All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 606

"I! Kara Cape! I\'m a brave Tauren! I won\'t die!"

Kara Haijiao constantly recited this sentence in her heart to cheer herself up, then trembled, raised a magic wand symbolizing apprenticeship and began to sing astringent spells.

From that serious and nervous expression, I didn\'t know what powerful offensive spell he was casting, but it was actually just the lowest fireball.

Seeing this big man with a height of two meters acting so shamefully, Onyxia finally couldn\'t help laughing and said sarcastically, "this is the Tauren mage you expect? I\'m sure even the worst human apprentice in storm city is much better than him."

"Maybe! But it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, I don\'t intend to use normal methods to teach. In fact, I prefer to use some extreme means than traditional mage education. Any apprentice who can survive in the end is bound to make a real elite." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


The fireball, which was only the size of a child\'s fist, suddenly expanded several times, which was as big as an ogre\'s head. The hot temperature even burned the thick hair on the Tauren.


Carla Cape found that the power of the spell was beyond his control, and immediately threw it out into the distance without hesitation.

The hot fireball crossed a parabola and hung directly in a green magma River, causing a violent explosion.


A large area of magma splashed more than ten meters!

At the same time, a weak connection point in the earth\'s crust also collapsed inexplicably!

Several twisted creatures like fire elements slowly climbed out of it, and everything around the crazy destroyer could be destroyed.

"The reaction is fast. I hope you will react as fast next time as this time." Zhang Cheng hinted by patting the Tauren on the shoulder.

With these words, he ignored Carla Haijiao\'s frightened eyes, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Next second

People disappeared directly from the airship deck and appeared on the platform above the dark temple.

Hundreds of apprentices of blood elf demon hunter in training found the invaders and rushed up immediately to get rid of the bold enemy.

But before they rushed to the front, Zhang Cheng took the first step, raised his supreme authority and poked at the ground.


A wave of energy that cannot be seen by the naked eye spreads around the touch point, and those who touch will immediately fall into an immovable fixed state, even though their brains are very clear.

"Excuse me, can someone tell me where Illidan Stormrage is now? The dark temple is a little big, and I don\'t want to spend a few hours looking for him." Zhang Cheng asked, casually passing by the crowd and secretly observing the evil energy marks on these demon hunter apprentices.

It has to be said that this kind of fighting method of pouring evil energy into the body and integrating magic and melee really makes people feel bright in front of their eyes.

Most importantly, demon hunters can constantly enhance themselves by not only hunting demons, but also seizing the evil power in each other\'s body.

Of course, the premise is that you can\'t exceed your bearing limit, otherwise there will be the legendary explosion and death, or you will directly lose your mind and be transformed from the soul into an outright devil.

Just then, a female demon with six arms suddenly opened the door and came in from the outside. With a voice that was enough to make any male creature blood boil, she seduced him: "Aha! An uninvited intruder. Tell me, are you here for fun or business?"

"Hello, dear mother shahras, I\'m very happy and excited to meet you. To tell you the truth, the purpose of my trip is to reach some cooperation and agreement with Lord Illidan, so if you don\'t mind, can you show me a way?" Zhang Cheng leaned slightly, and two green evil energy fires burst out in his pupils.

"Are you a warlock?!" the mistress undoubtedly noticed that the evil power in the other party was much stronger than herself, and immediately showed strong vigilance.

"Warlock? No! Strictly speaking, I am a mage, specifically a caster, and Warlock is only a part of my power." Zhang Cheng raised his hand and suddenly lit a violet arcane fire.

The fire burned so violently that many blood elf demon hunter apprentices standing in the distance fell to the ground and screamed.

We should know that although their eyes are blind, they can clearly perceive the fluctuations of surrounding energy. Such a hot Olympic fire is like throwing a flash bomb into the original dark room.

The mistress of shahras narrowed her eyes and seemed to hesitate. After a full minute, she took away the machete in her hand, smiled and said, "since you want to see Lord Illidan, come with me. But please note that he is not in a good mood recently. I suggest you\'d better not easily offend him."

"Thank you very much! Please don\'t worry. I promise he will get better soon after seeing the cooperation conditions I put forward." Zhang Cheng gave his assurance with confidence.

Led by the powerful female demon who once betrayed the Lord of the abyss, Martha Riton, the two quickly passed through dark channels and corridors one after another. After a while, they came to the deepest part of the dark temple.

Illidan was sitting on his throne at the moment, holding the famous "skull of Guldan" in one hand, and holding his chin in the other hand, he asked in a condescending tone, "shahras, tell me who the human behind you is?"

"Great Outland king! This human claims to cooperate with you!" the mother knelt down and replied respectfully.

"Cooperation? A human?" Illidan\'s mouth tilted slightly, showing a slightly ironic smile.

There is no doubt that the arrogant man looked down on mankind, and even Arthas, the death knight, did not pay attention to it for a time.

After all, although the scourge of the dead looks very powerful on the surface, it can only be regarded as a pathfinder dog of the Burning Legion, but the dog finally bit its owner.

In terms of strength, even if the whole scourge Legion is added together, the Burning Legion can easily kill it with a small expedition.

"Hehe, you seem to have a little prejudice against human beings?" Zhang Cheng quietly injected an arcane power into the supreme power, and then suddenly released it a hundred times.


With him as the center, a terrible energy storm immediately set off within tens of meters!

Shahras\'s mother couldn\'t dodge. Her two arms were immediately torn to pieces. Both the ground and the wall were crushed into tiny particles and floated in the air