All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 620


It is the most intense and destructive behavior of all intelligent life.

Usually, any rational ruling class will not easily launch a foreign war without full preparation.

But interestingly, this law, which is widely observed on earth, has no effect on Azeroth at all.

To be exact, after the dark door was opened, this seemingly cursed world was engaged in Fierce wars almost all the time. First, the continuous wars between humans and orcs for living space lasted for seven or eight years, and the eastern continent was devastated.

But before people could stop to catch their breath, the scourge of the dead set off by the Lich King once again swept through the most powerful kingdom of mankind - Lordaeron. Millions of subjects were killed and transformed into members of the army of the dead.

The high elf kingdom was slaughtered, and the proud Sunwell was polluted.

The worst thing was Dalaran, which was raided by the army of the dead, and then completely destroyed by Archimonde from the inside to the outside. The loss could not be measured by money, leaving only a large and broken ruins.

With a vast army of undead and demons, the polluters attacked the city and land all the way, easily hit the tree of the world, and finally the night elves paid the price of immortality, which barely escaped a disaster.

If you think it\'s over, it\'s a big mistake.

Next, in order to expand the living space, the tribe launched a war against the aborigines of Kalimdor, including boar people, centaurs, Falcon banshees and other intelligent lives, which were horribly slaughtered.

The alliance on the other side is not idle. The remaining nobles in the kingdom of Lordaeron are actively organizing to take the opportunity to recover the lost land and restore their former glory. Admiral Dailin made no secret of her hatred for the orcs and personally led the fleet to attack the tribal stronghold. As a result, she was killed by her own daughter.

As for the past few years, there has been constant friction between tribes and alliances. Although there has been no large-scale battle, small conflicts have never been cut off. It was not until the second quicksand war began that they shook hands and re formed the United Front.

What\'s more terrible is that next, they will go to Outland to fight with Illidan and the Burning Legion, and then go on an expedition to Nordson to destroy the Lich King, and then there will be a direct confrontation between cataclysm and the legendary wing of death.

In short, war has never left this ancient planet.

Zhang Cheng never understood how huge the population base and fertility survival rate should be according to the speed of frequent wars and all kinds of tragic deaths and injuries, so as to ensure that civilization will not regress or even perish due to war.

Of course, the life or death of the original inhabitants of Azeroth has nothing to do with him.

He left the dark temple quietly and came to the inner part of the holy mountain of oshugu in nagland. He looked up and looked at the strange creature Naru, which emitted a strong light in front of him.

To be exact, it was Naru keurei, who first came into contact with the Delaney prophet vinon.

However, due to the crash of the spaceship, this powerful creature is now in a state of serious injury and near death.

"What\'s this?!" hilna raised her head in surprise, her face full of shock and awe.

Through the demon hunter\'s unique perception, she can clearly perceive the surging power bred in each other\'s body, and this power is so pure.

"A Nalu who was seriously injured and dying." Zhang Cheng took the initiative to step forward, stroked his chest with one hand and leaned slightly. "Hello, kewulei. Nice to meet you."

"No! I\'m not good at all! And I feel even worse when you come." Nalu\'s body glitters with bright substances, rotating constantly, expressing the uneasiness of the master\'s heart.

"Oh? Can you tell me why?" Zhang Cheng pursed his lips, showing a funny smile.

"Because of you! I feel darkness, evil, coldness and madness from your heart! There is no doubt that you are the enemy of the light, a monster falling into darkness."

When he said these words, the light emitted from kewulei suddenly dimmed, indicating his future and destiny.

"Hahaha! Funny! How funny! Can you see through my disguise? Tell me, is this the ability that every Naru has? What is its principle? Exploratory thinking? Soul? Or some kind of detective magic? In addition, can you explain how Naru was born? Why do you have almost immortal life? Even death is just a turn Change form, draw energy from the void, and then resurrect again and again? "

Zhang Cheng had no intention to hide at all and laughed and asked countless questions.

You know, in his eyes, Naru is a thing of research value second only to Titan.

After all, even Kil\'jaeden, Archimonde, the wings of death and the ancient gods could not come back from the dead, but it was an innate instinct for Naru.

Keuley seemed to be angered and warned in a dignified voice, "mortal, stop your dangerous actions! I promise it will do no good to you, me or the whole world."

Hearing such childish remarks, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling and waving his hand: "no, no, no, I think you have made a mistake, that is, I don\'t care what the world will become.

In my opinion, whether it\'s the Burning Legion, the Pantheon Titans, or you Naru, who are called the messengers of light, there\'s no big difference in essence. It doesn\'t even matter that the whole universe is swallowed up by the void.

Because light and darkness, life and death, creation and destruction are themselves a cycle of opposition and interdependence.

Even the vast universe will eventually come to an end, not to mention a few planets and insignificant life and civilization living on them.

Most importantly, why fear the Burning Legion and the forces from distorting time and space?

Holy light, shadow, evil energy, arcane art, nature, dead spirit

All these magical energies belong to a part of the primitive universe. No one can destroy them forever, even the titans of the Pantheon.

So my principle is that no matter what kind of forces, they are objective in nature. They are like swords and armor. There is no distinction between good and evil, but depends on what you want to do with them.

In addition, do you think there is room for bargaining in front of me?


You\'re just a prisoner!

An experimental body to be studied by me!

Oh, by the way, I hope Naru\'s pain nerves are not so sensitive, because in the next period of time, you may experience some rough means.

After all, I\'m really curious about why you and your kind were born, and why they can continue to transform under two extreme life forms... "