All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 535

In December, New York has become quite cold. The outdoor temperature has even reached minus 3 degrees Celsius, and white snowflakes are floating in the sky.

Maggie\'s evening dress with a large area of exposed skin could not provide any warmth at all. She began to shiver involuntarily after she came outside for a few seconds.

As a saying goes, women are a group of out and out madmen. Men will never understand how crazy they will do for beauty and sexuality, for example, now

"Here, put it on." Zhang Cheng took off his coat very gentlemanly and handed it over.

"Thank you!" Maggie knew that this was not the time to be brave, so she quickly put it on her body and slightly alleviated the loss of heat.

Under her leadership, they crossed the street and came to a beautiful red BMW in the underground parking lot opposite.

"Yours?" a trace of surprise appeared on Zhang Cheng\'s face.

Although he himself knew nothing about cars, he could see that the price of the car would not be less than 150000 dollars, far exceeding the maximum income that the other party could bear.

"That\'s right! What about the Christmas present your mother gave me, isn\'t it good?" Maggie skillfully took out the car key, opened the door, got in and turned on the air conditioning.

"It\'s really good! I hope she gave me a better Christmas gift than this." Zhang Cheng half joked and then sat down in the co pilot\'s position and closed the door.

After a while, the air conditioner dissipated the cold and temporarily restored the warmth in the car.

Maggie also took off her coat, stared at her "ex boyfriend" with a kind of scrutiny, and said mindlessly for several minutes, "you\'ve changed!"

"Sorry, I don\'t understand what you mean." Zhang Cheng subconsciously frowned.

Just as he was considering whether to use psychic powers to read each other\'s deeper thinking, Maggie immediately said, "since you came back, you have become more and more mature and indifferent. You know, in the past, although you were a little proud and conceited, you were kind-hearted and would never have the heart to hurt others."

"So? You asked me out to say that?" Zhang Cheng interrupted innocently.

To tell the truth, he hates this way of talking in circles, especially the other party\'s identity is still so sensitive.

"No! Of course not! I have something very important for you to see. We\'ll talk about it after reading it." Maggie quickly opened the small drawer under the cab and took out a thick pile of A4 paper.

Zhang Cheng took over and glanced around. He found that these were all the payment records of the woman from high school to college. The signatory below was Zhang Zhi.

In other words, Maggie\'s ability to have such a long list of beautiful academic certificates is entirely funded by his strong mother!

Rao is Zhang Cheng, who has seen many big scenes and is a little puzzled.

Illegitimate daughter?

No, no way!

There is no trace of Asian descent on each other.

Is it the daughter of a friend or an ex boyfriend?

Maggie obviously knew what he was thinking. She put away all the information and explained with a bitter smile: "don\'t think about it. We are not related by blood.

In fact, like me, there were 20 girls who were funded at the beginning. Each one was carefully selected. They should not only be beautiful, smart and have a good figure, but also have no bad habits and be clean.

Later, after the cruel elimination, only one person survived until the end, and that person was me.

You can imagine, as an American girl living in a big city, I didn\'t attend a party, even the prom, hold hands with any boy, let alone kiss or fall in love.

No alcohol, no ecstatic drugs, and no experience of close contact with the opposite sex.

And all these arrangements are for only one person, that is you. "

"You mean my mother started planning my life and future a long time ago?"

Zhang Cheng was surprised!

There\'s no way not to be surprised!

He didn\'t realize that his cheap mother\'s desire for control was so terrible!

Since high school, he has trained his son to be a future wife and assistant. No one with normal nerves can do it.

This is a disease!

Is a very serious mental and mental illness!

What\'s more terrible is that Zhang Zhi succeeded!

If he hadn\'t pretended later, the unlucky guy with the same name and surname would have been in the dark until he died. He didn\'t know that his smart, sexy and beautiful girlfriend was actually arranged by his mother.

"Yes! How\'s it going? Isn\'t she surprised?" Maggie stared at Cheng\'s eyes with extremely complicated eyes.

The latter smiled bitterly and nodded: "it\'s impossible not to be surprised! I think my mother should see a psychologist or psychiatrist. In addition, I don\'t understand why you promised such excessive conditions at the beginning?"

"In order to get out of hell! A flower like you growing in a greenhouse can\'t realize how terrible it is for parents to be drug addicts. In order to get money for medicine, they sold me to a pedophile at the age of 12. Fortunately, your mother happened to pass by and saved me. To tell the truth, I\'m very grateful to her, otherwise I can\'t imagine what I would be like." Maggie shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

"What about now? Why did you tell me about it?" Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

He is not an idiot who will be moved to forget his last name because the other party is a beautiful woman with tragic origins and determined growth.

On the contrary, he could feel that the woman in front of him had an attempt on herself, a very strong attempt.

Maggie took a deep breath and replied in a very serious tone, "because your mother gave me an ultimatum! If I can\'t come back to you, I will lose not only the future, but also everything I have right now. So I need you! I need your help! I\'ve worked hard for eight years, not for such a result."

"Hehe, why should I help you? Give me a reason?" Zhang Cheng began to enjoy this interesting family game, and a faint golden light flashed in his pupils.

"As long as you are willing to help me! After the company goes public, I will have the opportunity to enter the senior management and help your mother manage her business empire. At that time, I can provide first-hand information. If you take over the management of the company one day, I will not hesitate to support every decision you make." Maggie quickly made the offer.

She knew that there was little time left.

Zhang Zhi is not a good man and woman. Maybe she is already planning to kick herself out.

"Sounds good. Tell me, what kind of help do you need?"

"Very simple! There is only one way to prove that a woman returns to a man! That is sex!"

"Now? In the car?"

"Don\'t worry! Most employees are at the hotel\'s annual meeting. No one will notice us. And I promise I won\'t interfere in your private life. You just need to come to me at least twice a week."

With that, Maggie turned over and rode up directly, kicked the button on the control panel with her high heels, and the seat began to lay flat slowly.

After a while, the beautiful new car began to tremble slightly