All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 549

"A new alchemist? Don\'t tell me you don\'t know anything about it!" the speaker broke into the luxurious private room belonging to Laverne and asked in a serious tone.

In fact, not only him, but also many members of Parliament are now asking around who made the attractive bottles of potions on the auction table.

"Ha ha, please sit down, Cosmo." Laverne smiled calmly and called out each other\'s names. "Of course I know who he is. In fact, we all know him, but no one can think that his alchemy has improved so fast."

"Know?" the speaker frowned subconsciously.

A full minute later, his old face showed an expression of enlightenment. He tried in a uncertain tone: "is it the young Oriental?!"

"Yes! And whether you want to believe it or not, the hundreds of bottles of high-grade magic drugs only took him less than two or three hours. It\'s incredible, isn\'t it?" Laverne gave a meaningful answer.

"Damn it! You already knew this? Why didn\'t you tell me?" the speaker sat down, took a sip of red wine and moistened his throat.

After all, alchemists are so scarce that he can\'t imagine where his old face will go once he is won over by others?

I\'m afraid that by that time, the North American Supreme Council will become the laughing stock of the whole underground world.

Laverne shrugged his shoulders. "Don\'t worry, Zhang is not an idiot who will be tempted by money, wealth, reputation and status. He has his own ambitions and dreams. He won\'t leave easily unless we make some stupid decisions first."

"Oh? What does he want?" the speaker touched the thick white beard on his chin.

"Very simple! He hopes to do the research he wants to do without being disturbed by any external forces."

"Interference? You mean..."

"Isn\'t it obvious? Many guys, including the Marcus family, are playing his idea, which has seriously affected his daily life. I think it\'s time to give this fool who claims to be an ancient and famous family a warning and let them go away." Laverne hinted with a sneer.

The speaker nodded thoughtfully, "I see."


When the two big men upstairs communicated, hundreds of bottles of high-grade magic drugs were finally purchased by two buyers sitting on the second floor at the price of 750000 gold dinars.

As for how to divide the stolen goods privately, it\'s their own business. No one will care at all, even if they fight for it.

At the same time, Zhang Cheng\'s working capital has also increased by 750000 out of thin air. Finally, he doesn\'t have to rely on the gold Dinar he saved before.

In the next two hours, the chief auctioneer came up with some interesting products again and again, but the price could not be compared with hundreds of bottles of high-grade drugs, and the most expensive did not exceed 20000 dinars.

Obviously, the first auction is just a warm-up, and the real good things are still left behind.

This situation continued until two dragon eggs were placed on the table, and the atmosphere in the whole venue suddenly became tense

Without any nonsense, Bertie edmott directly and loudly announced: "the final auction of the first auction! Two dragon eggs! The starting price is one million gold dinars! The price increase each time shall not be less than 100000! The two highest bidders can get them!"

"A million!"

"1.5 million!"

"Two million!"

"Three million!"

"Three and a half million!"

"Six million!"


Everyone at the scene was like crazy. In the blink of an eye, they raised the price of dragon eggs to 6 million gold dinars.

You know, as the only common precious metal currency in the underground world, the purchasing power of gold Dinar can be said to be quite terrible. One can sell more than 100000 US dollars. It is usually used only when trading powerful magic items.

Six million is equivalent to thousands or even trillions of dollars!

But this is only a theoretical figure.

In fact, because the value of gold Dinar is relatively stable and contains a certain amount of magic energy, those powerful families and individuals have been hoarding desperately for hundreds of years, resulting in only a small part of gold Dinar circulating in the market.

But today, they all revealed their family background, and planned to take a dragon egg anyway, even if they lost their money.

After all, gold dinars can be earned without them. If you miss getting dragon eggs, you won\'t have a chance in the future.

Appreciating the boiling desire in the surrounding air, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but tilt up his mouth and show a playful smile. Then he stood up and quietly pushed open the door and walked towards the upper deck.

He made up his mind that the next time he went to Azeroth, he must talk to Onyxia and try to get hundreds of dragon eggs at one time.

Of course, if conditions permit, he doesn\'t mind imprisoning the Black Dragon Princess as a meat x device, continuously spawning, hatching and forming a huge black dragon legion, just as the Dragon throat clan in the orcs did to the Red Dragon Queen alexstasa.

Anyway, as a fallen black dragon family, no one in Azeroth will care about their life or death. Even killing the black dragon will be rewarded by all camps, including alliance and tribe.

"Hi, honey, is the auction over?"

As soon as she got to the top deck, Elizabeth in a sexy swimsuit climbed out of the pool and gave her a kiss with her wet lips.

Zhang Cheng grabbed the girl\'s waist and shook his head with a smile: "no, it\'s not over yet, but there\'s nothing I\'m interested in. Besides, did you have a good time?"

"Needless to say! This is Hawaii! Compared with the ghost weather in New York, the environment here is paradise. Oh, by the way, I just met an interesting friend. Would you like to introduce me to you?" said Elizabeth, turning and glancing at a woman in a black bikini not far away.

The other party is obviously of Latino descent, with healthy wheat skin all over his body, sitting in the sun on a recliner.

"Who is she?" Zhang Cheng undoubtedly felt the magical energy emanating from the other party\'s body and deliberately pretended to be careless.

"Her name is Zoe, a girl from Los Angeles, and she is also a witch who has just awakened her talent. We talked a lot about magic just now. Maybe I can ask her about the skills of absorbing magic." Elizabeth answered, picking up a bath towel and wiping her hair and body water.

"A witch? It sounds very interesting."

A golden light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s pupil. He immediately covered the whole top-level bathing beach with a powerful spiritual power and began to forcibly invade his brain to read the memory in each other\'s mind.



After countless plots and betrayals, he would not believe these nonsense.

Any seemingly coincidental thing often hides a strong purpose behind it