All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 627

There is no doubt that philas is a very strange place. Due to the sufficient magical energy, the plants here are like eating "golden garbage", crazy to cover every inch of land, and the green full of life can\'t see the end at a glance.

With lush plants, there are naturally many herbivores, many herbivores and no fewer carnivores. Over time, a huge food chain effect has been formed.

Even standing high in the sky, you can still clearly see the giant bears and wolves that are said to be in the jungle, and even strange magical creatures like elf dragons.

Everything comes from the magic node in the center of the ruins of the ancient city of eresalas.

The ogre, who is very sensitive to magic, also noticed the difference here, invaded and occupied the northern area of the hammer of doom, and wanted to rebuild his brilliant civilization with the help of the surrounding active magic energy.

Before the Burning Legion discovered Draenor, the hometown of orcs, there were two powerful local civilizations, one of which was the epihisian civilization created by the crow based on crystal technology, and the other was the magical civilization created by the ogre.

It is said that the most prosperous ogre Empire makes its magic technology far more advanced and destructive than Dalaran, the human Magic Kingdom.

However, at present, they are just a group of stupid and greedy robbers, frantically searching for everything with magical power, and even blocking the only channel connecting the desolate land in the north, robbing passing caravans and adventurers.

When Zhang Cheng\'s airship slowly landed next to the central arena of the hammer of doom, dozens of Ogres who followed him finally couldn\'t help launching an attack.

"Ah!!!!! Ha ha! Smash them!"

"Come on! I like to hear the screams of prey before they die!"

"Food! They must have brought a lot of food!"


With the almost crazy roar, these blue fat people swarmed up. They didn\'t understand how dangerous and deadly the people standing on the airship were.

Before Zhang Cheng even started, Kara Haijiao took the lead in singing a spell, shooting a hot fireball and exploding the head of the unlucky guy in front into pieces.

Obviously, compared with the frost spell based on control, he prefers the powerful flame magic, especially the terrible energy released by the fire explosion when it hits the enemy. It\'s almost a kind of unspeakable comfort.

"Sorry, guys, although I have no prejudice against ogres, you obviously made the wrong choice."

Hilna gracefully pulled out the war blade forged by evil energy, jumped down from the deck, easily avoided the heavy two handed axes, war hammers and wooden sticks of the ogres, brushed her neck a few times, blocked the trachea with dazzling blood, and suffocated her opponent alive.

From the doomsday Lord Kazak, the female hunter has absorbed the most powerful power, so it is no problem to kill these ogres who like to crush their opponents with brute force.

To be exact, more than 30 ogre warriors and mages were all killed in less than five minutes, of which two-thirds were killed by the elves and the other one-third were killed under the sinister sneak attack of Kara Cape.

There was a miserable guy whose little brother was blasted by a cow\'s hoof. He knelt on the ground and kept wailing until a heavy Dharma stick like a hammer broke his head.

After the short battle, Zhang Cheng left the airship deck in no hurry and went straight to the west entrance.

"Teacher, where are we going next?" Carla Haijiao came close and scratched her head, pretending to be simple and honest.

"Nature is to go to the center of the magic node and see the summoned demon imotar. I\'m curious how powerful this guy is and how he can be pumped for thousands or even thousands of years." Zhang Cheng walked through the exquisite stone arch around the corner to the west of the Doomhammer full of activated plants and arcane life.

Gazing at the huge white crystal tower standing in front of the square, he couldn\'t help touching his chin and muttering, "is energy bound? Very interesting technology! It seems that the upper elves studied arcane art more deeply than I thought 10000 years ago."

"Er... Dear teacher, are you sure you want to get close to the Crystal Tower? I think the arcane life around me seems very unstable. If they suddenly explode, I\'m afraid there will be no life within tens of meters around." Carla Haijiao carefully warned.

Zhang Cheng turned around and glanced at this seemingly loyal but actually treacherous tauren, smiled and shook his head: "No, my apprentice, these arcane lives are not as dangerous as you think. I should have taught you before that to deal with similar elemental life bodies, the most important thing is to disintegrate the stable energy structure. Now the test is coming. Go and solve these annoying little things. Don\'t worry, if you die, I will collect your body."

"I... I\'m alone?!" Kara Haijiao suddenly stared, with a feeling of splashing the dog.

Because in a sense, it doesn\'t make much difference to die.

Because arcane life is not like elemental creatures such as fire, earth and water. It only uses its inherent strength to fight. Unless it is strong to a certain extent, it can\'t have too high wisdom at all.

However, from the moment of birth, arcane life will form one or two magic circuits in the body full of energy, which means that they can release a series of magic, such as Arcane Missiles, flashes, arcane explosions, serial lightning and so on, and their power is not comparable to that of ordinary mages.

At the thought of being confronted by several arcane creatures with similar spell power, Kara Cape\'s legs began to tremble.

If he had a choice, he would rather go to Outland to deal with the huge split hoofed cow than fight with the arcane life.

"Hehe, yes, you are alone. But because of your strength, I decided to give you a little help." after saying that, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A violet force field shield enveloped the Tauren\'s body.

Carla Cape closed her eyes and felt the structure of the shield. She was surprised and shouted, "is it an arcane defense shield?"

"That\'s right! But this shield can only absorb limited damage. Once it reaches the maximum limit, it will break on the spot. Remember, use your mind to avoid the enemy\'s attack as much as possible, otherwise I guarantee that this shield will not last for five minutes. In addition, next I\'ll visit Prince tosadelin, the last ruler of the remnant of the upper elves. You\'d better stay with me Get rid of all the crystal towers before you come back. "

As the last word blurted out, a malicious smile appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face, patted the Tauren on the shoulder, completely ignoring the panic and fear revealed in each other\'s eyes