All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 642

"Of course! I\'m a graduate student in the Department of Archaeology at UCLA. But doesn\'t it matter if you don\'t even wear gloves? You know, thousands of parchment books are very fragile, and a little carelessness may cause irreparable damage."

The young girl was obviously very interested in her professional field, and her eyes had been staring at the cover of the ancient parchment book.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "it doesn\'t matter! Anyway, I\'m only interested in the words and knowledge recorded inside. As for whether the books will be damaged, that\'s not my concern."

"God! Do you know how much an ancient Manichean sheep skin book out of print in the middle ages is worth? Even if the reserve price is hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars! Even if you don\'t cherish these precious cultural relics, you should at least cherish your own money." the girl turned her eyes angrily.

You know, just a few words ago, the edge of the page under the parchment began to fall down, which made her feel distressed.

After all, among all antiques and cultural relics, books and characters that are difficult to preserve are often the rarest. At the same time, they are also evidence that can provide a large number of reliable basis for archaeological research.

"It\'s only a few million dollars. Do you think I care?" Zhang Cheng asked while flipping through it quickly without raising his head.

There is no doubt that his current mental state is quite relaxed, so he can chat with each other without a word and enjoy this ordinary and peaceful leisure time.

"Thanks!" the female graduate student with glasses finally burst out.

She has been choked several times in a row. No matter how good her temper is, she can\'t help getting angry.

"Ha ha! Just kidding, don\'t be angry." seeing a trace of anger on the other party\'s face, Zhang Cheng finally laughed at the success of the prank and handed over the ancient book he had read. "Here, here you are. Just take it as an apology for my rudeness."

"Give it to me? You don\'t have any bad ideas about me!" the girl subconsciously covered her chest and her eyes were full of vigilance.

"Please! Miss! Even if I have an attempt, I should at least find a beautiful woman who looks beautiful and has the same concave convex figure as a supermodel. You are a little short of this standard." Zhang Cheng mercilessly smashed the other party\'s poor self-esteem.

The angry girl immediately blushed, raised her chest and retorted loudly, "what\'s wrong with me?! tell you! I have at least dozens of people chasing me at school!"

"So you want me to have an attempt on you?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin with interest and looked up and down at the sensitive parts of the other party\'s body.

"No! No! Damn it! I almost fell for you!"

Having received higher education, the young girl quickly woke up and regained her composure within a few seconds after falling into the language trap.

Aware of this, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and joking: "Look, there are always two extreme contradictions in your woman\'s heart. On the one hand, you want to be charming and better be able to attract the attention of every opposite sex; on the other hand, you are worried about being hurt and always protect yourself with an attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away. Do you remember what I just said? Think carefully, all the answers are in it."

The voice just fell!

A waiter carried a super large plate and brought all the more than a dozen dishes at one go.

After carefully checking that there was nothing he hated in the dish, he took the initiative to invite and said, "if I guessed right, you don\'t seem to have time to order, do you? If you don\'t mind, have some together and it\'s my treat."

"Have you always been so self righteous?" the girl raised her chin slightly, with an undisguised irony in her tone.

"No! I used to be very modest and cautious. I would never easily offend anyone if I didn\'t have to. However, some changes happened later. I suddenly felt that being too low-key was not a good thing. It would make many flies and bedbugs around you all the time. Most of the time, showing aggression properly can avoid a lot of trouble. In addition, I sincerely suggest eating together Otherwise, even if you order in 45 minutes, the kitchen can\'t deliver it so quickly. "

After that, Zhang Cheng picked up a honey roasted chicken leg, put it on his plate and chewed it with relish.

The girl turned and glanced at the crowded scene in the restaurant. She bit her lower lip and hesitated for a moment. Then she picked up a chicken roll and stuffed it into her mouth and ate it.

Although there are many dishes, the total amount is not large. Two people will sweep away all the delicious food in a moment.

After eating the last roast shrimp, Zhang Cheng picked up his napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. He directly put the banknotes, including tips, on the table and walked out with his old suitcase.

Before he walked 50 meters away, he heard the cry of a female graduate student behind him: "Hey! Wait! You forgot something!"

I saw the girl holding up the parchment ancient book and panting out.

"No, it\'s not mine, but yours. Did you forget that I gave it to you just now?" Zhang Cheng stopped and shook his head with a smile.

"Really give it to me? According to the contents recorded in this book, it can sell more than $5 million at the auction. If you\'re lucky, it\'s not impossible to sell $10 million or $20 million."

Obviously, the girl has probably read the description and interpretation of Manichaeism sacrifice for the magic ceremony of the Semitic people in ancient times, and understands the great value contained in this book. In addition, many rich people are obsessed with magic and supernatural forces, even if they sell at a sky high price.

"Yes, here you are. But I suggest you don\'t indulge in it too much. Some things are beyond your control. Oh, by the way, to be safe, I should leave you a call. If your life is threatened one day, remember to call me, I can provide protection."

With the last word blurted out, a note with the phone number appeared in the girl\'s palm out of thin air.

When she looked up again, she found that Zhang Cheng had disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared.

"God! I don\'t think I\'ve encountered any supernatural events?"

The female graduate student shivered subconsciously. Fortunately, it was noon, and the warm sun quickly dispelled the anxiety and fear in the subconscious.

After putting the note with the phone number in her jeans pocket, she immediately got into an old used car and drove straight to UCLA.

Filled with excitement in her heart, she couldn\'t wait to let her tutor take a look at the contents of the book and do a comprehensive test by the way.

If this book is not a fake, then she may take this opportunity to publish several influential academic papers, establish her position in the archaeological circle, and don\'t worry about finding a job after graduation