All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 548

"Ladies and gentlemen, lords, parliamentarians and ordinary people from all over North America who volunteered to help us protect the world from the forces of heaven and hell, on behalf of the Supreme Council, I would like to thank you for your contributions over the past year. In order to repay your efforts, today\'s Council will present the most outstanding treasures for everyone to compete for..."

The speaker\'s voice is like the sleepy speeches of many politicians. Few people are really listening.

On the contrary, most people\'s attention focused on the box of dragon eggs with uneven surface and black scales on the table.

If he did not have extremely strong personal strength, I\'m afraid he would have been coaxed to step down so that the exciting auction could start quickly.

Of course, the speaker was also aware of this, and soon ended his routine speech and handed the position to Bertie edmott, the experienced first auctioneer.

This professional master who specializes in the appreciation of magical objects and antiques has worked for the North American Parliament for 70 years. At present, he is 123 years old.

However, because he has part of the blood of Nordic elves, he looks only about 50 years old, and there is still a distance from aging to immobility.

As soon as the old man came on stage, he took the lead in pushing up 20 dragon eggs and said to all the guests with a smile: "As you can see! This is the most important commodity at the end of this year\'s auction! Dragon eggs from the gap between the fragment world and the main world have not yet hatched! According to the identification of experts in the field of magical biology research, each of them is alive, very healthy and can be hatched at any time. They are pure black dragons."

"Damn it! Don\'t catch your appetite! Start quickly! The gold Dinar in my pocket can\'t wait!" urged a lord sitting in the front row in a half joking tone.

In fact, from the moment these dragon eggs appeared, many people\'s breathing began to become urgent, and emotions such as greed and desire spread around unscrupulously.

Anyone with a little strength will not easily miss the opportunity to put dragon eggs in his bag.

But it\'s a pity that Bertie edmott is not a fool. How can he auction valuable finale items now.

He just smiled politely, shook his head and replied: "Sorry, I didn\'t say I would auction dragon eggs now. In fact, they are the most precious of all the products sold. In order to give everyone a chance, the Supreme Council decided to release five dragon eggs a day in the next four days of auction. If anyone plans to bid for dragon eggs, it\'s best to make sure they have enough gold dinars in their pocket."

"Falk! It seems that I have no chance!"

"Me too!"

"Release five every day? Isn\'t it clear that it will be monopolized by big people?"

"Ha! Do you expect your little money to really buy dragon eggs?"


For a while, the scene was ugly, and even some guys from the bottom of society whispered curses.

However, it is a pity that the underground world is not a United States that boasts democracy and freedom. It simply does not care about tricks such as public opinion. If anyone dares to disobey the arrangements of the Supreme Council, it will not evaporate immediately, but it will not escape being suppressed and excluded.

So these people are just complaining at most.

Bertie edmott ignored the small disturbance under the stage, put the box full of dragon eggs behind him, and then opened another sealed box.


Bottles of magic potions glittering with colorful colors appeared in everyone\'s sight.

He carefully took out one of the bottles and held it high so that everyone could see the strong energy fluctuations emitted from the bottle. Finally, he introduced it in a slow and slow speed: "as we all know, high-grade magic drugs have always been one of the most popular things in the underground world.

Some of them can heal wounds, remove diseases and curses, some can restore magic and enhance the power of releasing spells, and others can greatly improve some basic attributes of the body, such as greater strength, faster running and smarter and flexible mind.

However, due to various restrictions, the output has always been very limited and in short supply.

But now, a newly promoted alchemist has provided us with a full 100 bottles of advanced magic drugs!

Package according to his own requirements!

The starting price is 200000 gold dinars! Each increase shall not be less than 10000!

I declare!

The auction has officially begun! "

"Four hundred thousand!"

As soon as the voice fell, a buyer on the left side of the second floor couldn\'t wait to double the reserve price.

On the one hand, advanced magic drugs are so hard to find. On the other hand, they are also to please the unknown new alchemist.

No one is a real fool who can make some achievements in the underground world. Everyone knows how important the value of an Alchemist is.

So far, there are only six living alchemists in the world, including two in Europe, one in South America, one in Australia, one in North Africa, Egypt and one in Southeast Asia, except North America.

But now, a new alchemist has provided hundreds of bottles of advanced magic drugs to the North American Supreme Council. I want to know with my ass that there must be an alchemist in North America.

Not surprisingly, it will not take long to enter the Supreme Council and become a big man at the top of the power pyramid.

Alchemist means wealth!

It means strength and life!


"Four hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Half a million!"

"Five hundred and fifty thousand!"


Seeing the rising price of the medicine prepared by himself, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help raising the corners of his mouth and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Sure enough, magic potions are the most profitable business at any time and in any world. If I didn\'t have a higher pursuit, I\'m afraid I would soon be immersed in this wonderful feeling of being flattered and praised by countless people."

As a traveler who has been to several worlds, he is undoubtedly well aware of the obsession of most ordinary people with magic potions.

Even in Azeroth and Phelan, where the magic civilization is relatively developed, magic medicine is a real luxury. Even Dalaran, known as the Magic Kingdom, the price of a bottle of powerful arcane medicine is as high as 600 to 1000 gold coins.

As for things like super energy mixture and Titan mixture, most mages have never heard of them at all. Even the formula is only in the hands of a few powerful creatures.

The price of magic potions in mainland Phelan should be calculated according to the spell level. The higher the level, the more expensive the price. Magic potions above five rings need to be used. Ordinary adventurers and civilians will be scared of heart disease by exaggerated price figures.

Of course, for Zhang Cheng, who has mastered the sovereignty of creation, the real meaning of alchemy has long been not medicine and transforming matter and energy. Its real role is to create a pure soul from scratch