All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 611

Some people say that all the great military actions remembered by history to win the strong with the weak are essentially desperate risks.

Success is naturally a classic case of defeating the strong with the weak. In the future, countless people will use it for repeated research, but if it fails, it will become a joke after people\'s tea, and even be hung on the shame column of history.

There is no doubt that Illidan\'s attack on nazriza was a perfect sneak attack. It was so perfect that the demon lords of nasrezm didn\'t even dare to organize the defeated army. They could only watch thousands of low-level demons cut and surrounded by evil Orcs, and then died and injured bit by bit under the attack of demon hunters.

After countless times of hunting and seizing, the original young demon hunter recruits have become stronger and stronger, and several have even reached a level enough to frighten the fear demon kings.

Of course, the price is not without. Seven or eight unlucky people who absorbed too much evil energy directly killed and exploded. The green evil energy storm tore everything within hundreds of meters into pieces.

Pain, torture, betrayal, eternal entanglement with the devil\'s soul, it is possible to die at any time because inhaling too much evil can lead to explosion

It can be said that there is no more dangerous profession than demon hunter in the whole Azeroth.

Except for those crazy people who lost everything because of the Legion invasion, no one would want to become a demon hunter at all. They are a group of poor people who are swallowed up by hatred and reason. They are destined to embark on a road of destruction without a way back, only to vent their inner anger, send out the brightest light before falling like a meteor, and bring the light of death of fear to the enemy.

Looking at the elves fighting like wild animals in the distance, Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "sure enough, it is still an intelligent life under extreme emotions, and the soul potential will be released to the greatest extent.

It seems that the necessary conditions for evolution have never been so-called positive emotions.

On the contrary, negative feelings that can make people collapse are.

As a saying goes, pain is a good medicine. It can make you remember your mistakes and ensure that you don\'t make such mistakes in the future. Maybe evolution is the same.

Next time, I can try to add some painful memories to the medicine, so as to arouse strong emotions and urge the brain to make the right response... "

Just as he was ready to stand up and recheck the mistakes and omissions of the huge soul arrest array under his feet, a powerful energy wave suddenly flashed at the end of the city.


Dark green evil energy connects the sky and the earth!

In less than three or five minutes, a huge arched portal with a height of more than 30 meters and a width of 20 meters slowly opened!

Before the bloodthirsty and cruel evil Orcs could react, a huge figure rushed out of it.

"Ah!!!!!! humble bug! Come and taste katagaz\'s blade!"

The huge pit lord roared and smashed more than 30 orcs into meat and mud with unmatched power.

A demon hunter tried to rush up and kill the dangerous enemy, but before he jumped up, he was hit by a double headed sword with a bang, hit the wall more than 30 meters away, screamed and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha! That\'s what the little bats mentioned about the powerful invaders? Bah! They only deserve to hide in the dark corner and play tricks!" katgaz cracked his mouth and laughed, and didn\'t forget to ridicule the fear devil who hasn\'t dealt with much.

After all, in the eyes of the abyss Lord who is keen to crush the rebels with great power, the fear demon is like a clown hiding behind his back.

In the eyes of the fear demon king who likes to disintegrate the resistance from the inside at the least cost, the abyss Lord is a group of reckless men with muscles in their minds, who only know how to fight and kill, but don\'t know what strategy is.

Their thinking differences are like the two extremes of ice and fire. They don\'t fight on weekdays because of the face of the dark Titan Sargeras.

With the arrival of the abyss Lord, more portals were opened, and countless demon armies poured out. There were more than 60 demon lords alone. Tens of thousands of evil Orcs and a few demon hunters were not opponents at all. They were beaten back in the blink of an eye. It was only a matter of time before the whole army was destroyed.


As the most powerful military organization in the whole universe, the Burning Legion has an overwhelming advantage in terms of quantity and quality. I\'m afraid no force can compete with them directly, excluding the void king and the Titan Pantheon who don\'t know the depth.

In fact, if Archimonde, the polluter, was not too arrogant, he would directly and steadily destroy Shenglin, the survival of the night elves, let the coalition slowly exhaust the final supplies, and conquer Azeroth. It would be easy to die under the tree of the world.

Watching the defeated evil Orcs and Naga coalition, Zhang Cheng began to hesitate whether to use two more strategic magic to delay time, at least until his allies returned safely.

But before he could make a decision, a tall figure flew across the sky, slammed down, laughed and said, "your prophecy has come true! I found the seal of Argus!"

"Congratulations! Then can we retreat next?" Zhang Cheng turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Yes! The first part of the plan is about to enter the final stage." Illidan raised his mouth and an undisguised cruel smile appeared on his face.

Zhang Cheng seemed to be aware of something and asked with a smile, "what about these troops? What will their fate be?"

"Victory is forged by great sacrifice! There is no victory without sacrifice! They will shed the last drop of blood, attract the demons\' attention to the greatest extent, and strive for the time to cast spells for us." Illidan did not hide his intention at all, and admitted that these poor guys were used to consume cannon fodder.

From the beginning of the plan, this sneak attack army has no intention of retreating, but will fight with the demons to the last minute and witness the destruction of the hometown of the fear demon king.

"Then let\'s pay tribute to the sacrifices of the warriors! Their bloody battle will ring the death knell for the destruction of the Burning Legion." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders.

Obviously, he is not the kind of person who will be moved by the so-called heroic sacrifice. All he thinks about is how many demonic souls the explosion of the whole planet will bring to himself.

"Stop those demons for me! This magic ceremony may take some time to guide!" Illidan ordered casually and immediately sang a harsh spell.

Under his guidance, all the energy of nazriza became extremely unstable. The most important manifestation of the world was that the originally stable portal erupted into a violent shock, which triggered a chain reaction between the surrounding evil energy and the shadow.

Next second
