All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 609

Dark, desolate, twisted

At a glance, there are almost no traces of life. Some are just boiling planet energy and the endless army of demons.

It has to be said that as one of the most important enemies of the Titan Pantheon, the nasrezm demon is slightly different from other demon races in the Burning Legion.

Because at first, like the ancient gods, they were tools to distort the void to find and incubate star souls, so they were more inclined to shadow energy than evil energy.

This tendency makes the whole nazriza look like a place swallowed up by the distorted void.

Except for a few strongholds used to supplement evil energy to other demons, most of them have maintained unbearable silence and darkness from beginning to end. Whether plants or a few wild animals, they have long been transformed into monsters that rely entirely on absorbing shadow energy.

What\'s more terrible is that the core of the planet has long died, replaced by a black hole composed of unknown material or energy, constantly releasing strong gravity to ensure that the broken crust will not collapse.

"This is the hometown of the fear lords? It\'s an incredible place..." Zhang Cheng muttered with wide eyes.

From the moment he stepped through the portal, he could feel a powerful force that could not be described in words, and this force came from the pure shadow energy surging strongly in the depths of the earth.

If you guessed right, the black hole like device is nothing else, or a connection point to the distorted void. The shadow energy of the whole universe diffuses through such connection points one after another.

"See? This is the planet that can really kill demons! As long as the demons killed here can never get a second chance of resurrection." Illidan explained by standing on a bare stone behind him through the portal.

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "you are right! I can detect that the souls of those demons will condense very thick around the twisted void, and the thick souls are usually difficult to separate from the body. When the body is killed, these souls will dissipate rapidly, that is, the death in the true sense."

"Not only that! Do you see the connection point between the earth\'s core and the distorted void? It is like an extremely unstable energy bomb, which can lead to a series of disastrous consequences with a little use." Illidan opened his mouth and showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

As the original demon hunter, he swallowed the souls of many demons and knew the situation of every planet occupied by the Legion through the demon\'s memory. Therefore, he dared to formulate such a bold raid plan.

You know, compared with the nearly endless army of the Burning Legion, his evil orc, Naga and blood elf army are as fragile as a newborn baby.

Coupled with the Legion\'s powerful trans cosmic transmission system, once Kil\'jaeden, the fraudster, reacts, he will be destroyed immediately.

While they were talking, the army belonging to Illidan rushed out of the portal and killed all the demons in front. After a while, they cleared a road to the city not far away.

At the same time, it seems that the demon lord responsible for Garrisoning the planet has finally reacted and sent tens of thousands of low-level demons out to try to eliminate these bold attackers. He didn\'t realize who the enemy he was going to face this time and how well he knew the Legion.

Looking at the demon army swarming out from behind the city gate like a giant beast\'s mouth, Illidan subconsciously clenched Guldan\'s skull and said in a smiling tone: "Dear human collaborator, it\'s time to show your sincerity. If I remember correctly, Dalaran\'s research on large-scale group damaging spells is still commendable."

"As you wish, respected king of Outland." Zhang Cheng touched his chest with one hand, bowed slightly, held high the supreme authority and sang a spell loudly.

With the energy shock caused by syllable after syllable, a golden light flashed in his pupils, followed by the huge energy began to gather rapidly, forming a large black charged cloud, which directly shrouded all within a few kilometers, including the city.


When the first dull loud sound reverberates in the air!

Dazzling white lightning fell from the sky like raindrops!





A hundred!


The low-level demons could not resist the magic power like the end of the world. In the blink of an eye, they died and were seriously injured. Even the magic mecha standing on the city wall could not escape, and they all turned into a pile of scrap iron under the lightning storm.




Whether the evil Orcs and blood elves at the edge of the depths, or the demons at the center of the storm, they all raised their heads, stared at the falling lightning, and even forgot to turn and run away.

When the thunderous roar of the clouds in the sky gradually stopped, less than one tenth of the 50000 troops who left the wall first.

"Wonderful casting! More powerful than I thought! I don\'t understand why a caster like you is unknown?" Illidan asked with a little doubt.

"It\'s very simple! I\'ve never pursued the so-called reputation! I don\'t care about wealth and status in the eyes of ordinary people. The only thing I\'m interested in is knowledge and technology. Whether it\'s an alliance or a tribe, as long as I can provide what I\'m interested in, I don\'t mind serving him, just as I serve you now." Zhang Cheng gave the answer with a smile.

"Ah! I see! You are a little similar to me in my youth! You are eager for knowledge and power! It doesn\'t matter. I can satisfy you as long as you guarantee that all the previous predictions can be realized one by one. In addition, you have just passed the test, and I will slowly give you a certain trust from now on. But please remember, if one day I find you betraying me, the consequences will be very serious Serious, "Illidan warned meaningfully.

"Don\'t worry! I\'m not a kelsas day chaser. In fact, I have a very deep understanding of evil energy by swallowing the soul of ereda devil. It is true that it is a powerful force, but it can only be used to destroy. It seriously lacks creativity and plasticity like arcane energy, and is not the most ideal tool for the caster."

"Oh? You can realize this! I have to say it\'s a little ironic! As a descendant of the upper elves who have lived for thousands of years, his understanding of magic energy is not as good as that of a human being. Tell me your name, young man, maybe we can have some more in-depth communication, the communication between mages."

"My name is Zhang Cheng! It\'s my honor to communicate with a master like you."