All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 608




The demon hunter is releasing his powerful power without reservation!

There is no doubt that if there is anything wrong with the next answer, he will immediately launch a stormy attack.

"It\'s very simple! I want to get some water from the eternal well and a large number of souls of the Burning Legion demons from you. By the way, I\'m doing some interesting experiments." Zhang Cheng gave the answer without panic.

Anyway, he never wanted to pit the "egg president" from beginning to end, so naturally he didn\'t have to worry about the other party\'s Revenge in the future.

"The well water of the eternal well? It\'s no problem for you. I can understand a mage\'s desire for it. But I don\'t understand what you want so many souls of the Burning Legion demons to do? Is it swallowing them?" Illidan asked very curiously.

You know, even if you become a devil hunter, you can kill the devil at most, then swallow the other party\'s heart and blood, and then fight the devil\'s soul in your heart until you defeat the other party and imprison the soul in the evil energy tattoo.

Generally speaking, the number of demonic souls swallowed and sealed by a demon hunter is limited

Even as the original demon hunter, he can\'t devour and seal the demon soul indefinitely, otherwise he will lose control of his body sooner or later.

"No, it\'s not for swallowing, but for other purposes. As for what it\'s used for, it\'s my own business and has nothing to do with you." Zhang Cheng refused the other party\'s temptation without hesitation.

Because he was sure that if he said he wanted to form a new Burning Legion, the demon hunter would turn his face immediately.

In fact, the demons of Azeroth universe have a similarity with the demons of Phelan continent, that is, unless they can be killed in their hometown, their souls can escape to their hometown and be reborn.

This means that the devil\'s soul has a very close relationship with their birthplace, so the success rate of large-scale interception will not be very high.

Only by going to the devil\'s hometown can we really capture a large number of their souls and tear them from their roots.

According to the "plot", Illidan Stormrage will launch a raid on nazriza, the hometown of the fear Lord, and completely destroy the planet in the distorted void with the help of the energy surge of the portal.

At that time, millions of demons will die, and their souls are the best prey for Zhang Cheng.

Of course, before that, he also needs to strengthen the command magic code to capture more demon souls in a short time.

Illidan held Gul\'dan\'s skull tightly, hesitated for a moment, immediately nodded and agreed, "that\'s right! This is your business, and I have no reason to spy. In addition, I want to ask, how much do you know about my plan?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and spread his hand: "very many! More than you can imagine. I know your next attack target is nazriza, and lure the Burning Legion to open the portal for reinforcement, and directly use the energy storm to blow up the whole planet."

"I don\'t seem to have told anyone about this plan. Where did you learn it?" Illidan frowned subconsciously.

"If I said the future, would you believe it?" Zhang Cheng asked quietly.

"The future?" the demon hunter touched his lips thoughtfully. "In that case, you must know the result, right? Tell me, did my plan succeed?"

"Very successful! You not only destroyed nazriza, but also killed the fraudster Kil\'jaeden on Argus, and successfully sealed the dark Titan Sargeras. To some extent, your actions surpass any intelligent life in Azeroth world, even the so-called demigods and guardian dragons. It is a true legend of a generation." Zhang Cheng bent down slightly and answered with a real face.

"Interesting! Very interesting! Now I really believe you come from the future. Because before you say Argus, I had no idea of attacking the world. It seems that I must have found something interesting in nazriza..."

As a guy who can cheat and betray the Burning Legion many times, Illidan\'s mind is undoubtedly quite smart. He suddenly realized that those words were obviously not all lies.

In particular, bold raids are almost the same as their own strategic plan.

"Yes, you will find a very important prop in nazriza\'s Archives - the seal of Argus." Zhang Cheng winked mysteriously.

"I see! But these alone are not enough to prove that you are not a spy sent by the Burning Legion."

"Understand! In order to express my sincerity, I will go to nazriza together to help you complete the destruction of this planet. I don\'t know if this can prove my sincerity?"

"Of course! I really welcome a powerful caster like you to join the raid. Oh, I almost forgot to inform you that the raid will begin in a few minutes. I will open the portal with the souls of countless wounded and dead. How are you ready?"

When he said these words, Illidan slightly raised the corners of his mouth and showed a funny smile.

Zhang Cheng replied with a smile: "no problem! I\'ve been ready for battle."

"Then come with me! If you\'re not lying, a brilliant victory is waiting for us to win." then Illidan\'s demonic hoof stamped down the ground, and the whole man rose up and flew away with his huge wings.

"Alas... It seems that I\'m going to take something real." Zhang Cheng whispered, and then followed him with his teleportation spell.

About a few seconds later, they came to a place full of broken and night elf bodies, which covered the ground.

Some of them haven\'t swallowed their last breath yet, but judging from the terrible injury, it\'s estimated that they won\'t live long.

For these people, Illidan had no mercy at all. Holding Guldan\'s head high, Illidan began to sing spells loudly, imitating the dark door built by orc warlocks, tearing space with life and soul.

The huge green evils can be gathered together in a visible way and slowly flow to a not very stable portal.

Next second


At the moment when the two worlds were connected, a violent energy storm surged from the other side and immediately tore many things around into pieces.

When the storm subsided a little, Illidan immediately shouted to the army waiting in the distance: "idiot! What are you waiting for? Hurry! Rush over! Kill all the demons who dare to stop us!"

"Let me come first!"

Zhang Cheng was the first to cross the portal and directly use his powerful magic to crush all the demons coming, followed by looking at the mother star of the fear demon king with a slightly curious eye