All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 605

"Cunning human! You will never escape the pursuit of the Legion! I swear! No matter where you hide, I will catch you one day. At that time, your soul will taste the pain like naiozu..."

Seeing that the channel connecting the two worlds was getting smaller and smaller, and obviously could not accommodate his huge body, Kazak finally stopped and threatened fiercely.

He never dreamed that he would be fooled by mortals one day.

If it reaches the ears of other commanders of the Burning Legion, I\'m afraid the name of the doomsday Lord will immediately become a laughing stock.

"Really? Let\'s wait and see." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly, turned and jumped into the airship and pointed to the south.

Without saying a word, the goblin captain in charge of controlling the course immediately turned the course and plunged into the chilling twisted time and space.

As long as you pass through this terrible area full of energy storms, you can reach the shadow Moon Valley, the most important area in Outland, which is also the location of Illidan\'s nest dark temple.

Feeling the light and irritable energy released from the distorted space-time around, Onyxia finally couldn\'t help taking a breath and exclaimed: "the world has not been destroyed yet! It\'s a miracle!"

Zhang Cheng nodded gently: "yes! It\'s really a great miracle! It shows us how fragile and indestructible a world is. But I\'m not here to enjoy the scenery of Outland, but to cooperate with Illidan Stormrage, the king of Outland."

"That terrible night elf demon hunter? The brother of Malfurion Stormrage?" the Black Dragon Princess obviously heard a lot of "egg master" deeds, and her eyes widened to show her undisguised surprise.

"That\'s right! Perhaps in the eyes of the children of stars who claim to abide by the way of nature, Illidan is just a madman who abuses the power of arcane and evil energy, a real devil. But in fact, he is not only a wise mage, but also a powerful warlock, and created the unique profession of demon hunter."

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng deliberately paused, and an expression of admiration appeared on his face: "the most important thing is that he knows how to treat power objectively, especially the arcane skills and Demons used by the Burning Legion.

As I said before, power is essentially no good or evil.

Whether evil energy, arcane art, shadow, nature or holy light, they are all just an external form of energy.

Users will become what they look like, not that they turn users into madmen and demons.

The funny thing is that in Azeroth, whether alliance or tribe, energy is divided into good and evil in a very subjective way.

For example, in the alliance, the holy light is the representative of justice and is even regarded as the supreme belief, but the psychic spell symbolizing death is regarded as extremely evil, and once it is found, it will be treated horribly immediately;

Similarly, in the tribe, the elemental power used by the shaman represents the ancient glorious tradition and spiritual sustenance, and the warlocks who once enslaved the orcs by the Burning Legion can only hide around like rats in the sewer.

Ignorance, ignorance, discrimination, prejudice

In fact, most ordinary people do not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. They only speculate according to a small amount of information obtained from limited channels, and then slowly form an extreme social atmosphere of neither right nor wrong.

That\'s why I never discuss magic and technology with non professionals.

But Illidan is different. He never cares about the so-called good and evil, let alone the means used, so I believe this cooperation should be very happy. "

There is no doubt that if you want to find a person who can be appreciated by Zhang Cheng from Azeroth, it must be the "egg president".

Because only Illidan Stormrage would accept all kinds of extremely dangerous thoughts in his mind and be willing to pay a certain price for the experiment.

Onyxia seemed to notice something. She trembled subconsciously and muttered in a voice that only she could hear: "if there is anything more terrible in the world than meeting a madman, it is meeting two madmen together."

"Haha haha! I love your compliments, my dear princess." Zhang Cheng laughs and stands to the bow, looking out at the distant valley of the shadow of a faint green light.

Even from a very long distance, he can still feel the boiling evil energy and the elemental power that has been suppressed for a long time and led to incomparable anger.

There is no doubt that these are the sins of Gul\'dan.

However, the powerful spell that permanently isolated the elemental power was no secret to Zhang Cheng, who had spied on the soul of ereda\'s demon Warlock.

As long as he is willing, he can break the seal, but the premise is that there are enough benefits, otherwise the fool will waste so much time and energy for no reason.

The airship carefully avoided the broken stones floating in the air. It took about three days to cross the dangerous distorted space-time and officially enter the sky over the shadow Moon Valley.

As expected, it was all purgatory like at a glance.

The evil energy of the devil is rampant, the magma like rotten liquid is constantly gushing out of the earth\'s crust, the sky is burning with green angry fire, hot meteorites are constantly crashing to the ground, sending out deafening roars, and even the air is like a giant beast roaring.

Carla Haijiao, who was accompanying him, was completely shocked by the sight in front of him. She grabbed a cable and shouted in fear: "Mother Earth! It\'s terrible! Now I finally know why those green skinned orcs always say that their hometown is hell. I thought they were just exaggerated descriptions, but now I know they just told the truth."

"How do you feel, my dear apprentice? Do you love it here? You should know that practicing spell casting in this manic and destructive environment can exercise your control ability well. Because if you can\'t control the power of the spell, you are in danger of being fried into minced beef by your own spell." Zhang Cheng looked at each other with a kind of unkind eyes.

"No! No! No! I don\'t want to practice magic in such an environment!" Carla Haijiao shook her head desperately and hurried back several steps.

"I\'m sorry! It\'s up to you! Come on, embrace this powerful and irritable energy! Believe me, it\'s good for your future. After all, my apprentice can\'t be a waste, or I\'d rather let the apprentice die. Remember, you only have a few months to prove yourself. If you can\'t satisfy me in the end, I don\'t mind changing a training object at all. OK Come on, don\'t be like a little human girl who has been * * ed by more than a dozen orcs. Be brave. You are a brave Tauren... "