All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 645

How spectacular is the charge of thousands of flame creatures that can\'t see the end at a glance?

Just look at the people who are completely stagnant in the restaurant at the moment!

Even the bald man with a large caliber revolver showed fear and despair in his eyes.

Not to mention whether bullets can cause damage to creatures that obviously have no flesh and blood, the only six bullets in the runner are simply not enough to deal with so many enemies.

Masa, who was hiding in the bathroom, undoubtedly saw the scene and asked in a trembling voice, "teach... Professor! I... what should we do now?"

"Don\'t be noisy! I\'m looking for relevant information!" Craig scolded calmly.

Of course, it would be more convincing if his hands didn\'t shake like Parkinson\'s disease.

However, the professor is a professor. After quickly reading the complete description of the flame world, he immediately frowned and searched his mind for similar myths and legends.

About three or five minutes later, he suddenly shouted with surprise: "I know! I know! This ikalet is actually the flame monster in the * * * Myth - evelette. In fact, in many parts of the Middle East, before the birth of * * * religion, there was a folk story about powerful flame life. According to archaeological findings, Zoroastrianism, the predecessor of Manichaeism, once recorded a story in the form of murals The story of a powerful flame elf imprisoned by the gods obviously refers to this. "

"Damn it, Professor, what we need now is not these messy things, but how to prevent those monsters from burning us to charred corpses." Martha roared angrily.

She could not believe that at this critical moment, the other party was still thinking about deciphering countless puzzling mysteries in ancient books.

"No! Boy! This is very important! Since we know each other\'s identity, we can deal with them naturally. Look, there are many magic symbols on it that can be used to drive away the flame elves. Quickly, bring a kitchen knife and let everyone in the restaurant arrange the three symbols in order and engrave them on the outside wall as quickly as possible. If the description in the book is not correct If something goes wrong, those monsters can\'t touch or even get close, "Craig explained, pointing to three strange ancient Semitic letters on the back of the second page.

"Professor! You\'d better pray that they work, or I promise those people outside will tear you to pieces before they die."

After that, Martha couldn\'t care too much. She immediately ran to the restaurant and shouted at everyone, and then distributed the props in her hand to everyone.

Although some people want to know where these strange symbols came from, they still choose to obey orders when they are photographed in those flame monsters closer and closer.

After all, I can\'t live with anything, nor can I live with my own life.

If you can really survive, it\'s not too late to ask again later.

As a saying goes, human beings can often burst out unimaginable forces in times of crisis.

In particular, these Americans in big cities, who have always been privileged, are now efficient enough to make their compatriots feel ashamed. In less than two and a half minutes, they have engraved dense mysterious symbols around the whole restaurant.

When the huge flame monster led his hand down to the near future, everyone returned to the restaurant and stared nervously outside. As a result, it was found that the rune just engraved emitted a faint silver light, which successfully stopped the monster\'s footsteps, and the other party just kept turning around.

"God! We are saved!" the waitress who first screamed drew a cross on her chest, with a lingering fear on her face.

"Don\'t hurry and be happy! Although these guys can\'t get close, they don\'t mean to step back. Don\'t forget, we are trapped here now. We can\'t go anywhere. Once the water and food run out, the end will still be no better." another middle-aged man, like a restaurant chef, warned.

"Don\'t worry! Don\'t forget that this is a restaurant! The food in the cold storage is at least enough to ensure that everyone can eat for more than half a month." the waitress shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

"Alas! Stupid woman with big chest and no brain! Think about it! We\'ve lost power! And now we\'re in an extremely high temperature environment! In a few days at most, all the food in the cold storage will be broken. In three to five days at most, we\'ll be out of water and food." the chef pointed out the problem directly in a helpless tone.

"Shet! My favorite ice cream! Take them out and eat them with everyone before they melt." the waitress screamed and rushed backstage to take the ice cream out of the machine and distribute it to the people.

Because the current ambient temperature is at least 40 or 50 degrees later, everyone begins to sweat a lot. It needs something to cool down to restore the balance of body temperature.

Just as those mindless guys began to enjoy the cool brought by ice cream, several sober and calm people quickly came to MANSA. The first bald man fiddled with his revolver and said in a low voice: "Miss, I think you\'d better explain what\'s going on. Why do you know that those symbols can prevent the flame monster from approaching?"

"That\'s right! We have reason to suspect that you are the culprit of the disaster." another man echoed.

"Sorry, I really don\'t know how to solve..."

Before the girl finished speaking, she saw the old professor come out of the bathroom and sit on the opposite chair.

He first glanced at each other with contempt, followed by a sneer and mockery: "are you threatening my students?"

"Hey! Old man! Watch your mouth! We just want to find out the truth!" the bald man patted the table hard to warn.

"Idiot! Do you think the truth still matters when things are in this state? What really matters is how to get out of trouble and return to Los Angeles alive." Craig looked up fearlessly.

He knows very well that if he can\'t regain the dominant power at the moment, the next days will be sad, so he can\'t give in at all.

"You have a solution?" a 30-year-old white man in a white shirt tempted.

Craig nodded gently and directly opened the ancient book on the table: "yes! Everything is recorded in this book, including the world, including the runes to stop the monster from approaching, and the way to go back."

"Falk! Give me the book!" without a word, the bald man grabbed the book on the spot and began to read it quickly.

Interestingly, in less than a few seconds, his face showed an embarrassment that was hard to hide. He cursed in a low voice: "who can tell me what this crooked broken thing is? Why can\'t I understand a word?"

When the old professor heard this, he couldn\'t help raising his mouth and helping his eyes: "that\'s the sassanne Pahlavi language used in Persia in the middle century! Even in the world, few people can understand it, and my students and I are just two of them..."