All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 552

In just seven or eight minutes, gezami showed his amazing combat effectiveness in the face of the caster.

From beginning to end, Joanna failed to release a few decent spells. She was basically counteracted or offset by the skin full of magic resistance. Finally, she could only watch her lower limbs be eaten bit by bit.

That despair!

The feeling of constantly approaching death!

Finally, her spirit began to collapse. She couldn\'t help shouting for help to the people behind her: "Kosmo! Help me!"

"I can help you! But because of your poor performance today, you must resign from the post of member of the Supreme Council." the speaker touched his chin and put forward the conditions.

Long after the auction of the first batch of medicines, he has been considering how to win over the newly promoted alchemist. Now he seems to have a good choice.


Joanna obviously didn\'t expect the other party to take advantage of the fire and quickly turn her eyes to others. As a result, she found that no one was willing to speak for her, let alone show her intention to help her.

Obviously, she was abandoned and collectively discarded like garbage by the other 12 members of the North American Supreme Council, just like those who had been eliminated before.

Perhaps many residents of the underground world believe that the members of the Supreme Council are high above and hold unimaginable great power.

But only by becoming one of them can we understand that in fact, in this circle, competition is far more cruel and dangerous than the outside world!

Almost every once in a while, a member will be abandoned and replaced for various reasons.

On the one hand, this can enable promising newcomers to enter the core of power, so as not to overstock too much discontent and lead to rebellion. On the other hand, it is also to eliminate the weak and let the parliament always maintain the strongest posture to deal with possible crises.

No sympathy!

No mercy!

There are only naked jungle laws!

Finally, it is not surprising that a place must be made for the mysterious new alchemist.

After figuring this out, Joanna finally held back her anger, bit her teeth and nodded, "OK! I promise your terms!"

"Great! Dear zhang, please put away your terrible pet. I promise I\'ll give you a satisfactory explanation soon." Kosmo turned and hinted meaningfully.

"Gezami! Come back!"

Without saying anything, Zhang Cheng waved directly to the hell hound. Through the perception of shallow thinking by his spiritual power, he almost guessed what the speaker wanted to do.

Kosmo was undoubtedly satisfied with this attitude. He directly grabbed the sapphire ring symbolizing the Supreme Council member from Joanna, opened his arms and said at a slow speed: "Everyone! I believe you have realized through the auction just now! Yes! After decades in North America, a real alchemist has finally emerged. According to the ancient tradition, the Council must prepare a position for the alchemist to ensure that he will not be attracted by other forces."

"Who is he?"

A woman congressman who looked about 40 years old and hung with all kinds of trinkets on her dog carefully tried.

"Don\'t worry! Laura! I\'m going to announce it." the speaker gave the other party a calm look, and then handed the sapphire ring to Zhang Cheng. "Welcome to join us! Respected alchemist! From now on, you are one of the 13 members of the North American Supreme Council and the supreme ruler of New York state."

"It\'s him?! how is that possible!"

"Mr. speaker! Are you mistaken?"

"Is this Oriental less than thirty?"


For a moment, everyone began to talk, and the voice of doubt was higher and higher.

"Wrong? No! Laverne told me the news himself. And I believe Zhang will prove it himself, won\'t he?" a trace of expectation appeared on the speaker\'s face.

"As you wish..."

Zhang Cheng smiled, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


In less than a second, the sea water in the bath on the top deck turned into a huge ice lump, followed by an iron lump.

In less than a minute, it has been converted into more than 20 substances, including gold and diamonds that many people dream of.

There is no doubt that such an efficient, rapid and large-area mass energy transformation can be achieved by alchemists.

Finally, in order to show his strength and difference, he also created a gravity onium unique to marvel world with the size of his palm, directly changed the gravity, pulled the whole ship into mid air, and then gently put it down.

When he had finished all this, he asked in a smiling tone, "Mr. speaker, is that enough?"

"Of course! That\'s enough! I don\'t think anyone is skeptical about it now. In addition, don\'t forget to get rid of those annoying little mice. I don\'t want to hear the news that guests have been robbed. Because from today on, New York state is your territory, and you have the obligation to guard it." the speaker smiled and blinked his eyes, From beginning to end, he ignored the losers who fell to the ground.

"No problem! I promise they can\'t raise any waves."

After that, Zhang Cheng looked at Joanna\'s eyes full of hatred and hatred and put the identity ring on his fingers.

"Congratulations, my friend." Laverne was the first to lean over and offer his blessing.

"Me too! It\'s a blessing for the whole North America to have an alchemist!"

"Welcome! If you don\'t mind, can you give me a list of advanced drugs you can mix?"

"I hope I can find you to customize some medicine in private. The price is not a problem."


For those parliamentarians who came forward with a strong purpose to congratulate, Zhang Cheng only maintained the most basic etiquette and did not win anyone\'s request from beginning to end.

Because he knew that if he promised anyone today, more people would come to the door tomorrow.

Many times, people\'s desire is endless. As long as they see even a little opportunity, they will not give up easily.

After everyone turned and left, Laverne joked in a playful tone: "what\'s it like to be a member of the Supreme Council?"

"No feeling! For what we are planning, mere power, fame and status are just insignificant embellishments on the road to greatness." Zhang Cheng replied bluntly.

"It seems that you haven\'t been confused by these low-level desires. I\'m very glad. You must find out about the shipwreck within half a year. There\'s not much time left for us. Also, don\'t worry about Joanna. Faust will deal with her personally..."