All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 610

While they were talking, the bloodthirsty and angry evil Orcs had occupied the city gate and began to fight with the demons along the streets.

Blood elf demon hunters give full play to their strengths, constantly harvest the life of low-level demons, absorb the evil energy and soul of each other, and expand themselves.

Every time a demon is killed, the demon hunters will become more powerful. Their evil energy tattoos emit bright green light, so that many demons can\'t help shaking when they see them.

As Illidan has always stressed, the demon hunter is a nightmare for all the demons of the Burning Legion from the moment of its birth.

No devil, no hunter!

But as long as the devil is not destroyed one day, the hunter will never stop to rest!

Illidan undoubtedly noticed Zhang Cheng, who was always staring at those young demon hunters, and immediately said, "why, are you very interested in them?"

The latter smiled and shook his head: "no! To be exact, I am interested in all knowledge and interests. There is nothing more satisfying than exploring the unknown and unlocking the truth hidden under the surface."

"Ha ha! I like your ambition! I also like your attitude towards magic! That\'s right! To uncover the truth hidden under the surface is what a caster should do. It\'s like everyone, including the night elves, is afraid of the Burning Legion and its master, the dark Titan Sargeras, but no one wants to study it It seems invincible to defeat the enemy\'s weaknesses, and then defeat them. "Illidan looked up, his tone full of praise and pride.

To some extent, what he is doing is to directly confront the powerful Legion and the dark Titan as a mortal.

"There is a saying in my hometown that I think is very reasonable. Every intelligent life, whether God or mortal, is a collection of emotion and desire. As long as you can give the other party what he wants most, he will exchange everything with himself. In my opinion, whether the devil of the Burning Legion or Sargeras, they all have their own strong feelings Feeling, or anger, or fear, or the chagrin of tasting the taste of failure, in short, they are no different from us. These violent changes in emotions and desires are exactly a weakness. What you are taking advantage of now is the arrogance and anger of the enemy? "

While saying these words, Zhang Cheng kept trying to perceive Illidan\'s shallow thinking through his spiritual powers.

But interestingly, I don\'t know whether it is the inherent physical problem of the demon hunter or the relationship that devours too many demon souls. How he perceives it can only get some incomprehensible and messy information.

Of course, in order to prevent being noticed by the other party, he had no intention of forcibly invading.

In fact, Illidan Stormrage has always been very curious about what makes this "exile" willing to give everything to destroy the Burning Legion.

And Tyrande Yufeng\'s doomed fruitless love?

Or something else?

But the demon hunter obviously didn\'t find this. He nodded and replied: "That\'s right! I\'m taking advantage of the arrogance and anger of Kil\'jaeden, the fraudster. I\'m sure he will be furious when he learns that nazriza has been attacked. He will immediately send reinforcements to destroy my annoying little mouse. But he doesn\'t know that my real purpose is to use the destruction of this planet to eliminate the effective power of the Legion to the greatest extent. In addition, your super large-scale attack method just now I can assure you that the Supreme Commander left behind in nazriza must be asking Kil\'jaeden for help now. He will not risk his life easily because of his fear of the demon king. "

"So, we\'re about to be wanted by the Burning Legion?" Zhang Cheng spread his hands and showed a careless expression on his face.

"Yes! Why, are you afraid?" Illidan pursed his mouth slightly.

"Afraid? No! Not at all! In fact, when I came to Outland, I deceived Lord Karzak of doom. He roared like a mad dog to chase me to the end of the universe, but I\'m not good now." Zhang Cheng joked in a half joking tone.

Anyway, when the Legion came to the door, he found that the situation was bad, and he could leave by patting his ass. where should I worry.

"You succeeded in teasing Kazak? I have to admit that this is a great feat! You have to be careful in the future! As far as I know, he is not a broad-minded guy. He will try to kill you even for his reputation." Illidan raised his eyebrows and his tone was full of schadenfreude.

"It doesn\'t matter! Let him come! I just need more demon souls! Oh, by the way, it seems that you have studied demons for a long time. You can help me strengthen this command demon code so that it can accommodate more demon souls." Zhang Cheng took out the book with evil smell from the magic pocket.

"No problem! It\'s a piece of cake!" Illidan raised his claw like left hand and gently clicked on the page.


This magical item made by the Lord of the abyss began to tremble violently, emitting a painful groan like human suffering.

In about two or three minutes, there were more evil energy and magic patterns on the page, which were very similar to those on the demon hunter. Each one was like a seal, which firmly imprisoned the soul inside.

Moreover, under the action of these evil energy magic patterns, a huge soul space is formed in the master magic code, which is enough to accommodate millions of demon souls.

Feeling the power of the strengthened master magic code, Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "great! This is exactly what I want. If you don\'t mind, I\'ll spend some time to make a large soul gathering array, and I can\'t work hard to perform a large-scale killing and wounding spell for the time being."

"It doesn\'t matter! I\'ve achieved my goal. Next, it\'s time to go to file management and look for the seal of Argus in your prediction. Before evacuating, I estimate you have up to three hours to make good use of it." Illidan patted Zhang Cheng on the shoulder, spread his wings and flew straight to the southeast of the modeling City, ignoring the lives of his men.

It is estimated that in his heart, as long as the ultimate goal can be achieved, no matter how many lives are sacrificed, it is worth it.

Whether evil Orcs or blood elves, Naga and the crushers, they were used to consume cannon fodder from the beginning. Their sacrifice was only for one thing, that is, to end the threat of the dark Titan Sargeras to Azeroth\'s world.

In order to achieve the final goal!

Illidan doesn\'t care about the so-called means, let alone the hostility of the alliance and the tribe to himself. He is like a never-ending hound, chasing the Burning Legion and biting until he or his prey falls