All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 615

Undoubtedly, as the most powerful individual in the existing goron, gruer\'s blood undoubtedly paved the way for Zhang Cheng\'s final experiment.

In fact, more than three months ago, he had completed most of the scheduled goals, including the actual test of the newly born mixed race young dragon, making more powerful evil Orcs with maseridon\'s crazy blood and evolutionary medicine, and cultivating giant biological weapons with the active spores of zanga swamp, He even took time to do some research on the void young dragon and Naru.

Anyway, according to normal thinking, he has long gone beyond the bottom line of human nature by engaging in these crazy research. There are not hundreds of unlucky people who have died for this, and they are almost the same. They are typical villains who should be completely eliminated from the body to the soul.

But interestingly, because I almost never participate in most actions, not many people in the whole dark temple know that Zhang Cheng exists.

Most blood elves, demons, orcs and Naga only know that there is a human in the upper area who is very valued by Illidan and is responsible for providing some interesting magic potions that can make him stronger, that\'s all.

Just as he began to study the great potential contained in goron\'s blood against time, Illidan, who was presiding over the graduation ceremony of a new group of apprentices, finally got what he wanted.

Looking at the row of boiling green liquid in hilna\'s hand, he stretched out his right hand, picked up one of the bottles and asked with a smile, "what does your master say? How much success rate can this medicine improve?"

"Sorry, sir, the master only said that you would be satisfied with avoiding this medicine. I don\'t know anything else." the fairy bent down and bowed deeply.

Although strictly speaking, she no longer belongs to Illidari, let alone continues to obey each other, she still shows her respect for the king of foreign regions.

"Oh?" Illidan raised his eyebrows in surprise and handed the bottle directly to the apprentice who was going to swallow the devil\'s heart. "Drink it! Then go on with the next part!"

"As you wish!"

A night elf male took the medicine and poured it without even thinking about it. He immediately tore open the demon body that had just been killed, stuffed a dark black heart into his mouth, and desperately bit and ate like a beast. The picture was bloody and disgusting.

It can be seen with meat that in the process of swallowing, the devil\'s soul gradually entangled with him and fought with him.

About ten minutes later, the hunter finally defeated the other party, struggled to get up from the ground, and his eyes burst out strange green light.

"How do you feel? Can you continue?" Illidan\'s tone revealed seriousness and seriousness.

"I can!" the night elf man nodded without thinking.

Soon, another demon was summoned from the portal and attacked the hunter.

In this way, he continued to kill the devil and devour the devil\'s heart, flesh and soul. He repeated it more than a dozen times until he finally began to have a vague consciousness, knelt on the ground, painfully hit the ground with his head and dug out his eyes.

"Very good! You\'ve done very well! Now, I\'ll paint the evil energy tattoo for you by myself." Illidan raised his index finger, cut each other\'s skin with claw like nails, and injected evil energy to form an eternal cage.

When the last step was completed, the male night elf\'s body had begun to demonize, not only slowly growing terrible horns and hooves, but also becoming extremely unstable and even full of desire for destruction, killing and destruction.

However, Illidan was obviously ready. He waved directly and motioned two demon hunters who completed the final ceremony to take him down and put him in the dungeon.

For a long time to come, the poor apprentice will fight against the devil and his own demons. If he succeeds, he will regain consciousness and become a real hunter.

But if he fails, he will be swallowed up by the devil and disappear forever.

Usually, the success rate of becoming a demon hunter is only one in five, that is, only one of the five people can survive, and the rest will turn into a demon and be executed.

Such a cruel elimination process, no wonder the king of Outland is eager to greatly improve the success rate.

Seeing the delirious apprentice disappear at the end of the corridor, Illidan immediately turned to hilna and said, "great medicine! Tell your master for me that I am very satisfied with what he has provided."

"Hmm?! are you sure?" the Huntress looked up in surprise.

"Yes! The young man can hold on just now! I can feel that something is helping him suppress the devoured demon soul and greatly improve his potential as a demon hunter. In addition, give this to your master and tell him that this is the last bottle of well water from the eternal well in the world. I originally intended to give it to kelsas, but now I think it is better It\'s more valuable to give it to him. "

After that, Illidan carefully took out a crystal bottle emitting soul stirring energy from his close pocket.

For a moment!

Both the blood elves who are extremely sensitive to magic and the night elves created by the well of eternity feel this power.

Even under the strong perception of the demon hunter, this bottle of water is like the sun


More than ten times brighter than the sun!

Several of the blood elf apprentices began to tremble uncontrollably and stared at the mysterious liquid in the bottle.

Because they know that it was such a small bottle of well water of the eternal well that created the solar well proud of the high elves, which is enough to solve the current magic addiction of the people.

Whoever returns to Yinyue city with this bottle of well water will immediately become the hero of the whole blood elf group and enjoy the admiration and cheers of the people.


Helna swallowed her saliva subconsciously, took the small bottle which was equivalent to "holy thing" for her with trembling hands, and stammered: "please... Please rest assured! I... I promise I will give it to the owner."

"Hehe! Remember, children, choice is very important for everyone, and your choice will decide whether to live for yourself or for the whole ethnic group."

With these meaningful words, Illidan ignored the fairy\'s face full of contradiction and fear, distributed all the potions on the shelf and continued to preside over the graduation ceremony of the demon hunter apprentice.

As for hilna, she kept the well water in her hand. She didn\'t even know how to leave. She was full of thoughts about what to do next. Why did the king of Outland give herself such an important thing?

At the same time, selewal, a high-level psychic of the Illidari parliament, quickly got the news and immediately took people to block the only way for the female demon hunter.

When the two met, his first sentence was: "hilna! Hand over the well water in your hand! I believe you should know how important this thing is to our blood elves. Once it falls into the hands of Prince kelsas, our biggest problem can be solved!"