All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 628

The Central Library of the hammer of doom gathers the last adherents of the upper elves.

Of course, like many organizations that have come to a dead end, sindra is also facing great threats and troubles. Not to mention the ogres who occupy the North District and claim to split the earth to build a nation, Sartre who was accidentally summoned in the East District alone is quite a headache.

In addition, after more than 10000 years of energy extraction, the energy in imotar gradually became exhausted.

In order to prevent the outbreak of demonic addiction from getting out of control, the crazy Prince tosadelin even ordered the massacre of the people under his rule. At present, less than 60 people have survived, most of them are either mages who help extract demonic energy or administrators who are responsible for keeping precious knowledge in the huge library.

When Zhang Cheng stepped into the central area of the ancient city of eresalas, dozens of elves immediately put down their work, raised their heads and stared at the two intruders with vigilant eyes.

After a full minute, one of the men frowned and asked, "who are you? How do you bypass the magic protection to enter this sacred library?"

"Maybe it would be a little rude to answer this way, but I still want to say that it doesn\'t matter who we are. The important thing is that from now on, everything here will belong to me." Zhang Cheng did not hide the purpose of his trip and grinned with a malicious smile.

You should know that his heart has long been dark to the point that he is still indifferent even to the destruction of a world. Therefore, no matter how talented these upper elves are and how much precious knowledge they have saved, they still can\'t save their dying fate.

"Arrogant human! Do you know who you are talking to?" the eyes of the male who spoke before burst out a light mixed with arcane and evil powers, looking like he wanted to use magic to teach Zhang Cheng a lesson.

But Zhang Cheng didn\'t give him a chance to show. He directly asked, "hilna, kill them for me."

"As you wish, master."

Without saying a word, the female demon hunter rushed forward with an arrow. Before the other party reacted, she raised her blade and stabbed it into the heart of the target.

Just when several other people reacted and began to fight back, she suddenly started the sacrificial aura, and immediately formed a large annular burning flame around her body, which seriously burned the mages\' hands and interrupted the singing of the spell.

In a scream and wail, helna killed seven upper elf mages without effort.

However, the reason why it can be so easy is that these mages have not participated in the real battle for too long, and they have not displayed a protective magic from beginning to end.

In addition, the demon hunter\'s restraint against spell casting classes also played a great role.

Looking at these bodies lying in a pool of blood, the expression on Zhang Cheng\'s face has not changed at all. Since he took down an ancient book recording all kinds of knowledge, experience and knowledge from the bookshelf, he looked through it.

Among them, those related to magic, alchemy and item manufacturing are reduced and directly thrown into the pocket. Those books about history, geography and folk rumors are put back.

Needless to ask, he is on his way to search for the systematic and comprehensive knowledge system of the upper elves stored in this library.

However, before one third of this naked looting was carried out, Prince tosadelin, who was holding two daggers and didn\'t know whether they were short swords or long daggers, rushed over from a distance at a very fast speed.

Through the unique perception of demon hunter, hilna found the little secret in each other\'s body, immediately raised her mouth and joked in a playful tone: "this is the guy you mentioned repeatedly? The level of evil energy in his body is about to exceed many demons."

"It\'s not normal! Whoever extracted 12000 years of energy from the devil will inevitably become like this. But what makes me curious is that so many evil energies have not transformed his body and soul into demons. It must have used some interesting techniques and skills." Zhang Cheng explained by touching his chin.

"It\'s really interesting. Do you want me to stay alive?" sylna asked in an uncertain tone.

"No, no, these things are no longer of much use to me. Kill all the elves in the library quickly, and then we go to the magic node on the west side to start making corresponding preparations." after that, Zhang Cheng never looked up to see Prince tosadelin rushing towards him and continued to read the mountains of books on the books.

It has to be said that it was a wise move for the queen of the upper elves to order the construction of this treasure house for storing knowledge.

It ensures that even if the arcane power is interrupted for tens of thousands of years in the night elf community, it can still rise rapidly in a short time.

In the cataclysm, after Malfurion Stormrage lifted the ban and the same clan lifted the arcane, sindra quickly used the resources at her disposal to establish a large-scale mage army.

But unfortunately, now the last haven of the upper elves has ushered in the prelude to destruction.

"Go to hell! Despicable intruder! I will use your blood to pay tribute to the dead compatriots!"

With the roar of anger, Prince tosadelin\'s hands fluctuated strongly, and suddenly released an arcane impact to the front.


Hilna was directly shocked by the powerful impact and hit the bookshelf in the back.

If it was an ordinary person, even if there was no instant death, at least a few ribs would have to be broken.

But the devil hunter\'s body had already become as strong as the devil. It took her less than two seconds to get up from the ground, suddenly spread her wings and rushed forward to have a frontal collision with her opponent.


The sound of four magic weapons colliding with each other echoed over the empty library, and the golden sparks splashed everywhere.

"Evil... Demon hunter? What do you have to do with Illidan Stormrage!" Prince tosadelin changed his face slightly and realized that things seemed much more complex and dangerous than he thought.

"Hum! You are not qualified to mention Lord Illidan\'s name! And you are not qualified to know what a great plan he is currently carrying out. You are just a poor creature enslaved by power and a heartless person immersed in magic addiction. On behalf of the real descendants of the upper elves, I give you a kind death."

The voice just fell!

Hilna\'s eyes full of green light suddenly burst out two green evil powers, burning through her opponent\'s upper body on the spot.


Prince tosedrine could not believe that his body after repeated strengthening was so fragile that he screamed and swallowed his last breath.

Eye edge!

One of the most powerful abilities of demon hunter, it continuously releases the evil energy source in his body through his eyes. The larger the base number, the more objective the damage will be.

With Prince tosedrine\'s poor magic resistance, he couldn\'t hold on for a few seconds.