All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 547

It was a pleasant time to spend two days on the cruise. Early in the morning of the third day, the number of guests began to increase suddenly.

For a while, hundreds of privileged classes from the underground world in North America gathered together, and some dignitaries who heard the news from Europe, South America and Australia rushed to bid for dragon eggs.

But interestingly, such a large-scale rally, the whole new York, whether government departments or so-called all pervasive journalists, seemed to be collectively trapped in temporary blindness. Even if extended Lincoln cars kept shuttling along the only road to the wharf, almost blocking the traffic.

Of course, this grand occasion only lasted until about 4 p.m. when the giant luxury cruise ship sounded its whistle and slowly left the port.

However, its destination is not the Atlantic Ocean as many people think, but after entering the deep sea, it directly sends the huge cruise ship from the icy east coast of the United States to the Hawaiian sea area where there is no winter through powerful transmission magic.

Feeling the bright sunshine and chirping seabirds around, Elizabeth stood on the third deck stunned. After a full minute, she couldn\'t help screaming: "my God! Incredible! It\'s incredible! Is this the power of magic? In the blink of an eye, we can get rid of the damn weather in New York?"

"Of course! Otherwise, why do you think Parliament can rule the underground world for hundreds of years?" Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded.

In fact, he did not expect that the Supreme Council would spend so much money to build a magical luxury cruise ship. Maybe the ship can not only carry out ultra long-distance transmission, but also go to heaven and sea.

Just when Elizabeth wanted to say something, Laverne suddenly appeared behind her and whispered, "the official auction will begin in ten minutes. If you don\'t want to miss it, you\'d better go with me right now. After all, the first item on sale is the high-grade magic medicine you provided a few days ago."

"Let\'s get busy. I\'m going to change my swimsuit to enjoy the sun and the beach." the girl blinked her eyes playfully, took off her headdress and let the waterfall of long golden hair fall down.

Needless to ask, she must have been tempted by the charming scenery of Hawaii and had no intention to participate in the upcoming auction of important items.

"Oh, well, have fun."

Zhang Cheng had no intention of forcing his girlfriend to follow him. After kissing each other\'s soft lips, he followed Laverne to the huge venue at the bottom of the yacht.

Different from the previous peripheral auction venues, some space folding technologies are obviously used here. At a glance, it is like a grand theater holding a concert or opera, with three floors.

The lowest level is prepared for the Lord and those less important guests. Although it is not as densely listed as the cinema, the gap between positions is definitely not large. Purple fluorescent cards are placed in each position. It is visually observed that some magic effects are added, which should be used for the convenience of price increase.

The second floor is much higher, divided into small private rooms one after another, which is prepared for members from various sub assemblies and members of some ancient families.

As for the super deluxe private room on the third floor, it is naturally reserved for members of the Council and representatives of super forces such as the wizard Association.

In short, this place has completely removed the false lies and covers in ordinary human society, and fully reflected the strict hierarchy.

"The front is where you belong," Laverne pointed to the rightmost entrance on the second floor.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to say too much useless nonsense to the other party. After politely thanking him, he immediately went in and closed the door.

Because he knew that there were too many eyes staring at himself, and it was definitely not a good thing to be too close to laforn.

Facts proved that his judgment was right at all.

Just outside a few private rooms, an old man with short silver hair was narrowing his eyes and observing Zhang Cheng through a fist sized crystal ball.

About two or three minutes later, he asked Anthony with a cold face: "is that him?"

"Yes! Father! That\'s him!" Anthony replied gnashing his teeth.

"Interesting! It seems that their relationship is definitely not simple! You know, Laverne is a very proud guy. Unless his strength is recognized, he will never condescend to show a young man the way." the old man narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

Don\'t ask, it\'s no one else. It\'s Anthony\'s biological father, Fergie, the current patriarch of the Marcus family.

Since he learned that his son had been blown to pieces on the spot and almost died, he rushed from Quebec to New York in order to find out the real strength of the enemy.

you \'re right!

In his eyes, this naked provocation and threat to the Marcus family has been enough to be regarded as a signal of war.

The only problem is that he is not sure whether the strength of the enemy is stronger or whether the foundation of his family has been stronger for hundreds of years. Once the war starts, will the family suffer heavy losses and eventually decline and perish?

In fact, a family like Marcus, which has a great influence on the underground world in North America, is both strong and weak. The key depends on who the opponent is.

If they were enemies at the level of ordinary lords, they would naturally be giants that could not be shaken. Sometimes in just one or two words, they could unite the underground world in half of North America to launch encirclement and suppression and directly drive out the enemy.

But if you look like Lafayette and Faust, who stand at the top of the pyramid, the resources they can use are very limited. At least many people will take the initiative to sit on the sidelines for the sake of their own lives.

In this way, these ancient families must take out their old capital to fight hard with each other. Due to the strength gap, many backbone forces will be exhausted in the fight, eventually leading to the loss of their foothold even if they win and slowly decline.

So before taking action, Vergil must find out how much it will cost to deal with this mysterious young man.

If it is really the same as Laverne warned, it is natural that there is no need to say more, honestly pay compensation, and even try to eliminate each other\'s hostility, even at the expense of his own son.

But if he bluffs, he will have to weigh the gains and losses of interests, and then make a choice.

In fact, many people only see the surface of the big family scenery, but they don\'t realize how much pressure and sense of crisis ordinary people need to bear when born in such a family.

As the helmsman of the Marcus family, Vergil saw his grandfather with his own eyes when he was young. He married the smartest and most beautiful daughter in the family to a powerful pervert and allowed the other party to abuse, abuse and destroy, just to avoid a war that might cause huge losses.

From then on, he understood that in this huge family, personal happiness and life are not important at all. The important thing is to let the family continue