All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 534

Maybe he recognized Zhang Cheng\'s identity in the underground world, or he felt the suffocating magic energy emanating from him. In short, after chatting for a few words, old Baron soon chose to leave.

Seeing the wizard gradually disappear into the crowd, Zhang Zhi, as her mother, put away her smile, frowned and asked, "where have you been fooling around recently? Why can\'t I contact you for more than two consecutive months?"

"Er... I\'ve been busy investing in real estate recently and opened a comprehensive entertainment place with good business." Zhang Cheng hurried to find an excuse.

No way, who let him go to other worlds every once in a while. In other people\'s eyes, it\'s just inexplicable evaporation.

"Real estate investment? Where is your entertainment place? What\'s its name?" the strong mother was obviously not the kind of woman who could fool the past casually, and continued to ask with wide eyes.

"The violet house is in Brooklyn, New York." Zhang Cheng reported his stronghold without thinking.

Anyway, except for the top floor, the whole building is a legal entertainment center, with all kinds of photos, including the most difficult liquor photos in New York.

"Violet house?! is that your property?" Zhang zhimingxian was surprised.

Although she usually doesn\'t care about these places that kill people\'s will, she still hears young people in the company occasionally mention the pleasant mysterious atmosphere of violet house and the hot queuing scene.

As a place of entertainment, this full traffic undoubtedly means that business is booming and can make a lot of profits.

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes! And this time I didn\'t cooperate with anyone. It\'s mine."

"Great! I\'m proud of you. Obviously, you inherited my excellent genes, not that loser." the strong mother didn\'t mean to praise.

Of course, rather than praising her son, she is praising herself

"Thank you!"

Although Zhang now wants to make complaints about the bad character of the mother in name, he has been silent for three minutes for a cheap, cheap father, but he finally resisted it.

Because there are too many slot points, I don\'t know where to spit.

For a moment, he actually had a great curiosity about the cheap father. He wanted to find out what a strong man with endurance and willpower needed to enter the palace of marriage with this strong top-notch woman, and gave birth to a child together.

Zhang Zhi obviously didn\'t know that cheap son was feigning himself, and suddenly turned the conversation: "by the way, where\'s your partner? Why didn\'t he come?"

"He went to the Amazon rainforest to find a new research topic. Why, do you have anything to find him?" Zhang Cheng asked with a wink, thinking that the main play had finally come.

"No, it\'s no big deal. I just want to discuss expanding the planting scale. I believe you can see that the company\'s new products are in short supply. We shouldn\'t let such a large profit be wasted for no reason." Zhang Zhi pretended to be relaxed and said the most important purpose of today\'s conversation.

you \'re right!

Expand the scale, occupy the market, improve the reputation, finally form the brand effect, and then list on Wall Street in New York to create a huge industrial chain!

That\'s all about her grand business plan!

Feeling the exuberant ambition pouring out of the other party\'s mind, Zhang Cheng inadvertently twitched at the corners of his mouth, narrowed his eyes and said tentatively, "how much do you think it would be better to expand?"

"Twenty times!" Zhang Zhi obviously had a careful plan for a long time, directly opened his mouth and gave an exaggerated figure.

"Twenty times?! are you kidding?" Zhang Cheng exclaimed with exaggerated exclamation.

Expand the planting scale by 20 times. Unless the energy source that can continuously produce solar well water in the basement is transferred, two-thirds of the well water will be consumed by planting ningshenhua.

Although he no longer needs this thing to provide magic energy for himself, he can\'t waste it like this.

Zhang Zhi turned her eyes angrily and nodded directly at Maggie standing aside.

The latter quickly opened his handbag and took out a contract from it.

"This is the transfer agreement of 25% of the original shares of the company, which I have signed. As long as you promise me the conditions just now, it will immediately belong to you. As for your mysterious partner, I will take care of it myself. I just want ningshenhua, a lot of ningshenhua."

"OK! I can promise first. But the planting foundation can\'t be too far away from New York, and it must be decorated according to my design, which can\'t be changed at all." after thinking for a moment, Zhang Cheng finally chose to agree.

On the one hand, he doesn\'t want to destroy this fairly harmonious relationship between mother and child. On the other hand, the magical herbs in his villa greenhouse really need to move a nest. By the way, try the fully enclosed building - Arcane garden, which is specially designed by mainland mages for the rapid growth of magical plants.

"No problem! I\'m going to choose a place in the suburbs of New York to build a four to six storey planting base. As for the ownership, I\'ll put it directly under your name." Zhang Zhi obviously doesn\'t care about these side details at all. After getting what she wants, everything else is easy to discuss.

"OK! I\'ll take care of the rest!"

After that, Zhang Cheng picked up twice the wine from the table, handed one of the cups to his nominal mother, then touched it gently, lifted his head and drank it.

After drinking up the red liquid in the cup, the two chatted at will. Zhang Zhi threw her cheap son and devoted herself to narrowing the relationship with key customers and partners.

For a strong woman like her, nothing in the world is more important than her career, especially on the eve of the rise of a huge business empire.

Silently staring at the woman who did her best to achieve her ambition, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help laughing and shaking his head and sighing: "woman, it\'s really a terrible creature..."

"That\'s what you think of your mother?" Maggie whispered with a cold face.

"No, you don\'t understand. I\'m paying tribute to her. You know, in this terrible society full of the law of the jungle, only people strong enough and frightening enough are qualified to stand at the top of the pyramid. My mother happens to have such potential. If she were in the middle ages, she would be a natural queen." Zhang Cheng explained calmly.

"I want to go out and get some air. Would you like to come?" Maggie took a deep breath and offered to invite.

It has to be said that her behavior is a little puzzling due to her bad attitude in the last two meetings.

Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to read the other party\'s thinking. He gently nodded his head: "OK!"

Soon, the young men and women quietly left the meeting through the back door.

Zhang Zhi, who has been observing carefully, found this and slightly tilted her mouth to show a meaningful smile