All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 646

There is no doubt that in this confrontation between knowledge and violence, the old professor, with his rich life experience, robbed the dominant power in the survivors\' team from the bald men.

Because apart from him and MANSA, there is no second person in the restaurant who can understand the contents recorded in the ancient parchment books, let alone interpret what is written inside.

However, just as these ordinary people gathered to study how to get rid of the current dangerous situation, Zhang Cheng, who was far away in Los Angeles, had rushed to the scene of the incident and was frowning and looking around at the vanishing fast-food restaurant, ignoring the busy police and reporters.

About ten minutes later, he touched his chin and muttered: "Interesting! No wonder that book has experienced many masters in the underground world, and no one can find out the mystery. It turns out that it will only react to ordinary people, and then open a directional portal to transfer all nearby life and buildings. But the question now is, how can I find the location coordinates of directional transmission?"

Obviously, sending out the ancient book was a small attempt he made on purpose.

Because we can feel an extremely powerful power from ancient books, but we don\'t know why it can\'t be activated. It seems that we have been in a state of deep sleep and must wake up under specific circumstances.

Like most advanced magic items, this is a trigger condition set by the manufacturer. If you don\'t know how to activate it, the book is an ordinary book. Once activated, it is equivalent to a locator and key.

Even with the honest knowledge and magic power at present, it is impossible to trace where the whole restaurant has been transmitted. There is no good way except to wait patiently.

You know, he had expected a similar situation, so he gave the girl a note with her phone number.

If the other party tries to make this call, the positioning spell hidden in the note will start instantly. Taking this opportunity, he can open a stable portal to pass.

Of course, if the other party doesn\'t remember to call until he dies, he can only give up tracing the secret behind the book.


At the same time, Professor Craig, who was far away in the world full of flames and magma, barely finished reading the whole book in more than three hours. With a dignified expression, he said to the survivors sitting around: "ladies and gentlemen, the place we are now is not the earth, but a place similar to parallel space.

According to the original dualist religious description of the birth of Central Asia and the Middle East, the world was born in the eternal struggle between two opposing gods, good and evil, light and dark.

In their struggle, including the earth, mineral veins, animals and plants, humans appeared one by one.

But interestingly, due to the long struggle, some of the gods symbolizing light, goodness and fire gradually integrated with the gods symbolizing darkness and evil, and some strange creatures were born. They did not have flesh and blood, but appeared in the form of elements in front of the world.

In order to prevent these grumpy creatures from wandering around and causing damage, the God of light built a prison to hold the most dangerous spirits. Icalet is one of them.

Later, the * * * religion absorbed the stories of these folklores and renamed it Everett. "

"So we are now trapped in the prison made by the gods? Those monsters outside emitting amazing heat are the flame elves? The biggest one is icalet, or evelette? What about God and Jesus Christ? The Bible says that God is the creator of all things in the world?" the waitress stared with incredible expression.

We should know that with the widespread spread of monotheism, including Christianity and * * * religion, which were born from primitive Judaism, many ancient and primitive religions have directly led to the extinction, so that many people simply do not understand what the real religious thoughts and consciousness were in ancient times, let alone in-depth understanding.

The reason is very simple. Monotheism advocates an extreme concept. For example, there is only one God, that is, the Almighty Creator. For example, everything is neither right nor wrong, and there is no room for moderation.

In such a humanistic and social environment, people either become irrational and blindly obey the so-called "religious code" and regard it as the yardstick to restrict everyone\'s code of conduct and moral standards. No matter how backward the terms recorded therein and how cruel the criminal law is, the most typical example is the * * * countries in the Middle East and Central Asia.

The other is the European and American countries with Christian thought as the social cornerstone.

Because they experienced the great geographical discovery in the era of great navigation, the ideological liberation in the era of enlightenment, and the productivity progress of the modern industrial revolution, they were relatively open-minded, but they still had the strong exclusionism of monotheism in their bones.

For example, all countries that do not comply with the one person one vote system in the western world will be beaten into dictatorship with one stick; all regions that do not comply with Western universal values and moral standards will be regarded as backward, foolish and cruel.

After all, the education, environment and media publicity they received since childhood have implemented the strong exclusiveness of Christianity. In particular, even in the 21st century, the supreme leader of the United States, the president, has to take an oath on the Bible.

As a professor of archaeology, Craig is undoubtedly well aware of the contempt and exclusion of most Americans towards other religions. He sighed helplessly and explained: "Sorry, I\'m not a theologian. I can\'t answer your question. I can only tell you what\'s recorded in this book. In addition, the giant with magma all over his body is not ikalet. The real ikalet should look like a devil, with a pair of pointed horns on his head and hands and feet in the form of animal claws."

"Damn it! Don\'t talk nonsense! I don\'t care about the shit God of light, God and Jesus Christ. I just want to know how to get back to Los Angeles." the bald man interrupted impatiently.

"We need to find something! Exactly a key! Well, the book has described its appearance and location. If you guessed correctly, it is almost the huge crater in the distance." the old professor looked up and looked at the huge volcano that not only emits hot magma a few kilometers away.

"Shet! You mean... We have to rush out? God! Are you crazy? Those flame monsters outside will scorch us!" exclaimed another white young man who looked in his early twenties.

"Don\'t worry! Do you remember the symbols painted on the outside wall? As long as you write on your clothes and skin with an indelible pen, the flame monster won\'t attack us. Of course, if you are willing to stay here until there is no water and food, starve and die of thirst, when I didn\'t say anything..."

"Falk! Don\'t talk nonsense! Listen to the professor! Prepare more water! Start in half an hour!" the bald man raised his revolver and threatened loudly.