All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 617

What is the best way to humiliate a mage?

Soldiers will think that they beat each other with their big fists;

Thieves think they can cut off the target\'s tongue with a sharp dagger so that they can no longer sing annoying spells;

Priests and paladins are a little more gentle. They think they can only imprison them with the holy light;

As for warlocks and demon hunters, they have formed great restraint against mages in terms of ability, so they often look at mages of the same level with a trace of contempt.

But in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes, the biggest humiliation to a caster is to permanently weaken or deprive the other party of the power to control magical energy.

So without hesitation, he raised his right index finger directly and poked it gently at the heart of selewall\'s chest.


The dazzling bright red blood suddenly scattered and splashed!

Before the poor wretch could react to what had happened, he felt that a strange arcane energy wrapped his heart tightly, and then quickly formed a large area without magical energy within a radius of ten meters, that is, the legendary dead devil and forbidden devil area.

Because the magic energy of all attributes in this area will be excluded, no matter what spell it is, it can\'t be cast.

To be exact, it is not only casting spells, but also the magic cast by others will disappear when they fly in.

Aware of this, celewall finally showed a look of fear on his face. He even ignored the bleeding wound on his chest and sternly asked, "asshole! What have you done to me?"

"Nothing! I\'ve created an interesting spell in your heart! Its name is anti magic stance. From now on, you don\'t have to worry about being attacked by spells in any form of energy, but you don\'t want to touch even a little magical energy. What\'s the matter? Is my gift good?"

At the end, Zhang Cheng\'s mouth tilted a very obvious arc, and his eyes revealed undisguised malice and irony.

He believes that for any mage, this punishment is extremely unacceptable, even more terrible than death.

"No! You\'re lying! No magic has ever been able to permanently isolate magic energy!"

After realizing that he could no longer control arcane energy as usual, selewal obviously panicked, retreated again and again and roared like crazy.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "Believe it or not, it\'s up to you. Azeroth\'s lack of such technology and magic does not mean that there is no other world. In addition, I sincerely suggest that you\'d better not try to touch your own heart, let alone try to crack it. Because when the whole anti magic force field is dispersed, all kinds of energy will flow around like a tide. I believe you must have seen the horror of flood Is the impact force right? Think about what your fragile heart would look like under the impact of such powerful energy? Naturally, it would explode with a bang! "

Just as celewall looked gray and wanted to say something, the other three members of the illidary parliament finally arrived.

Seeing his friend\'s chest bleeding, Duchess maland, a priest, immediately took two steps forward, performed a powerful healing spell, frowned and asked, "what happened? Why did you get hurt?"

"Human! Did you attack selewal?" garcius, the high-ranking Knight smasher, tempted in a provocative tone.

The last thief, villas dark shadow, went into stealth without saying a word. He knew that he was ready to do it without asking.

Feeling the naked hostility of the surrounding blood elves, Zhang Cheng flashed a golden light in his eyes, turned to the female demon hunter and said: "Dear hilna, are your colleagues so arrogant and disgusting? I\'m beginning to understand why galathers has always been strongly hostile to the elves. If it were me, I would have ordered all of them to be executed."

"Master! Please believe me, it\'s a misunderstanding. It\'s all someone\'s own opinion, not the prince\'s meaning." hilna quickly explained for her compatriots.

If there is anyone present who is the least willing to see bloodshed, it must be her.

"Make your own decisions? No! Silly girl, you haven\'t figured it out yet. It\'s a strong sense of superiority and self-esteem. Elves always think that they are experts. They have thousands of years of life, outstanding magic talent and inheritance, and even established a set of magic boundaries to expel foreign enemies. The glory of thousands of years makes you forget that you were just a hero A group of exiled refugees, a group of poor people who were almost destroyed by trolls, can only rely on the power of the human Empire to reverse their disadvantages. Now, it is necessary for me to recall this painful memory and let the whole blood elves understand that you are just a group of insignificant weak people. You should crawl down and offer awe and obedience like the strong, rather than provocative actions... "

With the last word falling!

The huge crystal at the top of the supreme power began to shine silver gray!

In the blink of an eye, a huge spiritual energy centered on Zhang Cheng spread rapidly around, almost enveloping the dark temple.

Next second

A frightening voice echoed in every blood elf\'s mind: "kneel down! Surrender! Or die! From today on, I will be your master!"

Ordinary blood elves, law breakers and mages could not resist such power at all. They knelt on one knee and allowed them to enter the depths of their hearts and burn their marks, which was as simple as the heart snatcher controlling slaves.

In contrast, the members of the parliament of Illidari, who have certain strength, resist fiercely, biting their teeth and desperately trying to drive out the voice in their mind.

Unfortunately, the only one who is good at using spiritual power in Azeroth is the ancient god. After struggling for a few minutes, the four most trusted men of kelsas finally couldn\'t hold on and fell to the ground and screamed bitterly.

After enjoying the farce like scene in front of him, Zhang Cheng sneered and said to himself, "look, now they understand their weakness! They know how to respect the strong! Instead of hanging the glory and pride of the so-called high elves on their faces every day!"

Hilna bit her lower lip tightly and stood there without saying a word.

Although she wanted to plead for her compatriots, she was not a fool. She knew that at this time, refinement would not get the results she wanted, but would make the situation more complicated.

Just when Zhang Cheng\'s eyes were getting colder and colder, Illidan came late and joked meaningfully: "my dear friend, what happened? I saw all the blood elves kneeling on the ground and chanting words like a fool."

"Ah! No, nothing. I just hate the arrogance of these guys. Teach them a little lesson..."