All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 607

"Guard! Guard!" the mistress of shahras shouted with pain.

In just a few seconds, several blood elves rushed in first and surrounded Zhang Cheng who had not moved at all.

Obviously, they are no one else. It is the Illidari Council personally established by the blood elf prince.

On the one hand, these guys are to make the huge dark temple work, on the other hand, they are also to monitor Illidan.

After all, since the defeat of the frozen throne battle to the "former love enemy", kelsas realized that his partner was not as powerful as he thought, at least much worse than the "fraudster" Kil\'jaeden, so he secretly began to hook up with the Burning Legion, although he had not chosen to betray for the time being, but in fact, they were not far away from becoming enemies.

"Step back! Who allowed you in?" the demon hunter subconsciously frowned and scolded.

"But... But just now..." Duchess maland stammered a glance at shahras\'s mother who had lost two arms.

The latter, with a vicious light in his eyes, quickly explained: "Sir, I think this human being is too dangerous. He must be arrested and imprisoned."

"Dangerous?" Illidan glanced disdainfully. "No, shahras, this human is not dangerous at all. He just wants to show his strength and strive for a favorable position in cooperation. If he wanted to assassinate me, there would not be so much noise just now. What\'s more, there is no resentment between me and the human kingdom. Why would a human want to kill me?"

"But don\'t you think his existence is a threat?" the master mother of shahras said with gnashing teeth.

"Hum! In terms of the degree of threat, he can\'t even compare with one of your fingers." Illidan slightly measured his body and revealed a meaningful sneer in his tone.

He is no doubt very clear about his men, some of whom can be trusted, and some of whom are pretending to yield to himself, secretly making small moves all the time.

In fact, there was no so-called loyalty from the beginning to the end. As long as someone could offer better conditions than now, she didn\'t mind changing another master at all, just like betraying mather Riton at the beginning.

Feeling the conspiracy and betrayal in the surrounding air through his spiritual power, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but raise his mouth and show a playful smile. He touched his chest with one hand, leaned down slightly and said, "respected king of Outland! The original demon hunter! Illidan Stormrage! I wonder if you are interested in listening to my cooperation proposal now?"

"Of course! But before that, I think we need a little more private space." Illidan waved his hand and motioned everyone, including the mother, to step down.

"As you wish!"

Although the blood elves of the Illidari Council were a little unwilling, they finally chose to obey due to the powerful power of the demon hunter.

After a while, the crowded hall was clean, leaving only two parties staring at each other.

A full minute later, Illidan took the lead in opening his mouth and said, "I can feel that there is a powerful ereda demon soul in your body. Would you mind explaining what\'s going on?"

"You mean marosa? He\'s a poor guy! And soon he will be completely swallowed up by me and disappear into the world forever." Zhang Cheng gave the answer carelessly.

It has to be said that the demon hunter does have a keen magic smell that other professions can\'t match, and even this almost perfect seal can be detected.

"Are you swallowing the devil\'s soul?!" Illidan said with a trace of surprise.

Because he can\'t believe who else in the world can devour and use the power of the devil except the demon hunter he created.

Zhang Cheng gently shook his head and explained, "no, it\'s not the kind of swallowing you think. To be exact, I\'m erasing the consciousness in my soul and slowly integrating my consciousness into it. It\'s safer and won\'t have too many hidden dangers than the rough capture used by demon hunters."

Illidan nodded thoughtfully: "it sounds interesting. Are you going to try to cultivate new demon hunters in this way?"

"Ha ha! No, I\'m not interested in cultivating demon hunters. I mean cooperation in technology and knowledge, such as evolutionary medicine, the transformation of evil Orcs, and the creation of a dragon race born for war. In short, I know your plan and your determination to destroy the Burning Legion, so I intend to join it." Zhang Cheng didn\'t hide his intention and showed his intention in a big way.

"Evolutionary potion? What\'s that?" Illidan asked with interest, touching his chin.

"It\'s very simple! A potion I invented! It can greatly activate the potential power in the user\'s body and enable him to obtain some additional abilities and talents, both physical and magical. Here\'s a sample. You can try it." Zhang Cheng directly took a bottle out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Illidan took over his hand, pulled out the plug, put it in front of his nose and sniffed. An incredible expression soon appeared on his face, followed by lifting his head and drinking it.

Less than a second!

The green evil energy marks on the upper body lit up and emitted dazzling light.

However, these lights came and went quickly, and they quickly dimmed in less than three or five seconds.

Feeling the slightly strengthened body, the demon hunter couldn\'t help but stand up, spread his wings and exclaimed, "great! Unbelievable! Your medicine has had an effect on me!"

"It\'s my honor to get your praise." Zhang Cheng bent down and bowed with a smile.

When it was profitable, he never mind putting himself in a relatively low position.

"Tell me, what ingredients do you need for this medicine? Is it complicated to make it?"

"No, it\'s not complicated at all. As for the raw materials, I\'m constantly improving the formula. I can add or delete some things at any time. In my opinion, maseridon\'s blood and some unique specialties of Outland can try to add them, especially the half god goron gruer on the blade mountain. If I can get its blood, I promise I can mix it to your satisfaction Works. "

Speaking of this, a greedy light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes.

You know, there are very few powerful creatures that can compete with the Black Dragon King nesario. Although the wings of death are fully capable of killing them, it will take some effort.

If he can get gruel\'s blood, he can find the mystery of the curse of flesh and blood and the way to create a rock Guardian giant.

"What are you waiting for? Start your research quickly! From now on, we are close partners. But I have a little question. What do you want from me?" Illidan stepped down from the throne and locked in the human beings close at hand through the strong sense gained by sacrificing his eyes