All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 550

"Hey! Zoe! Introduce yourself. This is the boyfriend I just mentioned to you. His name is Zhang Cheng, an oriental man full of mystery and danger."

Elizabeth obviously didn\'t know that her boyfriend had turned over the memory and deep thinking of each other\'s whole brain in just a dozen seconds, and stepped to her new friends to introduce them.

The latter also hurried to sit up, looked up and down at Zhang Cheng with a slightly scrutinized look, and held out his active right hand for half a minute: "nice to meet you."

"I\'m glad to meet you, too, the descendant of the witch Selma." Zhang Cheng sneered and revealed the true face of the woman in front of him.

Zoe\'s face suddenly changed when she heard this. She tried to resist the panic in her heart and said, "sorry, I can\'t understand what you\'re talking about."

"Don\'t understand? I remember not long ago you called and threatened to dismember my beautiful little girlfriend into pieces to feed the dog. Did you forget so soon?" Zhang Cheng slightly hooked his fingers, directly pulled the other party up slowly with magical power, and took out a sharp fruit knife from the plate. His eyes revealed an undisguised rage.

You know, he can\'t remember how long he hasn\'t heard such a arrogant threat, and he doesn\'t understand how this woman still has the courage to appear in front of her.

"No! Help me! Elizabeth! Your boyfriend is crazy!" Zoe obviously felt the danger and immediately asked the confused girl nearby for help.

Unfortunately, under the influence of the powerful power of Catherine, the Witch of desire, Elizabeth didn\'t even hesitate to stand on her boyfriend\'s side and spread her hands with regret: "I\'m sorry, Zoe, I can\'t help you. You know? Although Zhang is sometimes aggressive, he never does it to a person for no reason unless you provoke him. Besides, you didn\'t mention that you wanted to dismember me into pieces and feed me to the dog."


Seeing that his little trick didn\'t work, Zoe\'s skin quickly began to turn red.

Next second


The terrible high-temperature flame destroyed everything within a few meters around on the spot, and even everyone in the bath was evaporated.

Some of the guests who were still playing quickly screamed and fled the scene, while some residents from the underground world launched their ability and entered the first level alert state to find out what happened.

"Ha ha! Right! That\'s what the descendants of Selma should do!" Zhang Cheng, who was undamaged, laughed and opened his arms, as if he were enjoying the little game of cat and mouse.

Under his protection, Elizabeth was not hurt, and asked excitedly, "what ability did she just use? Flame? Or explosion?"

"No! Neither! She uses her skin as a medium to trigger a hell fire that can burn the soul. Be careful, once touched by these flames, it will not only hurt and burn, but also devour your soul bit by bit as fuel." Zhang Cheng picked up a small pinch of unquenched flames and explained.

"If my talent awakens, will I get such ability?"

"I\'m not sure! You have to understand that witches have all kinds of strange powers. Even twin sisters will have great differences. Well, now is not the time to talk about this. I\'m going to fulfill my promise. Wait for me a little while."

With the last word falling, Zhang Cheng raised his right hand slightly and made a grasping movement.


A big hand composed entirely of energy grabbed Zoe who tried to jump into the sea and fell on the deck.



The unlucky woman directly made a miserable cry.

Because the waist connecting her upper body and lower body made a crisp sound, which was a terrible sound caused by the complete fragmentation of her spine and pelvis.

Under the ravage of bigby\'s magic series, let alone a witch, even the dragon has to lie down honestly when it comes.

For the tragedy of this beautiful woman, Zhang Cheng did not show any pity. He hummed an unknown tune and came near. He grabbed his long black hair like a dead pig, threw people on a table, touched his chin and muttered, "by the way, I seem to need a dog before I start."

Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the "command magic code" and summoned the hellhound gezami from the underground of the villa.

When the monster with ferocious appearance and evil smell appeared, everyone couldn\'t help holding their breath.

Ignoring the audience, Zhang Cheng raised a sharp fruit knife and kept making gestures on Zoe. Finally, he cut off two toes and threw them on the ground: "eat it!"


Although gezami wanted to express his disdain, considering the evil and power of his master, he honestly stuck out his tongue and rolled it into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Very good! Next, let\'s start with our feet and dismember and eat the woman bit by bit."

The ease revealed in Zhang Cheng\'s tone seems to be talking about eating a roast suckling pig rather than dismembering a living beauty.

In particular, other people still have a faint smile on their faces, which is almost as good as Hannibal, the cannibal doctor in the film.

Perhaps the only difference between the two is that he has no interest in human flesh. He just intends to announce in this way what price it will cost to provoke himself.

Many times, fear is a very powerful weapon. It can protect a person from external harassment and aggression.

"No! No! No!"

"You pervert! Let me go! Let me go!"

"Don\'t move my leg! Don\'t cut my leg!"

"Please! Kill me! Kill me!"


With Zoe\'s miserable cry echoing over the cruise ship, Zhang Cheng cut it into small pieces bit by bit and threw it to hell hounds to eat.

Even in order to prevent death caused by excessive blood loss, he repeatedly treated with his newly learned Druid magic to keep each other\'s brain awake and alive until the whole part below the neck was eaten up, and the descendant woman who claimed to be the witch Selma swallowed her last breath.

Such crazy and tyrannical behavior not only frightened the billionaires from the ordinary world, but also made the residents and gang leaders of the underground world feel frightened.

Just when he was going to let gezami get rid of the last head, speaker Kosmo finally showed up with several top Council members, frowned and shouted, "damn! What are you doing?!"

"What do you do? Of course it\'s to eradicate traitors who dare to be enemies with the parliament! This woman claims to be the descendant of Selma. She attacked a magic goods store in my territory not long ago and killed many people." Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders carelessly, threw his head to the dungeon Hound, bent down and washed the blood stained on his hands in the pool.