All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 612

After the violent energy shock and impact poured into the broken crust, the already fragile gravitational balance was broken, and the shadow energy gushing from the distorted void swept the whole planet in an instant.

Different from the shadow energy seen by most warlocks or shadow priests, this shadow energy is darker and deeper, just like the eternity from the end of the universe. Wherever it passes, it will be crushed and assimilated and become a part of the distorted void. Even the most powerful abyss Lord cannot escape.

At the same time, as the planet was quickly swallowed up, the remaining evil energy began to boil and form a terrible energy storm.

Millions of demons were killed and injured in just ten minutes under the terrible energy storm. Some tried to escape through the portal, but the disastrous result caused by the portal explosion was 100 times more terrible than the energy storm.

To be exact, under the impact of surging energy, the portal opened by the Burning Legion is like detonated nuclear weapons one by one, each razing things tens of kilometers around. It is estimated that the other side of the portal is almost the same.

Obviously, Illidan was not only looking for the seal of Argus, but also took the opportunity to set up a net, waiting for Kil\'jaeden to make a wrong judgment in anger.

And these demon armies sent are the victims of the fraudster\'s wrong judgment.

"It\'s so beautiful! The destruction of a planet is so spectacular!" Zhang Cheng exclaimed, summoning the souls of those dead demons through the soul arrest array and cramming them into the master demon code.

The most ironic thing is that Carter Gaz, a powerful abyss Lord who once traded with him, ended up being imprisoned by his own magic items.

Illidan looked at the doomsday scene he had created himself and said with a sneer: "Look! The invincible Burning Legion is bleeding today! Millions of demons are killed by us forever! There is no way to use their dirty tricks to escape death. This is only the beginning! They will understand that no matter how powerful demons are, they will be successfully hunted in front of hunters."

"A brilliant and great victory! The most important thing is that you have got the key to the end, haven\'t you?" Zhang Cheng glanced at the roaring demon soul in the master magic code, pursed his lips and showed a satisfied smile.

With these souls, when he returns, he can start to build a real legion, not a group of puppets without thinking.

But before that, he still needs to spend some time to tame the rebellious demon lords, especially the irritable abyss Lords.

As for the fear Lord, they never mind changing a master, on the premise that you must be strong enough, otherwise conspiracy and betrayal will happen soon.

"Yes! Now we have the key to victory. In addition, the facts have once again proved how accurate your prediction is. It seems that I can look forward to the future a little..."

With these meaningful words, Illidan quickly turned and walked through the portal, held Guldan\'s skull in his hand, and began to inject arcane energy into the portal.

There is no doubt that he will use the explosive power of the portal to speed up the destruction of nazriza, prevent the remaining demons from escaping back, and tell Kil\'jaeden what happened here.

Although Zhang Cheng wanted to stay and collect more demon souls, he immediately gave up his original idea after feeling the extremely unstable energy in the portal.

Just when he was ready to return to Outland!

A female blood elf demon hunter with scars all over her body suddenly crossed the low sky with the help of the demon wing behind her, fell to the ground with a bang, raised her arm and shouted with her last strength: "no! Don\'t... Don\'t leave me! Take me away! I... I can still fight!"

However, Zhang Cheng did not immediately rescue the friendly army, but turned his eyes to Illidan on the other side of the portal.

He was not sure whether the other party would choose to take the last survivor or let him stay and destroy the whole planet.

"Don\'t look at me! The decision is up to you! But remember! Once you choose to save her, it means you should be responsible for her every move. If I hear any information about this battle, I will order you to solve the hidden danger yourself." Illidan\'s tone was full of cold, without even a trace of emotion.

Perhaps for him, perhaps the only thing that melted the cold heart was the love for Tyrande.

Unfortunately, the unknown blood elf is obviously not Tyrande. She is just a chess piece and cannon fodder used to consume the enemy.

"Tell me, honey, can you keep a secret?" Zhang Cheng bent down and pinched each other\'s bloody chin.

"I can! My Lord! I can not only keep a secret! But also be willing to fight for you!" the female demon hunter raised her head and promised loudly.

She was not a fool and realized that she had been abandoned by Illidan. Only by taking refuge in her new master could she save her life.

"Very good! This is the answer I want! Come on, drink it, then stand up and follow me. I promise you will have a bright future." after saying that, Zhang Cheng threw down a bottle of medicine glittering green.

The blood elf pulled out the plug, took a deep breath, raised his head and drank it.


The powerful evil energy began to flow rapidly along the body. After a while, the terrible wound healed quickly. She felt that the body was filled with commonly used energy again.

Illidan undoubtedly found this through his strong perception and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "this is an evil energy potion? You have made an evil energy potion that can cure demon hunters and demons!"

"Hehe, that\'s right. Any energy can be used in my eyes, and evil energy is no exception. How, do you have a new understanding of my alchemy level?" Zhang Cheng winked playfully and pulled the female demon hunter behind him through the portal.

"It\'s really impressive! I don\'t understand how you should be less than 30 years old according to the life span of mankind. I\'m afraid half of the archmages of the kenrito Parliament are not your opponent."

"It\'s very simple! Concentrate! Never stop learning new knowledge! Instead of blindly assuming the responsibility of guarding the world, or indulge in sound and color. Remember the last guardian Medivh? He is a negative example, a genius who could have surpassed the limits of mortals and competed with the Titans, and finally chose to die for ridiculous reasons."

"I\'ve heard of Medivh! The last guardian of tirisfa\'s parliament! He seems to have shared a body with Sargeras and peeped into the endless taboo knowledge in the dark Titan\'s mind. Unfortunately, he didn\'t make good use of it." Illidan shook his head regretfully and raised his left hand to make a grip.

Under the guidance of this action, the already unstable portal suddenly collapsed, completely cutting off the connection between Outland and nazriza.