All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 624

"The light is on! Look! What\'s that?" shouted a human sentinel standing high.

Since glory castle is very close to Hellfire castle, it has been attacked by demons these days, so it has been kept on high alert.

Fortunately, the overwhelming demon army did not take this place as the main target, otherwise the fortification established after the end of the second Orc war could not withstand for two days.

However, after the disappearance of turayan and Aurelia windwalker, danus tolbain, the supreme commander of the whole glory castle, did not dare to take it lightly. He not only sent double guard personnel, but also ordered the military mage to constantly strengthen and repair the damaged city wall in response to the possible siege at any time.

Under the call of the sentry, many people hurried up the sentry tower and looked into the distance. They soon found the overwhelming golden energy network and thousands of demons who died in the network.

"My God! This... This is the power of the holy light?" another Paladin who looked like an officer opened his mouth and showed an incredible expression on his face.

As a believer and user of the holy light, he has never seen anyone who can apply the energy of the holy light to such precision and complexity.

You should know that generally speaking, the holy light is an extremely pure and exclusive power. The user can only control the intensity. For example, the holy light becomes softer during treatment and rough and aggressive when attacking the enemy.

Only a few high-level paladins and priests have the ability to control the external form of the light.

But now!

Even someone condensed the holy light into a huge and precise net, covering a quarter of the area of the Hellfire Peninsula, which is simply something that ordinary people can\'t do.

At least among the defenders of glory castle, no one has ever heard of anyone who can use the holy light so exquisitely. Even Naru increases the intensity of the holy light when attacking the enemy.

The bearded danus tolbain hesitated a little and quickly turned to the Griffin administrator on the flight platform and shouted, "send me a team of pilots to see what\'s going on immediately! Remember! Don\'t get too close. We have enough troops and supplies at present. There must be no more accidents."

"Yes, sir!"

"Flying troops take off! Stay in formation!"


At the same time, in the magic casting camp of the throne of Kil\'jaeden in the north, the doomsday Lord Kazak desperately released the surging evil energy in his body and tried to break free from the shackles of the energy network.

But unfortunately, how could Illidan, the demon hunter, miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, quickly wave the isinos blade and hit the powerful enemy in just a few minutes.

In particular, the chest torn by the violent attack in front of it makes people feel numb, and the heart emitting green light is constantly splashing green viscous liquid.

There is no doubt that these liquids are highly concentrated evil energy and are absolutely dangerous goods.

If it had not been wrapped by a web of light, it would have exploded under the fierce shock, just like the roar of hell killing the pit lord Manolos.

Looking at the dying Lord of doomsday who fell to the ground, Illidan said with emotion: "what a pity! This is not a distortion of time and space! Otherwise you won\'t even have the chance of resurrection."

"Despicable night elf! Although you won this time! Don\'t be complacent! It won\'t be long before the fraudster will send another commander to replace me. The Burning Legion is invincible, and you don\'t have much time left." Kazak roared with his eyes full of anger and hatred.

"Ha ha! Well, let\'s wait and see." Illidan put away his weapons, raised his head and shouted to Zhang Cheng standing at the top of the cliff: "according to the agreement! He belongs to you now. No matter what you want to do, I suggest you move faster, otherwise..."

I haven\'t finished yet!

Not far away, the huge portal suddenly began to flash a dazzling light, and the vibration of space became more and more intense.

Everyone who is not a fool knows that a powerful demon has entered the transmission channel and will appear on the Hellfire Peninsula soon.

"Damn it! I hate this endless entanglement!" Zhang Cheng cursed in a low voice and quickly came to the Lord of doom with the help of a long distance magic.

Before the latter could say something cruel, hilna, who followed her, rushed up, like a female leopard jumping on the huge heart, opened her mouth and bit it hard.


With the roar of pain, the female hunter began to bite and devour, drawing huge energy from Kazak, and even the other party\'s soul.

You know, Lord doomsday is not a demon in the ordinary sense, but a strong one in the Burning Legion, second only to Archimonde and Kil\'jaeden.

In just a few seconds, the evil energy tattoo on hilna\'s upper body used to bind the devil\'s soul showed signs of collapse, and she herself began to demonize rapidly under the impact of Kazak\'s powerful soul.

"She can\'t bear it! She will die!" Illidan saw this scene and gave his judgment without expression.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders in disapproval: "don\'t worry, do you think I will carry out such a dangerous experiment without any preparation? No, I have long expected all possible accidents, let alone even accidents."

After that, he raised the supreme authority and ruthlessly inserted it into the chest of the Female Elf.


Although the demonized skin has very strong defense, it pierced directly into the heart under the puncture of the source ingot metal.

The magic lines on the surface of the staff suddenly lit up with green lights. The evil energy source beyond the upper limit of the body was constantly absorbed by the staff, and the soul of Kazak was also torn and swallowed.

The whole process lasted about three or five minutes. Hilna fell to the ground with a plop and slowly recovered into an elf, panting heavily.

"How do you feel?" Zhang Cheng asked, pulling out the supreme power.

"Oh!!!!!" hilna groaned, struggled to shoot from the ground and replied, "it hurts a little! But I can feel that my body is full of power, strong power."

At the time of saying this, the punctured position on her body healed quickly, leaving no scar at all.

"It\'s really good! You are now the second most powerful demon hunter in the world after me. How, are you interested in rejoining illidary?" Illidan tempted with interest.

"I\'m sorry, my Lord, I\'ve got a new allegiance," hilna refused without hesitation.

Not that she is unwilling to continue fighting with the demons of the Burning Legion, but that she has decided to leave this world and follow her new master to another world, a perfect world without hatred, pain and concern