All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 621

There is no doubt that Naru is the higher life body of Azeroth\'s universe. Its heyday is comparable to the wild demigod like Cenarius. Even if the powerful demon lord of the Burning Legion meets them, he should be prepared to die in battle.

But unfortunately, the current state of keulei, let alone its heyday, is less than one tenth of the level in the case of journey. To be exact, it is on the verge of death.

Even if no one attacks him, it won\'t be long before the kernel will exhaust the last ray of holy light and turn into a dark Naru or entropy demon.

In this case, let alone rise up and resist, he can barely maintain his life form and will not cause terrible damage to the environment and organisms in the surrounding areas because of death. He has exhausted all his energy and has nothing to do with the arrogant human in front of him.

Only by watching the other side do everything they want to do without fear, even cutting off the body fragments glittering with divine light by means of violence.

In just a few days, poor keurei has exhausted the power drawn from the pool of ORC shaman holy land for hundreds of years. The shadow energy symbolizing the distorted Xu void is constantly leaking out from the core position, and only the last step will become a life body completely opposite to the holy light.

Just when he thought he was doomed, Zhang Cheng, whose eyes revealed a passionate desire to explore, suddenly stopped his work, touched his chin and said to himself: "That\'s interesting! Your Naru is not so much a kind of life as a cosmic phenomenon with independent ideas. The dazzling body is only the storage device and conductor of energy. The real core comes from the singularity caused by the violent conflict between light and dark. As long as the singularity is not eliminated, Naru will never really die. Am I right?"

"Mortal! You are stepping into a dangerous field for a quarter! Some things are not what you should know and study!" kourey warned again in a tired and weak voice.

To be exact, in just a few days, he didn\'t know how many warnings and threats he had issued, but he didn\'t get real results once.

Because according to a strict division, Zhang Cheng is no longer a mortal.

When he was on the continent of Fallon, he frantically killed the gods who walked in the form of saints in the knocked down material world, took away a lot of divine power and divinity, and the seeds given by the creator of the magical earth began to take root and sprout, gradually extending a strong creative power.

Of course, in this process, unlike many demigods or heroes in myths and legends, he constantly strengthened his body to make it more and more solid and more difficult to be killed.

On the contrary, he chose to strengthen the most essential thing of his life - the soul.

In his view, the body is only a container, a carrier of the soul, just like clothes, shoes and socks, which can be replaced.

But the soul is different. The soul carries memory, personality, thought and knowledge

When the soul of a living body is strong enough, it no longer needs the body. It can interfere with the material world only by the power of the soul, just as the titans of the Pantheon were destroyed by Sargeras, but they can still do a lot of things only in the state of soul.

Looking at this strange creature about to be transformed into a dark Naru or entropy demon, Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders: "sorry, dear keurei, curiosity and thirst for knowledge are human nature. Although this nature often has extremely terrible disastrous consequences, it also gives us a kind of courage to challenge and spy on the power of the gods."

"No! Your motive is not courage at all! But greed! Greed from the bottom of your heart!" kourey retorted loudly.

"Hehe, what\'s the difference? Every intelligent creature is a collection of desires. In order to obtain food and living space, we will not hesitate to kill other lives, or even kill them all. Although Naru doesn\'t need food, it will cause great damage every time he dies. I\'m afraid the life that dies in your hands is not much less than me. I\'m curious, what are you How do you keep such a lofty attitude, as if you are pure and represent the supreme justice in the universe? "Zhang Cheng\'s tone is full of disdain and irony.

Naru stands for the light?

On behalf of justice?

I\'m afraid only brainwashed paladins and holy light priests will believe it!

Although he is not sure what happened to the birth of Naru in death, one thing is certain that these strange creatures have ulterior goals, and their actions are very much like the void forces that corrupt the star soul with ancient gods, but one is light and the other is dark.

Hearing this naked accusation, kewulei\'s weak light dimmed again and replied in a slightly sad tone: "you don\'t understand how many secrets the universe hides! Let alone the meaning of our existence!"

"Why should I understand? You have made a mistake. I study you. I don\'t want to find out what the existence of Nalu means to the whole universe. I just want to find a way you can be used. Finally, I\'m very sorry, you may not be able to realize the trick of Resurrection this time. Because I will seal the singularity of the most critical part of Nalu in your core In your heart, use it to strengthen your supreme power. "

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng directly raised his finger and shot a dazzling arcane energy.

Next second


The last ray of light from the kourey kernel disappeared, replaced by an entrance linking distorted space-time.

A lot of shadow energy is like tide white, and it spreads around as the center.

Within a few seconds, the holy mountain in the eyes of the orc shaman, voshugu, was completely swallowed up by darkness, and even the emerald green grassland was distorted and seriously damaged.





The dead Naru proved with practical actions what terrible things they would become after falling into the other side.

However, Zhang Cheng was not affected by the violent energy impact at all. He took two steps forward, raised his staff high and sang spells loudly. Through the power of magic, he firmly fixed kewulei in place and tore his thin body bit by bit.

The whole process was dangerous and long. For more than an hour, the most important core part of the body, like Nalu\'s jigsaw puzzle, was finally forcibly separated.

Feeling the singularity formed by the intense interweaving of holy light and shadow in this fragment, a faint smile quickly appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s tight face: "great! The next thing to do is fusion and swallowing! Supreme power, are you ready?"

Buzz! Buzz!

The crystal at the top of the staff kept shaking and flashing, as if urging its owner to hurry up. It had been impatient