All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 623

Hundreds of portals have been built near the dark gate of Hellfire Peninsula, and thousands of demon armies belonging to the Burning Legion continue to gather from all corners of the universe.

Because Outland is not protected by the Titans as Azeroth, there is no need to worry about interference and restriction. In just a few days, more than 100000 demons have been summoned, some of them launch a fierce attack on the Hellfire walls and fortresses controlled by Illidan\'s evil Orcs, and others enter the cursed land, Trying to launch a third invasion of Azeroth.

As for the doomsday Lord Karzak, now on the high mountain named Kil\'jaeden throne in the north, he personally commanded the army and was responsible for the war in Outland, while his deputy kurur was responsible for attacking the watch fort and preparing to launch a comprehensive invasion of the empty Eastern continent.

In the absence of terrain and strategic advantages, two-way war!

I\'m afraid there will be no second force to be so arrogant except the Burning Legion!

However, with the absolute double advantages of quality and quantity, the whole plan has been carried out very smoothly, at least so far, it has not encountered any real obstacles.

The evil Orcs made by Illidan with the blood of maseridon are naturally suppressed around the strong fortress and city wall. Over time, they will be torn to pieces by a steady stream of demons.

Even some of kurur\'s troops have passed through the twilight forest and are very close to storm city. If the alliance can\'t complete the defense within three days, the whole storm kingdom may fall.

Although it sounds like a good form, Kazak did not take it lightly.

Because he learned from the fraudster Kil\'jaeden that the hometown of the fear devil has turned into the dust of the universe under the raid of the "traitor" Illidan, it is difficult to ensure that the other party will not copy similar situations in Outland.

After all, Outland was almost drained during the orc invasion. Both the ecological environment and the crust are extremely fragile. It is entirely possible to repeat the spectacular scene of nazriza\'s destruction.

This is why Kil\'jaeden, the fraudster, did not come directly and crushed Illidan\'s stronghold, the dark temple, with his unparalleled power.

Not that I don\'t want to do this, but that I dare not.

Since the polluter Archimonde died under the tree of the world by the night elves, his actions have become much more cautious for fear of following in the footsteps of the former.

What\'s more, Kil\'jaeden has a new plan recently, that is, with the help of the huge magic of the sun well, let his powerful body pass through the protection set by the Titans into Azeroth and capture the unawakened star soul.

And this time, the night elves no longer have a world tree endowed with power by the guardian dragon to detonate the terrible energy impact.

Of course, Kazak didn\'t know these ambitious plans for the time being. He was standing on the top of the mountain and watching the fierce battle scene on the Hellfire Peninsula. Without looking back, he asked the busy morge mechanic behind him: "when can our magic armor be built?"

"Great lord doomsday! At present, it will take at least four days or so," replied the mechanic morge, who quickly stopped his work.

Just in front of him, there was a huge thing made of evil energy cast iron standing next to the camp. Its height was almost the same as that of Kazak, or even higher. Whether it was a huge iron fist or enough to step on the soles of kodo animals, it could easily tear the strongest fortifications.

"Two days! I only give you two days! If you can\'t let these people move after two days, I\'ll put you into the barrel of the evil energy gun and launch it." Kazak threatened with a huge magic weapon in his hand.

Just when the morge mechanic wanted to try to win some time, a familiar figure suddenly fell from the sky at a very fast speed, took turns with green blades, and instantly killed dozens of demon guards who didn\'t have time to respond.

"Illidan?!" Kazak undoubtedly recognized the caller and stared with incredible expression.

He couldn\'t believe that the other party dared to come to his own territory alone.

"Hum! Long time no see, Lord doomsday. I didn\'t expect Kil\'jaeden to send you to kill me." the demon hunter greeted with a sneer.

"You\'re the only one?" Kazak narrowed his eyes and looked around, trying to find more enemies lying in ambush nearby.

You should know that he is not one of those mindless Pit Lords. He knows that a sinister and cunning guy like the other party will not appear in front of him without preparation.

"Why, are you afraid?" Illidan raised the isinos blade high and made a provocative move.

When Kazak saw this scene, he immediately took a huge two handed sword and hit it hard. At the same time, he roared fiercely: "fear? I will be afraid! Humble night elf! You will pay for your arrogance!"

"Ha ha! Come on! Let me see your skills!" Illidan laughed and soared into the air. With the help of the air flow, he made two deep visible wounds on the huge wings of the Lord of doom.


The hot blood suddenly scattered and splashed!

"Ah!!!!!!!!!! go to hell!" the injured Kazak was fierce and raised his hand to shoot several powerful shadow energy.

Several ganerge labourers who had no time to dodge tore them to pieces!

As the saying goes, "gods fight and mortals suffer", in the open and close attack of the doomsday Lord, almost all the unlucky people who can\'t be involved have become incomplete corpses and broken meat.

No one noticed that behind the cliff of Kil\'jaeden\'s throne stood a young human, concentrating on guiding the magical energy.

Including the whole mountain and the Burning Legion on on the front line of Hellfire Peninsula, they are all covered by this powerful strategic magic.

There is no doubt that he is no one else. It is Zhang Cheng who wants to give a big gift to the enemy before he leaves.

Due to his interference, the dark gate is several months earlier than the original historical process. If ignored, it is likely to lead to a series of chain reactions. For example, the Flying Fortress Naxxramas controlled by Kel\'Thuzad will soon launch a new round of attack.

In order to ensure that cromi won\'t make trouble for himself, Zhang Cheng thinks it\'s best to weaken the strength of the Burning Legion in Outland before leaving.

Accompanied by the fierce collision sound from the fight below, he quickly completed all the preparations for the complex magic ceremony and gently raised the staff - the supreme authority.

Just a moment!

Dazzling golden light gushed from the crystal at the top, enveloping almost a quarter of Hellfire Peninsula like a net!

These pure lights, like lasers, directly cut those demons who are not powerful enough into pieces.

The powerful devil is even worse, just like a fat pig falling into a steel wire mesh. The more he struggles, the deeper he is embedded in his body.

With the intense burning feeling, thousands of demons began to scream and wail in extreme pain