All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 640

There was no doubt that Chester barshem didn\'t want his wife and children to contact too much about the underground world. After a brief chat, he rushed them upstairs to bed.

When they left completely, he took a deep breath and asked in a uncertain tone, "where is the satellite you want to launch?"

"Here it is." Zhang Cheng calmly took out two small gadgets with exquisite shape and the size of the palm from his pocket and gently put them on the table.

"What?! are you sure it\'s a satellite, not a children\'s toy or model?" Chester Basham stared in surprise.

"Yes, this is the satellite, but I\'ve shrunk it by magic. I\'ll restore them to normal size before launch." Zhang Cheng didn\'t hide his meaning, and Dafang gave a positive reply.

In fact, at the very beginning, he told each other the size and weight of the two satellites, so the data obtained by the Western aerospace and missile test center north of Los Angeles is the normal size. Otherwise, it would be impossible to bid $150 million for launching two tennis ball sized things.

"My God! It\'s incredible! But I have a question. Since you can shrink the satellite to such a small size, why not launch it directly?" Chester Basham\'s tone was full of doubt and confusion.

Zhang Cheng explained with a smile: "It\'s very simple! Think about it. If you were the US government and suddenly found such a small and exquisite man-made satellite, would you be curious? Would you secretly make a small detection? Would you monitor it after it was launched into the established orbit? What would they do if the size of the satellite suddenly increased by dozens or hundreds of times? So I\'d rather spend more time I don\'t want to leave a lot of possible troubles in the future. "

Chester bashem nodded thoughtfully: "I see! Let\'s send the satellite to the launch center tomorrow. There are still many preparations to be completed, including applying for radio frequency band, radio business license and orbit reporting. If nothing happens, the satellite will start working normally in about a month and a half."

Obviously, he is quite familiar with the system process of launching private satellites, and even considers some legal approvals very comprehensively.

"Great! I\'ll leave the whole matter to you. This is the reward I pay you." Zhang Cheng took out a small suitcase one foot square, entered the password and opened it directly.


Twenty bottles of sealed glass test tubes emitting green light are neatly placed in the shockproof groove of the box.

"This is..." Chester Basham\'s breath suddenly became shortness, picked up one of the bottles, and his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

Although he didn\'t know much about magic medicine, he didn\'t bother to recognize it. This is the tonic that saved his son\'s life last time and claims to be able to cure all diseases, curses, poisoning and negative magic effects.

A faint smile on one\'s face as like as two peas. "Yes, exactly the same bottle I gave you last time. I want to use them to pay for the cost of satellite launching, far more than the direct one," he said, smiling blinking his eyes.

"Of course! These beautiful potions are much more valuable than $150 million! I swear, if they are given to those billionaires who are terminally ill, they will be willing to offer hundreds of millions of dollars in exchange for healthy body." Chester bashem subconsciously licked his lips.

As an outsider who controls public opinion for the North American Supreme Council, he knows the value of these advanced drugs better than anyone. He can\'t buy them with money at all.

What\'s more, it takes a long time and energy for ordinary people like him without any supernatural power to get the gold Dinar circulating in the underground world.

But now, with these 20 bottles of tonic medicine that can be used as hard currency, he can quickly get a gold Dinar through mortgage, loan and other means, and then use these gold dinars as the principal to purchase and sell low-level magic items, so as to earn the price difference.

In short, it is to give full play to the strengths of businessmen and capitalists and make use of the characteristics of asymmetric information and slow commercial mobility in the underground world to make profits for themselves.

In addition, 20 bottles of tonic medicine also means that it can save 20 lives at the critical moment and make the other party owe his own favor. Its huge value is comparable to a mere $150 million, plus two zeros.

"It\'s up to you to launch the satellite. If it\'s not necessary, try not to let too many people know about it." Zhang Cheng asked without thinking.

After perceiving the shallow thinking activity of the guy in front of him, he couldn\'t help but sigh that the capitalist\'s heart is really black. He plays with the white wolf more than himself.

I just don\'t know if this guy who has been baptized by modern commercial culture will directly force up the price of low-level magic items that are already expensive in the underground world.

"No problem, just leave it to me. If even such a small matter requires your personal presence, the Supreme Council would have kicked me and my family away and replaced them with someone capable. Oh, by the way, how long are you going to stay in Los Angeles this time? If time permits, I can take you to meet several generations of families who have worked for Parliament in California. They are in politics and politics Business is very influential. The most important thing is, since you come to Los Angeles, how can you not enjoy and taste the Hollywood actresses... "

At the end, Chester Basham\'s face showed a smile that men know.

"Ha ha! Thank you for your kindness, but forget the Hollywood actresses. I\'m really not interested in them." Zhang Cheng laughed and shook his head and refused.

You should know that he is a firm supporter of the truth that "there are no good people in the entertainment industry". Everyone who enters this circle, men and women, will sooner or later be blackened by a large ink VAT.

For money, status and fame, male and female stars will not hesitate to sell their bodies or their souls.

Only idiots have fantasies about careers such as actors and stars, thinking that there will always be one or two white lotus flowers that come out of the mud without being stained.

But in fact, there are one. They all have vanity and desire beyond ordinary people. If they are slightly tempted, they will soon degenerate. The guy who looks like a white lotus just pretends better.

"Do you have a mania for cleanliness?" Chester Basham raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It was the first time that he met someone who would refuse to arrange Hollywood actress by himself. Even the members and lords of the sub parliament would generally gladly accept and enjoy the whole process.

"No, it\'s not a problem of cleanliness, it\'s that I hate myself falling into pure desire.

If the other party is a member of the Supreme Council, no matter how debauchery her private life is, I will gladly accept this behavior that can enhance our intimate relationship.

But why should I waste my precious time and energy on a powerless actress?

Remember, dear Chester, don\'t let the desire of the lower body dominate your mind. Only in this way can you be qualified to evolve towards a higher level of life... "