All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 643

UCLA, the top 15 academic universities in the world, is known as the cradle of talents in American business finance, high-tech industry, film art and so on.

However, compared with those popular majors that can make a lot of money, the Department of archaeology is undoubtedly a colder place.

After all, anyone with a little ambition and desire will not choose archaeology, which is destined to live only by means of government funding, foundation sponsorship and rich donations.

Of course, there will never be a lack of people who give up everything for ideals and interests.

As a lifelong professor in the Department of archaeology, Dr. Craig, who is nearly 70, is such a guy who is keen on exploring, excavating and protecting the most important heritage of human civilization. For this reason, he even doesn\'t get married or have children.

It was not long before he wanted to check a volume. It was said that it was a damaged parchment scroll found in the wall of an abandoned castle in Eastern Europe. When he planned to interpret part of the content from the blurred handwriting, the closed door was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

A schoolgirl with glasses hurried in, raised her old parchment book and shouted, "Professor, guess what I found!"

"MANSA! How many times have I said! Don\'t be rash! As an archaeologist, the most important thing is to keep calm at all times, because only calm can make you make the fastest decision to protect those cultural relics that are easy to be damaged in environmental changes." Craig frowned and scolded mercilessly.

Because there are few students in the Department of archaeology, he can accurately call everyone\'s name.

"No! Professor! Please read this! I promise you will be as excited as me after reading it." without saying a word, the girl called MANSA put the rather heavy parchment books in front of the old man.

Although the latter was a little unhappy, out of professionalism and love of archaeology, he carefully put on protective gloves, gently stroked the page and began to read the contents letter by letter.

In just a few minutes, the original indifferent expression on his face was pleasantly surprised, and then changed from surprise to shock. Finally, his hands were shaking involuntarily.

After a full hour, Craig took off his glasses, took a deep breath and asked seriously, "where did you get this book?

Don\'t tell me it\'s illegal!

Do you know?

It is the only book to date that records the ancient Semitic writing and religious rituals!

And it was written by Manichean priests more than 1500 years ago!

In particular, these ancient letter symbols are very different from the known primitive Canaanite letters, Aramaic letters and Sabah letters.

It is an archaeological discovery that shocked the whole world!

This means that another unknown civilization has completely disappeared in the long river of history!

I don\'t want to ruin everything because of the source of the book! "

When he said these words, the old man waved his hands vigorously, without the slightest calmness he just mentioned

With a slight twitch in the corner of her mouth, MANSA quickly explained, "please rest assured, Professor, this book is a gift from a self righteous young asian man who I was having lunch outside."

"Are you kidding?! if this book gets to the auction house, it can sell for at least $8 million to $10 million. Even if you sell it, it\'s not worth so much." Craig subconsciously frowned and expressed strong doubt in his eyes.

"I\'m sorry, Professor, whether you believe it or not, this is the truth. I\'m a little confused myself." MANSA reluctantly spread her hand to show her innocence.

But soon, she remembered that she had a phone number in her pocket and quickly took it out and handed it to the old man: "here, this is his phone. You can call and confirm it yourself."

Craig glanced suspiciously, took out his cell phone and called.

After just a few rings, Zhang Cheng\'s lazy voice came from the microphone: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Good afternoon, sir. I\'m Craig, Professor of Archaeology at UCLA. I\'m calling to confirm that you gave this book to MANSA? Is its origin legal?" the old man asked directly.

"Hello, professor. I guarantee its origin is 100% Lily method, but I need to remind you that this is not a book in an ordinary sense..."

"Not a book in the ordinary sense? What do you mean?" Craig felt a little confused. Before he could react and continue to ask, there was a voice of beep beep hanging up on the phone.

Although that meaningful remark made him a little uneasy, his enthusiasm for archaeological research and strong curiosity about the unknown soon overshadowed everything.

Throwing his mobile phone aside, he said directly to his students, "well, it seems that you are lucky, Manny. From now on, you will no longer be my student, but an equal partner. I swear that you have the right to write your name on all academic papers related to this book, provided that I must lead the research and interpretation."

"No problem! It\'s my pleasure!" the girl nodded without thinking.

Never underestimate a signature!

If the value of the paper is recognized by the academic community, she may be hired by UCLA to become a respected university professor.

In addition, the interpretation of an ancient book more than 1500 years ago also involves the ancient Semites. Her poor knowledge reserve alone is not enough to complete such a difficult task.

"Very good! Let\'s start now! Remember! Be absolutely quiet at work." after that, Craig put on his glasses again, took out his pen and paper, transcribed the sassanne Pahlavi language on the page line by line, and then translated it against the reference materials.

Because the letter system in the western world is recognized according to pronunciation, even people in the same region will have great changes in pronunciation over time. Translation is hardly an ordinary difficulty, far from being as easy to interpret as the hieroglyphic system in the East.

When they were immersed in those strange contents related to magic, ritual and supernatural forces, they didn\'t notice that there was a monster with a long horn on the head and bathed in the burning flame on the spine of the book, and opened their terrible eyes.

It is like a demon climbing out of hell, constantly releasing a voice that human beings can\'t hear.

In less than a minute, the animals within a few kilometers began to attack each other like crazy. Two golden retrievers, known for their intelligence and docility, jumped directly at each other and began to bite endlessly. No matter how the owner shouted and pulled, it was useless until one of them swallowed his last breath and the other loosened his mouth full of blood and broken meat.

Such a strange and terrible scene not only alerted the surrounding security and patrol police, but also the news reporters of major TV stations rushed to the scene for interview half an hour after the incident.

No one knows that the culprit is actually a book, an ancient parchment book with mysterious power