All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 551

"The descendants of Selma?" Kosmo glanced at the head that the hell hound was eating, and his eyes showed doubt.

A guy like an assistant in the back seemed to think of something. He hurried forward and whispered a few words in his ear.

Soon, the angry expression on the face of the speaker of the Supreme Council disappeared and was replaced by an unspeakable complexity.

After a full minute, he said, "are you sure she is the descendant of Selma? According to the records of the parliament, every appearance of Selma descendant will bring endless unrest, killing and death. Her performance seems far from worthy of such a title."

"Sorry, Mr. speaker, I\'m afraid I can\'t give you a satisfactory explanation. But I guarantee that the woman in front of me must have stirred up the situation in New York recently. In addition, I just read some interesting news from her mind. For example, several of her accomplices set up an ambush to rob some guests of dragon eggs after the auction "Zhang Cheng smiled and gave a message that made many people feel uneasy.

You know, this auction is different from the past, especially the whole 20 dragon eggs. If one of them is not done well, it will trigger a chain reaction and even a war in the underground world.

For this reason, the North American Supreme Council has been on alert early and will not allow anyone to make trouble at this time.

"Oh? You know their plan!" the speaker\'s eyes flashed.

Zhang Cheng gently nodded his head: "That\'s right! In fact, this woman sneaked in as an insider. Before the auction, she would find out that the dragon eggs had fallen into the hands of those people, and then select some weak ones. In order to ensure success, they even prepared a powerful magic item, a half gold sundial once enshrined in the altar of the ancient APOLLO TEMPLE."


"Are these guys crazy?!"

"Where did they get such a dangerous thing?"


Hearing the name of the magic object, let alone the Lords, even the congressman stared in shock.

This is said to be the earliest timing tool born in the world. It contains the supreme power of Apollo, the ancient Greek sun god. It only needs to be exposed to the sun for a few minutes to burn the enemy directly, and there is no ashes left.

Just when everyone was talking, Kosmo looked up and down at the young man standing in front of him, and suddenly asked in a smiling tone, "you don\'t seem to be nervous at all?"

"Nervous? Why should I be nervous? It\'s just half a sundial enshrined in the Apollo temple." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

With broken magic crystal, would he still be afraid of the sun?


When the broken magic crystal starts with all its strength, it can absorb all the sunlight within a radius of thousands of kilometers around as energy storage, and even temporarily plunge the midday earth into darkness.

Maybe that half sundial is a deadly weapon to others, but in his eyes, it can only be regarded as an enhanced charger.

"What a big breath! Since you don\'t think the golden sundial is a big deal, it\'s up to you to solve them." Congresswoman Joanna, who once had trouble with Zhang Cheng, suddenly stood up and provoked.

"Hehe! I don\'t mind solving a few annoying little mice! But the problem is... What\'s the benefit? Don\'t tell me you don\'t intend to pay anything and just want me to kill. I\'m sorry, a beautiful young girl may make such a request and I\'ll consider agreeing to it, but you ugly old woman should forget it. It\'s really a bit disgusting." Zhang Cheng relentlessly launched his vicious tongue to ridicule each other.

Although the reason was not clear for the time being, he could feel strong hostility from the old woman in front of him.

In dealing with the enemy, he has always followed two basic principles: one is the complete elimination of the body, and the other is the complete elimination of the soul.

"You want to die!"

Joanna was obviously angered. She raised her hand and began to gather magic energy to try to cast some unknown attack magic.

But interestingly, before the spell was ready, gezami jumped out and launched his talent ability - Spell blockade.


The Congresswoman was devoured by the terrible magic energy, and her wrinkled old face turned purple. Immediately after wow, she spewed out a lot of dark red blood, and the whole person trembled like a collapse.

"Can I kill her on the pretext of self-defense?" Zhang Cheng turned and asked Laverne.

The latter gently shook his head and answered meaningfully, "no, No. in terms of rules, you are a secondary member of Parliament and you are not allowed to kill a member of the Supreme Council under any circumstances. Of course, if a pet accidentally gets out of control and bites, it\'s another matter."

When the other two members heard this sentence, the muscles on their faces twitched slightly involuntarily.

No one is a fool!

Those who have a little understanding understand that Laverne is not preventing Zhang Cheng from attacking Joanna at all, but telling him how to humiliate his enemies without breaking the rules.

Understanding, Zhang Cheng quickly kicked the hell hound, pretending to be panicked and shouted, "no! My dog is out of control! Get out of the way!"

As an evil and cunning member of the Burning Legion, gezami didn\'t know what his master meant. He opened his bloody mouth and jumped on it. First, he released two swallowing magic in succession, ate Joanna\'s protective magic, and then bit her on her calf, shook her head and tore it constantly.

"Ah!!!!!!! Asshole! How dare you!"

Having been a member of the Supreme Council for so many years, Joanna was so brazenly humiliated in public that she shot a hot flame with her staff like crazy, trying to burn the hell hound and her left foot to ashes.

But at the moment of contact between the flame and gezami\'s red scaly skin, it suddenly seemed to encounter an invisible position. Most of them were blocked out, which could not cause any fatal injury. On the contrary, her own feet were burned into coke.

"Yes! I almost forgot to remind you. My dog is an interesting magical creature. It has very strong magic resistance, and ordinary spells have limited effect on it. In fact, they are specially trained to deal with casters. They can not only counteract and devour spells, but also contain terrible corrosive toxins in their blood. Therefore, for the sake of your life and health, we should not let it Bleeding, "Zhang Cheng reminded with a look of being beaten.

Joanna\'s embarrassed appearance made him vaguely recall the interesting scene when he saw the flag duel at the gate of the main city and the devil warlock beating the mages unscrupulously.

It has to be said that hell hounds are really good at dealing with casters, especially when they encounter for the first time. If they don\'t understand their abilities at all, 100% will be a unilateral Massacre