All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 629




It took hilna less than half an hour to kill all the remaining hindra in the Doomhammer central library!

After today, the Night Elves will completely lose the opportunity to regain their arcane power, and the ancient city of eresalas will soon disappear from philas forever.

All this is to cover up the important magic ceremony to be carried out next.

Through the narrow and dark corridor, Zhang Cheng soon came to a cage located under the huge palace. All kinds of distorted elements and creatures filled every corner, constantly sending out crackling restlessness. At a glance, the magical energy of different attributes constantly collided and intersected in the air, forming a unique and unstable cycle.

At the center of this cycle, there is a four legged devil, which looks a bit like a mutated hell hound, but the head and back of the hell hound are covered with thin and long tentacles, the end is countless colored eyeballs, and the scales on the body surface flash blue light from time to time.

"This is imotar? It doesn\'t seem as powerful as I thought..." the female demon hunter subconsciously frowned and whispered.

"No, you don\'t understand. The real strength of this disaster dog lies not in its destructive power, but in its ability to keep in touch with distorted time and space, and draw strength from the Legion assembly place to supplement itself at any time. Do you feel it? It is using its magic node to constantly strengthen itself, and it will be free in a real sense soon." Zhang Cheng explained with a sneer.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the big dog has been weak to some extent, but in his eyes, it is easy to find the resonance between the blood red eyeballs and the surrounding magic nodes.

The arrogant Prince tosadelin didn\'t realize that the demon who had been imprisoned for thousands of years was already quietly ready to destroy the whole magic protection.

"Arrogant mortals! They always underestimate the ability of demons! They don\'t understand what they\'re dealing with! Let alone how terrible the Burning Legion is!" sylna shook her head with a smile and sighed.

In fact, similar situations are not one or two at all. Among the blood elves who arrive in Outland, many people have such a mentality towards the devil that they think everything is under control.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of demons, they have fallen into the control of the Legion since the moment they began to summon demons and use evil energy.

There was only one person who successfully got rid of the influence of the Burning Legion on. He was the original demon hunter Illidan Stormrage.

Just when Zhang Cheng opened his mouth to say something, the violet protective cover around the central area suddenly collapsed, and all the arcane creatures surging around the circular field lost their stable form and burst out loud noises again and again.

Seeing this scene, he couldn\'t help but raise his mouth and joked in a playful tone: "Aha! It seems that my lovely apprentice has solved the troublesome crystal towers around. It\'s not enough. I sincerely hope he can survive the next severe Arcane Explosion, otherwise it\'s not easy to find another Tauren with mage qualification."

"May mother earth bless poor Carla Cape." hilna joked casually, then pulled out her blade and rushed towards imotar.

As a demon hunter, it is her duty and obligation to eliminate demons. She doesn\'t need anyone to remind her at all.

Obviously, imotar was not the top level of the Legion. Although his ability was a little strange, he soon fell to the ground and became a lifeless body under the fierce attack of evil energy.

Zhang Cheng ignored the disaster dog with a faint stench, stood alone in the center of the white platform, closed his eyes and felt the flow and gathering of magical energy.

There is no doubt that this is the center of the magic node.

According to the Titans, this is an organ for the star soul to perceive the outside world. As long as there is a lead, it will immediately trigger a powerful energy response inside the star soul.

Thinking of this, he carefully took out the bottle of well water from the eternal well from his pocket and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "it\'s a pity that I can\'t accommodate the incomparable energy like the star soul now, so I might as well charge a little interest first to turn my soul into the soul of magic..."

The voice just fell!

He raised his supreme power and began to transform the material in the surrounding air. After a while, the clear water under his feet hid from his knees and formed a glittering silver pool.

Hilna was undoubtedly very clear about what was going to happen next. Without saying a word, she turned around and ran outside. When she passed the small square on the west side, she didn\'t forget to take the injured Tauren with her. In a moment, she was crushed into meat by energy impact.

When they escaped from the hammer of doom more than ten kilometers away, they suddenly noticed a violent energy fluctuation behind them.

Looking back, I saw that the whole sky over the ancient city of eresalas had been covered by endless arcane power, gradually forming a terrible vortex.

The surrounding plants grew like eating jinkela, and transformed from ordinary plants into magical plants. In particular, the small dark purple flowers were like deadly poisons. No matter herbivores or insects, they would explode with a bang as soon as they bite.




The whole philas trembled under this terrible gathering of energy!

The nagas on the beach smelled the smell of magic and rushed to the land desperately, eager to find the cause of the upheaval.

The night elves in Yueyu fortress sounded the horn nervously and ordered hundreds of horned eagle and beast riders to investigate the past location before taking off, and the ground forces crossed the Strait in warships. Whoever caused all this will become the target of their attack.

Of course, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t know what\'s happening outside. Even if he knows, he won\'t care too much.

Because he has now focused all his attention on guiding the huge energy to ensure that his soul is permanently transformed into a magical soul.

As the name suggests, the soul of magic is that after abandoning the body, only the soul can still perform all magic, and there is no need to worry about being forcibly pulled into the world of the dead.

Although this sounds nothing, in fact, no matter which magic world, soul casting is a necessary qualification for a top mage, and the magic soul goes further and permanently changes the essence of the soul from a simple soul to a state similar to a magic spirit.

This state is more powerful than any wild demigod!

But in order to do this, it will certainly hurt the soul of Azeroth who has experienced many hardships.

In short, it\'s like a bone marrow transplant, which aims to evolve one\'s own soul by extracting the most important things from the star soul book