All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 619

After getting what he wanted, Illidan didn\'t stop for a second. He turned and disappeared into the dark channel. He didn\'t even look at the blood elves falling to the ground.

In fact, since kelsas captured storm fortress, the relationship between the two people has changed from seemingly divorced to wary of each other.

Coupled with his understanding of the Burning Legion and his strong perception of evil energy, he had long found that the other party had taken refuge in Kil\'jaeden.

As a saying goes, the people who know you best are never friends or relatives, but your enemies.

Illidan, who once took refuge in and betrayed the Burning Legion many times, knows very well that few mortals can resist the and powerful power given by Kil\'jaeden and the dark Titan Sargeras, as well as the taboo and terrible knowledge.

The more eager you are for strength, the more likely you are to be tempted and finally embark on a road of no return.

There is no doubt that after the devastating blow to Quel\'Thalas, the kingdom of the high elves, kelsas had a particularly strong desire for power. In particular, he saw the extremely advanced magic technology of the Naru and Delaney people, which naturally produced a feeling that the Burning Legion was invincible.

After all, even such powerful Naru and Delaney people can only continue to flee under the pursuit of the Legion. How terrible should the Legion\'s strength be?

Any normal person will inevitably have similar associations.

Of course, between his confidence in his own strength, Illidan did not think kelsas had the courage to betray himself.

What\'s more, the last batch of demon hunter apprentices can complete the training in about half a year. He believes that with the medicine that can greatly improve the conversion success rate, it will certainly be no problem to forge a real army of hunters.

When this army appears in the Argus world, the end of the Burning Legion will come as scheduled.

The whole dark temple is like a place covered with huge fog. Many people have their own little secrets. They don\'t realize how crazy the plan in the mind of Illidan Stormrage, the king of Outland, is. Similarly, they don\'t realize that Kil\'jaeden, the angry fraudster, has begun to take revenge.

Cursed land

Lord Karzak of doomsday was standing in front of the huge dark door, carefully handed an unknown fragment to the fear demon king, and said coldly: "three days! Restart the dark door for me! Otherwise I don\'t mind crushing your head!"

"As you wish, sir. I swear that you and your army can go through the dark gate to Outland in 48 hours at most." the fear demon quickly bent down and vowed to give his guarantee.

"Very good! What are you waiting for? Hurry up! There is a bold traitor waiting for us to execute!" Kazak roared and urged without paying any attention to the other party\'s flattery.

Behind his huge body, there were all kinds of demons, all the way from the dark door to the depths of the traces of decay.

Such a large-scale operation, naturally, can not hide the alliance\'s stronghold at the north end - watchtower.

To be exact, when Kazak appeared near the dark gate, the mages found this anomaly through monitoring magic for the first time.

Immediately after that, everyone, including the top military commander, general lodensen, was urgently summoned, while the castle and surrounding fortifications entered a state of war.

As veterans who have personally experienced the second Orc war, the troops of the watch castle are not recruits just recruited from ordinary people, but elite in a real sense.

They fight with the terrible orcs, demons and polluted ferocious beasts in the cursed place every day. Their fighting instinct has already gone deep into everyone\'s soul. Even with their eyes closed, they can easily win the so-called "Royal Guards" in the storm city.

Staring at the amazing picture passed back from the divination crystal, lodensen subconsciously clenched his fist and asked in an uncertain tone, "what are these demons doing?"

"They\'re trying to restart the dark gate, general." the Archmage saslanan gave the answer without thinking.

For any mage recognized by the kenrito Council, this level of energy fluctuation is no secret.

"Damn it! Isn\'t the dark door permanently closed?" lodensen raised his head and questioned loudly.

The Archmage shook his head with a wry smile and explained: "Sorry, general, we know too little about the dark gate, and after the war, all kingdoms ordered to prohibit excessive research on the evil spells of orcs, so the closure we mentioned earlier is only a state, and the connection point between the two worlds is likely to be hidden in an undiscovered corner. Obviously, these demons know the connection point, so they are trying to pass through The powerful magic power will expand it. "

"What is the purpose? What is the purpose of opening the dark door? Continue to let thousands of orcs attack us? Or directly summon an endless demon army like Mount Hyjal Jihad?" lodensen asked impatiently.

You know, as the top commander of the watchman, his most important task is to keep an eye on the dark gate. Once the situation is out of control, he will immediately report to the senior level of the alliance.

There is no doubt that this terrible situation has obviously reached the highest boundary. No matter what the devil wants to do, it must not be a good thing.

"In the current situation, we really can\'t know what the devil\'s purpose is. Moreover, with the strength of the watch castle, any form of temptation is tantamount to suicide. General, you need to go to storm city and iron furnace Castle immediately, tell the kings of the alliance and tell them that a terrible war is coming." the Archmage suggested with a dignified expression.

"But we just fought a war with the insect people in Angela! Most of the elite troops are in Kalimdor! On the other side of the endless sea!" lodensen swung his fist and knocked hard on the table to vent his anger and fear.

He could not imagine what a terrible disaster would be if thousands of demons rushed out of the cursed land, crossed the sad swamp and directly attacked the hinterland of the storm Kingdom, which might be more desperate than at the beginning of the orc war.

"Don\'t worry! As far as I know, Dalaran, the Magic Kingdom, has completed the basic reconstruction. If necessary, the kenrito Council will send a large number of mages to build a portal and let some troops come back first. Moreover, the devil\'s change is not only the responsibility of the alliance, but I believe some will not sit idly by." saslanan knows his old friend\'s worry, He patted each other on the shoulder and comforted.

"Alas - I hope so. Prepare a Griffin and let my adjutant go there in half an hour. Tell him that if there are no reinforcements within half a month, the watchtower will be razed to the ground by the swarming demon army."

At last, lodensen could not help rubbing his swollen forehead and prayed secretly to his faith - the holy light.

Because in this situation, except prayer, any other action is so weak