire red.

As for the survivors standing on the crater, except that MANSA was hugged by Zhang Cheng, all the rest fell into the hot flame and burned alive.

"My God! You... You are a powerful wizard?" the girl put her arms around his neck and waist and screamed excitedly.

"Shh! Keep quiet, beauty. Next, I need to concentrate, otherwise it will be a little difficult to defeat a fire element Lord in this environment." after that, Zhang Cheng began to try to integrate his soul with the burning world and draw more energy to form a large-scale attack spell with the characteristics of the magical soul.

After all, elemental life has two well-known characteristics, one is purity, and the other is that the core energy is far greater than the external material or semi-material form formed by itself.

The only way to hurt them to the greatest extent without giving them any chance to draw strength from their surroundings is to find the core position and launch a fatal blow.

But generally speaking, the core is hidden inside the external form. In particular, the external form like icallet almost condenses into a real powerful individual. The spell power is low and can\'t even break the defense.

With the power of alchemy, Zhang Cheng constantly transformed the flame into water and solid ice to block the opponent\'s attack. After a while, Zhang Cheng absorbed enough energy through the soul of magic, transformed these energy into his desired attributes through divinity, and finally raised the supreme power to shoot a white column of light straight ahead.


At the moment when the light column came into contact with icalet\'s body!

The genie, who had been wrapped in hot flames all over, was directly frozen in place. A large number of tiny particles like crystal dust flew all over the sky. The whole body fell like a statue from a high place, slammed on a rock, splashing into countless ice fragments.

At the core, there is a crystal as kind as a ruby, which flies into the magma and begins to crazy absorb the energy of the surrounding fire elements.

After a while, the new body slowly condensed again.

Needless to say, this crystal is the real core of icalet. It is a special substance born under the environment of high temperature and high pressure in the deepest part of the earth\'s core, and few things can destroy it.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t chase after the victory. He just waited for the other party to recover with a smile.

About ten minutes later, ikalet finally stabilized his external form and said with great joy: "perfect blow! I can hardly believe that there are mortals in the world who can create such a terrible low temperature through magic in an instant, so that the eternal flame is extinguished."

"Thank you for your praise! But one thing I must correct is that I almost killed you, not really killed you. To be honest, I\'m not sure I can destroy your core." Zhang Cheng responded meaningfully.

"Yes! I was born in the first light and heat of the world! Many ordinary people understand it as the sun. But in fact, I came from the core of the planet and didn\'t have self-consciousness at first. Until the creator woke me up from the chaotic clock and gave me wisdom and knowledge. I was excited about this. But those later gods obviously didn\'t like my attitude towards the creator, so they expelled and imprisoned me Forbid me and my children... "

Icallet undoubtedly knew what human beings wanted to know, and took the initiative to tell all he knew.

Unfortunately, it had been exiled long before the gods set off the rebellion. It was not clear what was happening on the earth. It was only the unlucky bastards summoned through the book who knew some changes about the outside world intermittently.