All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 616

"What? No! I can\'t give it to you! Lord Illidan asked me to give it to the master!" the fairy immediately subconsciously stepped back two steps and refused with vigilance on her face.

If kelsas came in person, she might hesitate whether to hand over the well water in her hand, but the senior members of the Illidari Parliament are obviously not qualified.

There was no doubt that this was definitely not the answer selewal wanted to hear. He immediately frowned and asked loudly, "have you forgotten your race? Forget your oath! Forget what we came to Outland for! And what have we fought for so far?"

"No! I haven\'t forgotten! And I\'ve sacrificed much more than you!" sylna retorted mercilessly.

As a demon hunter who successfully survived the terrible graduation ceremony, she has enough capital to say such words.

"Then why! Why don\'t you hand over what you have? You know how important it is to us. Do you care more about that humble human than the future of the whole group?" selewal continued.

If he wasn\'t afraid of Illidan, he might just grab it.

Because there are only two necessary conditions for re creating a solar well, one is to find the energy node that has not been polluted, and the other is to obtain a bottle of well water from the eternal well.

Although the former is a little troublesome, there are actually a lot of Azeroth energy nodes. You can always find one or two after a little time.

Therefore, strictly speaking, there is only one necessary condition for creating sunglasses, that is, the well water of the well of eternity.

More importantly, the well of eternity had been blown up as early as the ancient war. Only Illidan secretly collected a few bottles at the beginning, and this bottle in front of him is likely to be the last one.

"Shut up! Lowly human? I promise that if this sentence is heard by the master, he will dig out your heart and torture your soul for 10000 years. You fool don\'t understand how powerful he is. Otherwise, why does Lord Illidan give him so much freedom? Why are your Royal Highness the prince and MS. vaschi willing to discuss magic knowledge and technology with him?" The female demon hunter roared angrily.

You know, she was a survivor of the nazriza battle. She witnessed the lightning storm like the end, and also saw the souls of millions of demons forcibly imprisoned in a book.

In her impression, her loyal object is a terrorist caster who can be on an equal footing with the king of Outland, a real alchemist.

"Hum! No matter how you exaggerate, he\'s just a human after all. Let me see if he has the courage to challenge me after your loyal dog is attacked." selewal disdained his mouth, raised his hand and fired an arcane arrow, which opened the prelude to the battle.

Like most blood elf mages, he has an inexplicable pride, especially in the face of human mages. In short, he is used to looking down from above, and stubbornly believes that human mages can never compare with elves.

Several other attendants were unwilling to be outdone. They began to sing spells at a very fast speed, trying to imprison the target with a power similar to a magic prison.

Hilna quickly jumped back to avoid the attack, carefully stuffed the bottle containing well water into her waist bag, followed by pulling out the two war blades behind her back, rushed to a Mage at a very fast speed, and knocked the unopened side on her neck.


The poor fellow fell to the ground and fell into a coma!

At the same time, the arcane energy on the mage was quickly absorbed by the female hunter, transformed into a layer of light energy, attached to the blade, and easily cut the net composed of magical energy.

"Be careful! She\'s a demon hunter! She\'s best at dealing with casters!"

Selewal loudly reminded him that he immediately gathered magic to form large crystal clear ice spikes on the ground, trying to limit the enemy\'s sensitive movement speed in this way.

But unfortunately, hilna jumped directly, summoned the power of the devil in her body, spread her huge wings across the air, and flew straight in the past without any influence at all.

And through the fight just now, she has felt that her body is almost stronger than before. I don\'t know how many times. Her strength, speed and reflex nerve have been improved at least three to five times, and her absorption and induction of energy have also been strengthened.

"Damn it! You don\'t want to come near me!"

Aware of what the female hunter was going to do, selewal\'s face changed slightly and immediately centered on himself to detonate the surrounding arcane energy.


After a loud noise, Varna was blown high into the air by a violent updraft.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, selewal condensed a powerful arcane arrow with a large amount of arcane energy, threw it out suddenly, and then sneered and said sarcastically: "sorry, dear compatriots, you made a wrong choice. I will kill you and use your body to warn the human being that what is the enemy of the blood Elf..."

Before his words were finished, the huge arcane arrow suddenly became smaller and smaller during the flight, and finally disappeared completely!

Followed by a slightly ponderous voice from behind: "sorry, you seemed to be saying you were going to give me a warning?"

Zhang Cheng, holding the supreme power, slowly came out of the corner, and his eyes revealed the cold light that only he could look at the dead.

"Master!" helna hurried down from the sky, her face full of surprise.

"Why, you\'re surprised? As I said, you\'re a very important experimental subject, but now a kelsasian dog dares to move what belongs to me. What do you think I\'ll do? Watch it bark? No! In my hometown, the best way to deal with this crazy dog who overestimates his strength is to give it an impressive lesson. In this way, it will be safe for him to see you again in the future He\'ll take his tail and run away, "said Zhang Cheng, moving his fingers and looking at the confident wizard.

From the small amount of eternal well water obtained from vasch, he has obtained a clear result that this material can not be created by Alchemy at all.

Because well water is not only a highly concentrated energy, but also contains an indescribable vitality, consciousness and thinking.

The latter is worth more than 10000 times more than the former!

Therefore, he would never allow anyone to interfere with the transaction between himself and Illidan. As soon as he felt the smell of the water belonging to the eternal well, he rushed over at the first time.

"Human! You are looking for your own death!" selewal narrowed his eyes and sent a message to several other members of the Illidari parliament through magic, obviously ready for full development.

"Seek your own death? Hahaha! Sorry, you don\'t deserve to say this line. Well, let me end this farce..."