All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 622

"You are always so hungry! Be patient! After all, this thing is as important to you as changing your heart."

While talking to himself and comforting the supreme authority, Zhang Cheng put the crystal at the top of the staff close to the holy light core of Naru.

Oh, no, it should be the shadow core now.

When the two touch the moment!

A dazzling light suddenly lit up!

It\'s like the supreme authority set out a vital mechanism. In just a few seconds, the core that originally emits endless shadow energy burst out a bright holy light.

However, the holy light is not all, and half of the core is firmly occupied by shadow energy.

Within a few minutes of the continuous interweaving and collision of the two energies, a light gray spot that can hardly be distinguished by the naked eye gradually emerged.

There is no doubt that this little thing is the noumenon of Naru, a singularity born from the fierce conflict between light and dark, which is also equivalent to Naru\'s heart and soul.

Although it looks so small and fragile, it actually contains no less powerful than the most powerful nuclear weapon on earth, and it may be even stronger.

No hesitation!

Zhang Cheng directly injected all his strength into the staff, captured it through a powerful energy cage, pulled it into the crystal at the top of the staff bit by bit, and finally slowly decomposed and absorbed it. The originally colorless lens was also quickly stained with a layer of gold, but there was a black dot flashing in the center of the gold.

When the last step is completed!

Naruna\'s huge body floating in mid air suddenly made a loud noise!


All the remaining energy out of control quickly spread around in this violent explosion. Not only the wreckage of the ship regarded by the orcs as the holy mountain was directly torn apart, but also the earth under their feet was torn apart by the terrible energy storm.

The violent crustal collapse not only shocked the Delaney crushers close at hand, but also made the orcs in galadar in the North restless.

What\'s more terrible is that the impact of shadow energy twice in succession has caused huge pollution to the ecological environment of the whole nagland region.

Many of the original emerald green grasslands have been corrupted into black and purple, and the animals also show a distorted and deformed appearance under the corruption of shadow energy. If anyone eats their meat, it will not be poisoned on the spot, but it will not take long to produce a series of side effects.

Even the elements of the elemental throne failed to escape. Many elements turned into another posture under the invasion of shadow energy and began to attack each approaching person violently.

Before the unlucky maghan orcs could react to what happened, they were submerged by the huge waves set off by the violent water elements. Pain and death quickly shrouded over the most suitable pure land in Outland.

However, Zhang Cheng did not care about the terrible disaster he inadvertently caused. He was floating in the air through the power of magic, patiently waiting for the supreme power to complete the upgrade.

As for the fragments of kewulei\'s body, most of them were scattered and splashed in the explosion and fell into the bottomless twisted void. Only the core and several larger parts were collected by him.

In any case, Naru\'s body is an almost perfect energy storage device and transmission conductor, which is very suitable for making some powerful magic items or artifacts.

As time goes by

Just when the demonized hilna flew from a distance with her wings open to ask what had happened, the dream of supreme power, which had fallen into silence, released a golden light as strong as the sun, followed by an overwhelming shadow.

The two switched frequently for half a minute before they finally calmed down.

Feeling the amazing power contained in the top crystal, Zhang Cheng slightly raised his mouth and asked, "how does Nalu taste?"

"Great! Great master! When can we devour another?" the supreme authority uttered a voice in a manner similar to crystal resonance.

Obviously, after swallowing Naru, its strength and wisdom have been greatly strengthened.

"Hehe, don\'t worry. There are many creatures named Naru in this broken world. When they complete their mission, I promise they will catch them all and let you eat them." Zhang Cheng gave his promise with a smile.

"So what\'s your next plan?" the supreme authority was slightly excited.

"It\'s very simple! Kill Lord Karzak before the alliance and tribe react. I believe Illidan, the king of Outland, will be very happy to do it himself. Are you right?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused and turned his eyes to the female demon hunter who flew to his side.

Hilna was surprised at first, then nodded immediately: "yes! Lord Illidan will never miss any chance to hurt the Legion. What\'s more, Lord Karzak of doomsday opened the door of darkness and obviously launched retaliation against us according to the order of fraudster Kil\'jaeden. According to Lord Illidan\'s character, he must respond."

"What are you waiting for? Let\'s go back to the dark temple. I believe Illidan will make the right choice. Besides, what about my apprentice? Was he killed by goron wandering in the wild?" Zhang Cheng raised his head and glanced at the non collapsed ground in the distance and found that Kara Cape did not appear nearby.

"No, the poor Tauren is still alive. According to your request, I took him for hunting for a few days and is roasting tabu sheep near the grassland." the female demon hunter pointed to a wisp of smoke rising to the sky in the north.

"Oh? How\'s he doing?" hearing that his apprentice was not dead, Zhang Cheng touched his chin with great interest.

"Very good! Especially the degree of shamelessness, it\'s an eye opener." hilna smiled.

Because under the devil\'s training of Zhang Cheng, Kara Haijiao is no longer an apprentice, but a sinister, cunning mage who is good at sneak attack and anti sneak attack.

This pirate born cow can not only use frost, fire and arcane magic, but also learn some shameless tactics.

If the other party\'s figure is not as good as his own, he will flash forward, raise his hoof and trample on the war first, so that the enemy will fall into a dizzy state, followed by a set of ice cone, fire rush and Arcane Missiles. If he is not dead, he will round up a heavy magic staff and directly hit the target on the head to break the blood flow.

But if the other party is bigger than himself, he will choose to open the distance and constantly attack the target\'s legs until the other party tries to pursue ability, which will slowly turn around and kill him bit by bit.

Most importantly, Kara cape is not as simple and honest as ordinary tauren, but learned shameless tricks from pirates.

For example, spitting on the other party\'s face during the battle, raising sand with your hooves to attack your eyes, pushing people with sharp ox horns, etc. anyway, there are only things you can\'t think of without him.

Just as the old saying goes, trees will die without skin. There is no doubt that people are shameless and invincible