All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 644

There is no doubt that the two people who are busy interpreting the contents of ancient parchment books are not aware of the terrible riots outside. They immerse themselves in a state of selflessness until it is completely dark, which is awakened by a burst of fatigue and hunger.

"Damn it! What time is it?" Craig looked up and glanced at the dark sky outside the window.

"9:30! Professor, I think we\'d better go out to eat now, have a good sleep and continue tomorrow." MANSA looked at her watch and offered her suggestion.

After all, as a young girl, her gastrointestinal digestive function is much better than that of the elderly in their 70s, and she is also more intolerable of hunger. In addition, I did eat a little less at noon. I was dizzy as early as more than two hours ago. It\'s not easy to stick to it until now.

Craig reluctantly closed the ancient book carefully and gently nodded his head: "OK. But this book must be kept by me. I will never allow it out of sight until the interpretation is completed."

"I don\'t mind! Professor, don\'t linger, or the restaurant at the school gate will really close." hungry MANSA obviously didn\'t want to waste too much time, so she agreed directly.

Craig, however, was obviously not at all relieved to put such an important item in a few teaching buildings with several security guards. He put the whole book in a plastic foam protective suit and stuffed it into the suitcase and carried it with him.

After a while, they went out of the campus area and came to an ordinary fast food restaurant nearby. They ordered some hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, chicken nuggets and so on. They ate in big gulps while whispering about the problems encountered in the translation process in the afternoon and the possible ambiguities.

They were completely unaware that a powerful force had isolated the whole restaurant from the outside.

About three or five minutes later, a dazzling and bright electric spark burst out outside the restaurant, and then all the electrical equipment was paralyzed in an instant. The glass doors and windows were shattered by great force.

Outside the window hung with broken glass debris, it was no longer UCLA, but a flame world with hot temperature and red magma flowing everywhere.

Almost every second, you can see the heat wave rising in the air, sending out violent vibration and sound.


The waitress on the night shift was the first to react and screamed like a soprano.

The rest of the people were no better. No matter how old they were, women almost all followed the footsteps of the waiter and began to shout at the top of their voice. Others tried to call 911 for help, but found that there was no signal at all.

As for the men, they were a little calm. A bald man with big arms and round waist took out a glittering large caliber revolver directly from his back and stared nervously at the strange scene outside.

There is no doubt that if it were not for the real heat wave and high temperature, no one would believe that they were eating at the gate of the university campus a few seconds ago and came to a place like hell a few seconds later.

As like as two peas terrified by the half eaten burger, Muse watched the hot lava outside the restaurant for several minutes before murmured to himself, "Oh, Jesus Christ! This is exactly the same as the third world described in the book!"

"Shh! Keep quiet! If you don\'t want to get yourself into trouble!" Craig warned solemnly.

As an old man who has personally experienced the darkest era of the 20th century in the United States, he knows more than anyone what terrible actions ordinary people will make when they have a mental or mental breakdown in the urban area.

Adult men, in particular, often vent their inner fear and anxiety to women through violence.

"Well... What shall we do now?"

Muse is not a fool. He immediately perceived that a few of the men in the restaurant were strong and alert. He even showed a strong sense of vigilance in his eyes, and even subconsciously reached into his backpack, holding the only "wolf spray" that could provide security for himself.

After all, the United States has an average of more than 80000 rape cases in the world every year, even if the famous universities are no better. So if you do not want to be violated by strangers, you should bring some non lethal weapon, such as anti wolf spray, small electric shock device, lady pistol and so on, which are common sense in common sense.

"Very simple! We need to find a place where there is no one and study the description of the world in that book." Craig replied without thinking.

Although California, where Los Angeles is located, has always been the gathering place of "white left", universities have held political correctness to the altar, almost to the point that whoever dares to offend will die.

Fortunately, the old professor is not one of them, and he has no idea of sharing information with others in the restaurant.

Because he knew that as soon as he said the content related to the ancient book, the crazy crowd might rush to take it away, and someone would try to destroy it to see if he could go back.

As early as the late 19th century, Gustav Le Pen, a French social psychologist, elaborated in the mob, a research work on mass psychology, never underestimate people\'s emotional, no objection and low IQ when they fall into group thinking.

Sometimes irrational people can\'t even compare with smarter chimpanzees. At least chimpanzees won\'t destroy the forests they depend on for a living, but humans who fall into group thinking will madly destroy farmland, factories and social order, so that they can\'t extricate themselves from hunger and poverty.

While everyone\'s attention was attracted by the doomsday scene outside, Craig quickly slipped into the bathroom with MANSA, locked the door, opened the box, took out the ancient books again, and quickly turned to the corresponding page.

As like as two peas of yellow, the world is painted with hot magma on the ground, just like the view out of the window.

The old professor pointed to the following line of small words and read aloud: "ikalet! The most powerful spirit of fire! It comes from the light and heat at the beginning of the birth of the world! It is neither good nor evil, but full of anger at the gods, because God imprisoned it in eternal prison for mankind..."

Before Craig finished reading the whole paragraph, a huge volcano in the distance suddenly began to erupt violently. The rumbling sound and vibration can be clearly felt even several kilometers away.

What\'s more terrible is that after the eruption, a creature more than 200 meters high, completely composed of hot flame and magma, slowly climbed out of the crater.

Its size is so huge that every step will lead to serious collapse of the ground!

Behind this life, there are countless monsters in the shape of fire, large and small, charging towards the location of the restaurant