All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 639

"Yes, they are all contract slaves, and they are the second and third generations. The shortest time limit is 50 years. The most important thing is to ensure absolute obedience and loyalty to their master. No matter how you torture, abuse or even kill them, they will still be crazy about you and love you..."

As Cosmo spoke, he reached out his hand and hooked his finger at the maid on his left.

The white woman, who looked in her early twenties, immediately came forward and knelt on one knee, took the speaker\'s wrinkled and senile spot and kissed him deeply. Her two light green pupils were filled with a morbid and distorted love and enthusiasm.

There is no doubt that all this is caused by the powerful magic contract.

Perhaps through some means such as hypnosis, suggestion and brainwashing, the victim is forced to think that the contract holder is his closest relative and lover. It may also directly induce the illusion to the brain like a mind Snatcher, so that the victim can\'t distinguish what is illusion and what is reality, and will slowly immerse himself in it over time.

Anyway, whatever it is, it must not be out of my will.

Thinking of this, Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile and refused: "forget it, I\'m not interested in servants who don\'t even have self-consciousness. Their value is even inferior to the advanced magic puppets created by Alchemy."

"No, dear zhang, you should know what I mean. Don\'t tell me that as a man with normal physiological orientation, you are not interested in these beautiful women whose figure, appearance and temperament are far beyond the average level. Believe me, they will give you unprecedented happiness in bed." Kosmo tilted his mouth slightly and hinted meaningfully.

"Sorry, Mr. speaker, in terms of women, I personally prefer real feedback rather than a group of dolls who will do whatever you say. What\'s the difference between buying a lot of silicone dolls?" Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and impolitely picked up a raw oyster and poured it into his mouth.

Pushing the maid kneeling on the ground away, Kosmo flashed a strange look in his eyes and quickly nodded approvingly: "it makes sense! It seems that you know how to enjoy life better than me. Tell me, what are you going to do next after this mediation?"

"I don\'t know. I haven\'t thought about it yet. If there\'s no accident, I\'ll stay in Los Angeles for a while and visit the famous Hollywood." Zhang Cheng replied with half truth.

Although strictly speaking, it is impossible to keep secret such as launching a private satellite, he still doesn\'t want to let people in the underground world know too early.

"Hollywood..." Kosmo seemed to recall something, and a trace of nostalgia appeared on his old face. "I remember a hundred years ago, it was a desolate town. Later, with the development of the times, it gradually became the largest film manufacturing center in the world in just 30 or 40 years. If you really want to see it, I can arrange a guide for you, an insider who really understands the development of Hollywood."

"Thank you for your kindness, but I prefer to explore by myself and enjoy the surprises that may appear at any time. If you have nothing else to tell me, I\'ll leave now." after that, Zhang Cheng picked up a white napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth and leaned slightly.

"Have a good time with you! Besides, I won\'t forget what you have done. Call me anytime if necessary." Kosmo held up the wine in his glass and drank it up.


Leaving the luxury villa on Venice Beach, Zhang Cheng directly took out his mobile phone and dialed one of the numbers in his address book.

In less than five seconds, Chester Basham\'s voice came through the microphone: "Hi, dear friend, you finally called me. How are you, have you arrived in Los Angeles?"

"Yes! I\'ve arrived in Los Angeles. Now tell me where you live." Zhang Cheng didn\'t talk nonsense and directly asked for the address.

"I live in Beverly Hills, but it\'s over nine o\'clock now. It\'s estimated that you can\'t call a taxi. Tell me where you are and I\'ll take a helicopter to pick you up." Chester Basham offered.

I have to say, his suggestion is still quite considerate.

Because Zhang Cheng also found that after he left the luxury villa area, it was like entering another world. The streets were full of blacks, street women and drug traffickers, which was completely different from the relatively good public security in the daytime.

Not to mention taxis, there are few passing vehicles on the spacious road. Local residents with a slightly normal mind know how dangerous and chaotic this time period is.

In desperation, he had to find a fairly conspicuous parking lot and stood in place patiently waiting for the arrival of the helicopter.

In less than ten minutes, with the strong noise generated by the rapid rotation of the propeller, a helicopter of unknown model slowly landed from the sky.

Before landing, the front door of the co pilot\'s position suddenly opened. Chester bashem shouted at the top of his voice, "come on! Come on! This damn place is not safe!"

"Don\'t worry, with me, even if the whole California National Guard goes out, I can guarantee you to leave safely." Zhang Cheng smiled indifferently, jumped into the co pilot\'s position and closed the door.

But Chester Basham with headphones obviously didn\'t hear what he just said. He quickly raised the height and headed straight for the most luxurious residential area in Los Angeles - Foley villa.

After a while, they landed on the lawn of a villa.

As soon as he jumped off the plane, Zhang Cheng saw a young woman who looked twenty-eight or seventy-eight years old standing at the door. Next to her was a little boy of about three or four years old.

Needless to ask, this must be Chester Basham\'s wife and son.

In addition, there are four large border shepherds who smell the smell of strangers, show their teeth and keep yelling menacingly, as if warning not to approach.

"Good evening, you must be Mr. Zhang that Chester often mentioned. I finally saw you today. In fact, if my husband hadn\'t stopped me, I would have come to the door to express my gratitude." the young woman was undoubtedly very well-educated and took the lead in saying hello.

"Oh, please believe me, your husband is definitely for your sake. After all, I live in a magical world completely isolated from ordinary people. It is so dangerous. A beautiful and elegant lady like you should stay away as far as possible." Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

"That\'s right, honey. You know, I did this to protect you." Chester bashem obviously knew how curious his wife was about the underground world, and his face showed a trace of helplessness.