All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 638

A psychologist once said that as a person gradually begins to age, he will inevitably become more and more afraid of death and more eager to know what the world looks like after death, so as to shift his attention from secular to religion and try to find a placebo from those fabricated things that do not exist at all, Deceive yourself that you can go to another world to live better after death.

Although powerful wizards like Kosmo are disgusted with all kinds of existing religions, the fear of death is inevitable. The crazy actions these days are the best embodiment.

So when he learned that the bottle of life prolonging medicine in front of him could still work, he grabbed it without saying a word, took off the plug, lifted his head and drank it.

Feeling full of vitality, with the blood flowing all over his body, his anger finally calmed down completely, licked his lips and sighed: "this feeling... Is incomparable! Dear zhang, you have invented a wonderful magic medicine. I promise that if others know that the life prolonging medicine can be taken in unlimited quantities, the whole underground world will go crazy."

"For the sake of peace and stability in the underground world, you\'d better keep a secret for me. To know that this potion is not easy to do. Without mentioning the complicated craft and harsh alchemy technology, it\'s hard to get the material called the essence of life. I can\'t satisfy the desire of so many people for life." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders innocently.

Needless to ask, it must be a lie in order to hold the ruling classes of the underground world.

Although many people can escape death in different ways, for example, Catherine, the Witch of desire, has used many times to replace the young body, and for example, some magic rituals to prolong life handed down by the wizard Association in ancient times, there will be many defects or side effects.

Even the soul division used by Faust, the legendary necromancer who claimed to defeat death, is quite dangerous. Each division not only uses a lot of living people as sacrifices, but also has to bear great pain.

But the longevity potion is different. As long as you drink it, it can increase the vitality of the body. Unless the soul also has problems, it can live for hundreds or even thousands of years until the last potential of the cell is drained.

It can be imagined how crazy those old guys who control great power will become when they hear this news. They will be impatient to take out the good things they have collected all their life in exchange for a bottle of potion. And from then on, Zhang Cheng will also win a gold medal for avoiding death. No matter how much trouble is caused in the future, the ruling class of the underground world will find ways to help deal with the aftermath, because only he can prepare a life prolonging medicine that can be taken repeatedly in the world.

Kosmo undoubtedly knew this very well. He sat on the sofa and gently touched the beard on his chin. From beginning to end, he didn\'t take a look at the dead woman nearby.

Obviously, the maid unfortunately hit the muzzle of the gun. As a result, she was crushed by some powerful magic, and her dark red blood flowed all over the ground.

After about two or three minutes, the speaker seemed to have figured something out and nodded gently: "of course! Of course I will keep it a secret for you. But I\'m curious, why did you promise Yvonne to mediate the contradiction between me and several other members? Or, in other words, do you want to expand your influence in the Supreme Council?"

"Half and half! I want to improve my influence a little, but more importantly, those congressmen have offered me exciting prices. You should know that I like collecting knowledge and technology very much and can\'t refuse such temptation." Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

"Ha ha! I like your honesty! Well, for your sake, all conflicts are over. But there is a precondition for me. They must find the damn thief within half a year, or the consequences will be very serious. No one can rob my things and get away with it." at the last word, Kosmo\'s face showed an expression of negative emotions such as ferocity, cruelty and tyranny.

"I see! I promise I\'ll convey every word to every member of Parliament." Zhang Cheng stood up, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed.

As for what will happen if he hasn\'t caught the thief after half a year, he doesn\'t care at all. Anyway, he has completed his set goal.

"Well, don\'t be so formal. You are an indispensable member of Parliament, different from them. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to pay you. Take it. This is a record of the powerful curse magic used by priests in ancient Egypt. It is very rare and precious. It is said that a demigod died under the curse in this book." Kosmo quickly took out an ancient book bound in papyrus and covered in gold from the back shelf.

It has to be said that after thousands of years of baptism, it is a miracle that this book is not damaged or blurred.

Especially when you hold it in your hand, you can immediately feel a malicious magic energy flowing in the pages, which can help every reader better understand the principle of curse magic.

Zhang Cheng took it in his hand and read it carefully. After a while, he was immersed in the strange symbols and incredible curse methods.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe more than ten minutes, maybe a few hours

In short, when he came back, it was completely dark outside. The servants and slaves in the villa also prepared a rich meal and stood respectfully to serve the master.

Kosmo\'s appetite was quite good. He ate a shelled prawn in three or two bites and joked in a half joking tone: "Dear zhang, I have to admit that your attitude towards knowledge is really impressive. However, the book belongs to you. You can take it back and study slowly. Now you\'d better come and have something to eat. I guarantee that the seafood on the table will meet your picky taste buds. Also, if you like a beautiful maid, tell me directly You\'re welcome. I\'ll add her magic contract to you. "

"They are all indentured slaves?" Zhang Cheng glanced at the 20-year-old young women around him, with undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Contract slave, as the name suggests, is a contract slave. It is a real slave bound by a magic contract and can\'t even commit suicide. It can\'t resist any order issued by the master, even killing a close relative, or cutting off a part of his body and eating it.

Generally speaking, only when extremely serious crimes are committed will the Supreme Council demote the residents and their families of an underground world as contract slaves.

What\'s more, this terrible punishment contract will be passed on to future generations.

Because the contract has a specific term, maybe 30 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 300 years, 500 years, 1000 years

If a person can\'t finish living for that long, future generations will continue to live as contract slaves instead of him, generation after generation, until the time limit expires.

If there is no offspring, the Council will help breed a offspring through powerful magic.

To some extent, this is the most terrible way for parliament to punish a person