All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 613

With the terrible void storm of shadow Moon Valley coming as scheduled, Illidan\'s plan to raid nazriza finally came to an end.

He succeeded in exchanging the lives of tens of thousands of evil Orcs, Naga and demon hunters for the permanent death of millions of demon armies and dozens of powerful lords of the Burning Legion, and even the mother planet of the fear demon king as a backup base no longer exists.

If only according to the proportion of casualties, he undoubtedly won an unprecedented victory.

Even countless demigods participated in the fierce battle of ancient times, they can\'t give the Burning Legion such a fatal blow as this.

Unfortunately, Illidan, who was planning his next attack, ignored a very important thing, that is, people\'s hearts and morale.

After all, tens of thousands of the most elite soldiers suddenly evaporated, and even a complete body could not be found. Even fools knew what must have happened, so for a moment, many people began to talk privately about what terrible experiments or plans were being carried out by their loyal masters.

You should know that in the huge follower team composed of demons, Naga, blood elves, night elves, crushers and orcs, each race and everyone has their own demands.

They did not take refuge in Illidan for no reason and were willing to sacrifice their precious lives, but wanted to get what they wanted from the original demon hunter.

For example, what the blood elves wanted was to get rid of or alleviate the pain after the onset of magic addiction, so Illidan taught them the magic skills to absorb evil energy from the devil.

For another example, the nagas led by vasqi stood behind the ancient gods. Who knows if they want to destroy the Burning Legion by Illidan\'s hand.

As for the leader of the broken gray tongue, Akama has long been in collusion with Maiev Yingge in prison, ready to set off a new rebellion at the critical moment.

In fact, the king of Outland seems to have incomparable scenery, but in essence it is a mass of loose sand, and there is a huge crisis behind it that ordinary people can\'t imagine.

Zhang Cheng doesn\'t understand how the "egg boss" gathers these devils together and relies on what to keep his men in awe and obedience, even if these are just superficial.

Maybe this is the so-called leader and heroic temperament?

Of course, all this has nothing to do with him.

In just over three months, he has already met the prince of blood elves kelsas, the leader of Naga, Ms. vasqi, the leader of the crusher Akama, and the legendary figure who has just resurrected and the world\'s first death knight - Talon blood demon

It has to be said that these "old guys" who have lived for unknown years have indeed mastered a lot of interesting magic knowledge and technology.

Among them, kelthas almost controlled all the precious wealth left by the high elves;

Vasqi inherited some of the in-depth study of the eternal well and arcane energy by the upper elves;

Akama was a powerful bishop of the holy light before he degenerated into a breaker, and had unique views on the use of the holy light energy;

Talon blood demon, not to mention that he was once Gul\'dan\'s right hand. He was not only a real plate armor caster, but also very good at close combat. It is said that he almost killed the human hero tulayan in a one-to-one duel.

In addition, Illidan, who was first a mage and then transferred to the leader of demon hunter, Zhang Cheng has gained a lot.

The most important thing is that after three months, I finally got my dream blood of gruer.

Feeling the surging vitality of the red liquid in the test tube, he finally couldn\'t help but raise the corners of his mouth and asked, "how did you get it? Don\'t tell me that someone went to the blade mountain and killed the most powerful hill goron."

"Kill him? Don\'t be kidding! You know what? I lost six of my best assassins for this blood. You\'d better make something useful, or I promise there will never be any cooperation between us from now on." Akama gritted her teeth and complained.

He will never forget the terrible power of gruer, the Dragon Slayer, in his rage.

What\'s more terrible is that the longer the battle lasts, gruer will continue to draw strength from the earth, become more and more powerful, and even break a mountain with one blow.

No language can describe the doomsday scene!

"Don\'t worry! It\'s all worth it. Give me a few days and you\'ll soon get the reward you promised." Zhang Cheng comforted with a smile.

"I hope so! Remember! The transaction between us..."

"Yes! Our transaction will never be known by Illidan or anyone else. Don\'t forget, I\'m just a collaborator full of learning and research desire, and I\'m not loyal to anyone."

Before Akama finished speaking, Zhang Cheng took over the second half.

He clearly knew who the potion was for, and to some extent, it was part of Azeroth\'s correct timeline.

"I hope so!"

Akama never liked to talk too much nonsense, and the whole person quickly escaped into the shadow.

Less than two minutes after his front foot left, a female demon hunter wearing a black vest and holding two strangely shaped blades came in from the outside and knelt down on one knee to report: "master, I have gone to Hellfire Peninsula to investigate the changes of the dark gate according to your requirements."

"What\'s the result?" Zhang Cheng asked, carefully dropping a few drops of krur\'s blood into the prepared solvent.


The originally silent green evil energy suddenly boils!

It\'s as like as two peas! You are expecting to open the dark door from the other side! And the whole Hellfire Peninsula has been opened by the door that was originally closed, and the pioneers of the Burning Legion can be seen everywhere. Obviously, they are about to start the report again. "The elf raised her head with a meaningful smile.

"Great! As historians often say, the gear of fate finally began to turn. I just don\'t know whether our Outland King Illidan is ready to meet his own destiny." Zhang Cheng handed the potion to the other party.

Without saying a word, the fairy picked up her head and drank it all.

In the blink of an eye, the evil energy tattoo on her body burst out a dazzling light, and I plopped down on the ground and groaned in pain.

The blood elf\'s original white skin was covered with a layer of black and purple scales, his feet became sharp claws, and his huge wings were fully opened.

Compared with the transformation of ordinary demon hunter, she is closer to the Dragon man than a simple demon.

Needless to ask, Zhang Cheng must have injected dragon blood into the demon hunter\'s body through a series of experiments. In addition, golon\'s powerful power from the rock Guardian giant completely activated the earth power given to the black dragon by the Titans