All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 626

Through the endless sea, the goblin airship, which has been repaired and renovated for many times, finally wandered through the barren land, walked all the way west along the thousand needle stone forest, and entered philas, which looked all dense forest.

Even when passing through the moshacher camp, it attracted the attention of many Tauren below. One by one, they raised their heads and stared wide, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Because these peaceful big men saw a male of their own standing on the deck, wearing a pink skirt and holding a magic wand like a hammer, singing spells loudly, forming a strong cross air flow near the propeller to promote the giant to fly at a high speed.

Of course, this oddly dressed Tauren is no one else, but Zhang Cheng\'s apprentice and Azeroth\'s first Tauren MAGE - Kara Cape.

As for the so-called "pink skirt", it is actually an apprentice robe, but the Tauren is much larger than humans, so it is just above the knee and looks like a skirt from a distance

"Bah! A bunch of bumpkins who have never seen the world!" Kara Cape stood on the deck and spit at her compatriots.

A few months ago, he would have felt a little ashamed, but now he has honed his face thicker than the city wall. As long as he can live in peace, he doesn\'t care about dignity and face.

"Stop talking nonsense! Continue to maintain a stable magic output! If I can\'t pour the hammer of doom before dark, I\'ll peel your skin and make a cushion for myself." Onyxia in human form kicked the Tauren\'s ass and threatened.

"As you wish, Princess highness." Cara Cape did not try to argue what he was. He put on a gentleman\'s look and bent down.

It is not that he has lost the courage to fight, but that he almost knows who on the ship can never offend, and those people can bargain, and the Black Dragon Princess belongs to the former.

Although he didn\'t think that the other party would really peel his skin as a cushion, he certainly didn\'t have to run through hardships and wear small shoes.

As a Tauren mage who claims to be smart and flexible, he will not be foolish enough to put himself in a very dangerous position in order to show off his tongue.

Seeing the cunning in Kara Haijiao\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile and said, "well, don\'t bully my apprentice, he will bring a clear stream to the world in the future. Think about how spectacular a group of Tauren mages active on the battlefield should be. It\'s really a little exciting."

"Hum! Expectation? I think when he comes back to thunder cliff, he will certainly make a stir, fool those stupid cows around, and then take the opportunity to make profits for himself." Onyxia rolled her eyes angrily.

These days, she has seen how Kara Haijiao used despicable means to defeat one opponent after another. The extreme style of fighting is like a local ruffian living in the countryside, which is completely inconsistent with the image of a mage.

It is estimated that Dalaran\'s old men will be angry when they see the Tauren mage.

"Hahaha! Isn\'t that what I expected? As I said before, diversity is the necessary condition for the survival, development and even evolution of a race. Tauren are a little too old-fashioned. It\'s just good to inject new vitality into them. In addition, we\'re about to reach the hammer of doom. I suggest you\'d better find a place to hide, or you\'ll be spied by the night elves If a druid or a druid finds out, he\'ll be in trouble, "Zhang Cheng reminded thoughtfully by touching his chin.

"Why, are you afraid?" the Black Dragon Princess raised her chin proudly and asked.

Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head: "no, it\'s not fear, but to avoid unnecessary trouble. The ancient city of eresalas was secretly built by a group of upper elf mages at that time 12000 years ago to preserve queen Isala\'s precious arcane secrets. Therefore, I have enough reason to think that the night elves and druids have been staring at this place to prevent accidents."

"I don\'t understand!" annicia subconsciously frowned.

"It\'s very simple! If a Human Mage enters the doom hammer, these spies don\'t care too much, but if a powerful black dragon enters the doom hammer, they will immediately sound the horn of war. Most importantly, philas has always had an entrance connected with the emerald dream. There were green dragons some time ago. Are you sure you\'re ready to face the anger of the green dragon Legion?" Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth and explained in a gloating tone.

No way. That\'s how the black dragon can pull hatred.

Although he doesn\'t think those nightmare green dragons still remember the terrible disaster caused by the fall of Deathwing, it\'s not a big mistake to be careful.

Onyxia narrowed her eyes and seemed to weigh the pros and cons. After two or three minutes, she spread her wings and turned into a huge black dragon. She directly tore the mountain to create a cave enough to hold herself.

Obviously, she awakened the earth power given by the Titans to the black dragon through the bottle of medicine.

Perhaps it is far from reaching the wing of death. The terrorist force that changed the topography of Azeroth during the great disaster is more than enough to create an earthquake of about magnitude 7 or 8.

"Kulo kelba, my child, you\'re with her. Remember, don\'t act rashly no matter what happens these days. When it\'s over, I\'ll call you through the contract, okay?" Zhang Cheng turned and said to another dragon who was bored and dozing on the upper deck.

"I see, father." Kulo kelba nodded gently and jumped off the airship into the huge cave below the mountain.

To get rid of these two big troubles, Zhang Cheng immediately stepped to the bow and asked the female demon hunter next to him, "I\'ll see your cousin right away. How do you feel?"

Hilna sighed with a bitter smile and replied, "to tell you the truth, I don\'t know whether my mood is joy or fear. Although we are all branches of the upper elves, I\'m afraid it\'s hard to recognize each other after more than 10000 or two years of isolation. What\'s more, my ghost appearance now almost belongs to the category of extreme ugliness according to the aesthetics of the elves."

"Ugly?" Zhang Cheng looked up and down at the enchanting posture of the Female Elf and the demon characteristics full of exotic customs, stretched out his right hand, pinched each other\'s chin and shook his head. "No, honey, you are not ugly at all. On the contrary, you are beautiful in my eyes. You are the perfect embodiment of real magic technology and biotechnology. You are a beautiful work of art. Only a few people who really know how to appreciate you can appreciate your beauty."

"Hehe, I should be honored, shouldn\'t I, master?" hilna shrugged helplessly.

After such a long time together, she almost knows what kind of person she is loyal to, and her definition of many things is completely opposite to that of ordinary people, especially the topic of beauty.

If I remember correctly, she seemed to have heard the word more than two months ago, and it was also used on a monster hatched from a giant cocoon