All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 614


After the upheaval lasted five minutes, the female demon hunter finally couldn\'t help her pain and screamed.

She felt that every inch of muscles and cells in her body were being torn and reorganized by powerful energy. That feeling was almost the same as that her body was constantly eroded by evil energy after eating the devil\'s heart.

More Than This!

In her mind, she couldn\'t help recalling the most painful memories in her life, including the capture of the army of the dead led by Alsace, silver moon city, the tragic death of her parents, brothers and sisters, the death of her friends under the magic of the devil during the Outland war, and the transformation of her former boss on the frozen throne into an irrational Ghoul

This pile by pile, one by one memory that made her suffer and suffer, just like magic playback, kept repeating.

The poor elf didn\'t even know whether these memories made him more painful or whether the strong stimulation transmitted by nerves to the brain was more painful.

The only thing she knows is that she must live!

At least you can\'t die until you finish your revenge!

Supported by a strong desire to survive!

Although the scales on the skin surface of the female demon hunter began to break and the green blood containing evil energy splashed everywhere, she has maintained a very fast healing speed.

Under the double torture of destruction and regeneration, her life essence finally changed.

In less than a minute, no matter the conspicuous horns on the head, or the scales, wings and claws on the skin surface disappeared, replaced by the nearly perfect body curve of the blood elf.

"How do you feel, hilna?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and asked with interest.

"I... I don\'t know..." the fairy slowly got up from the ground and gently stroked her almost naked body.

She could feel that although she had lost the tattoo that Illidan personally painted on the body surface to suppress the devil\'s soul and the original powerful evil power, her body had become completely different from before.

To be exact, it seems that there has been some strengthening and sublimation from the body to the soul.

In order to confirm this, hilna stretched out her right arm, grabbed the little ghost servant who was cleaning the dust in the room, and suddenly launched her ability to seize the blood energy in the other party\'s body.

Less than a second!

The poor man who didn\'t respond was washed alive into a dry, cold body that seemed to have been dead for decades.

At the same time, the disappeared tattoos on her upper body were lit up again, and the green evil energy flowed into every corner of her body along the blood vessels. The fluency was very different from that before.

"What did you do to me?" the fairy looked up with an unbelievable expression on her face.

You know, since she became an apprentice of demon hunter, she has been tortured by evil energy and demon soul almost all the time, even sleeping is a nightmare.

Zhang Cheng smiled, shrugged his shoulders and replied: "It\'s simple! I\'ve exploited your potential to the maximum. Do you know why Illidan is so powerful? No matter how many demons he kills or devours, there will be no danger of exploding at all? Many people think it\'s related to his deal with the dark Titan Sargeras. Of course, I don\'t deny this, but the reason why Illidan can bear such a powerful evil power He once changed his constitution with the water of the well of eternity. "

"Forever... The well of eternity?!" hilna grew up in surprise.

"That\'s right! The well of eternity is the gathering point of all the magical energy of Azeroth in the past. You can imagine that the magical energy that permeates the whole world is gathered in one well. How powerful and pure its well water should be. Even a little is enough to change the life form of mortals and make them evolve to a higher level. The potion I just gave you There is a drop of water from the eternal well... "Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

However, he did not say that in fact, the well of eternity is part of the star soul bred by Azeroth to some extent.

At that time, Archimonde, the polluter, tried his best to go to the tree of the world in order to seize the entrance hidden under the tree to the interior of the star core, and continuously extract star souls to evolve into one of the Titans.

In fact, in the eyes of Azeroth\'s real executives, these are not secrets at all.

There is no doubt that like all those who desire power, Zhang Cheng also wants to seize the powerful power nurtured by this planet one day.

But the problem is that he is far from strong enough to accommodate the huge magic energy like a planet. In addition, there are countless guardians including Titan. It\'s better to keep a low profile for the time being.

After finding the corresponding method, he did not mind destroying Azeroth at all and drew a stop to the endless struggle.

"I see!" hilna nodded suddenly. "But I don\'t understand! Why do you use such precious materials on me? Am I more than just an experiment for you?"

"Yes! You are an experiment, but not an experiment in the ordinary sense. To be exact, the experiment I conducted on you is very important, especially to help me deeply understand the evolution of Azeroth\'s life form over tens of thousands of years. In addition, our dear Lord Illidan, the king of Outland, also explicitly requested that I find a method that can improve the conversion rate of demon hunter Medicament. "

After that, Zhang Cheng added gruer\'s blood to dozens of bottles of green evil energy solvent drop by drop, and handed it to the other party without looking back: "give it to Illidan for me, and he will be satisfied with it."

"As you wish, master."

Hilna didn\'t try to ask any more questions. After covering the key parts of her body with broken clothes, she took the medicine and turned to the deepest part of the dark temple.

Seeing the female elves vanish at the end of the dim corridor, Zhang immediately cast her eyes on the absolutely empty corner, laughing and laughing, "princess, how long do you intend to stand there?"

"Damn it! When did you find it?"

With a familiar voice, Onyxia lifted her Invisibility spell and came out with a frown.

"From the beginning! Don\'t use this trick next time. I\'m sure Varna must have noticed your existence." Zhang Cheng poured the remaining half of gruer\'s blood into another bottle of violet solution and handed it directly to the Black Dragon Princess.

The latter sniffed gently with his nose, and a strange expression immediately appeared on his face: "I smell the power of the earth! What is this?"

"Goron! A special species created by the Titans and endowed with the power of the earth, like the black dragon, has the terrible power to change the landscape. If you drink it, you should be able to awaken the sleeping part of your body." Zhang Cheng urged impatiently.

As the dark door was about to open, he realized that his trip was coming to an end.

When the alliance and tribes swarm into Outland, it is the deadline for him to leave